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Apr 2017 · 519
The Break Up
BrittneyForever Apr 2017
What do I look like to you?
A Woman who doesn't deserve flowers when she's melting or not?
Maybe a tissue too wipe your nose and clear off your sweat?
Or am I you're favorite book you've forgotten laying under your bed side?
Maybe, it doesn't matter what I look like to you. What matters is how your treating me- with out even realizing, and that's what it looks like to me.
Mar 2017 · 401
Mother Hood
BrittneyForever Mar 2017
Cash, Cash take out the trash
Shopping, Shopping my wallets flopping
Eat, Eat work out for that treat
Yin Yang, the world goes round' again
New Year, New Street, another babies heart beat  
Grow up, Grown up time to work now
New Dreams, New life, another dream dies
Tears and Fears All We have is Years.
BrittneyForever Mar 2017
better watch out
he preys on your innocence and happiness-
oh sweet girl it's only a matter of time til he seeks out a new vibe he's been waiting to redefine'
you see, he used to be a man of mine
He'll consume your spirit and leave you empty to the core
If I where you darling, just back away from that chore
If I could go back to the girl I once knew
I wouldn't be far because that girl is you
So Just remember ... you better watch out.
Mar 2017 · 353
Nice Shoes
BrittneyForever Mar 2017
I guess it was the way he got what ever he wanted
Or was it the confidence he flaunted
I admired him so
He was the coolest fellow

But numbers turned him mean
fast cars, hot girls, big muscles, eat clean
But you can't hate him He's living his Dream
He want's what he see's He chases the Green

He knows what he's doing
Sometimes to cut-throat to be  
but I still miss my little Brother who was friends with me
Feb 2017 · 297
Listen up
BrittneyForever Feb 2017
I'm just tired of being sad, I'm tired of my whole feeling bad, a feeling I'm oh so familiar with, It gets old, you don't wanna grow old with this feeling that embody's your mold.
     You found a way to escape the pain- But you can't run from yourself when you start to rain <3
     You look for the rainbow, but you already know, there is no *** of gold, and you realize bigger lies that are still being told. You're stuck in this feeling of confusion, can't depict what's real or allusion.
     And you don't know which way to go from here, so away from people you stay clear. It's not the World you fear, It's all the things you don't care to hear.
Dec 2016 · 345
BrittneyForever Dec 2016
They say we settle for the love we think we deserve, So I keep patiently waiting till It feels like the Universe is complete and our love is right that I feel swept off my feet.
I feel it can be the best with you, but I cant help but wonder is it there inside of you? Maybe he has that special desire just for me or maybe he is all that he is and Its not meant for me. But I'll keep patiently waiting till more pages of him unfold, because I know the deeper you go the better you know and better you know the more he will show and the more I will see what has been hiding deep far beneath for me. <3
Dec 2016 · 287
From: Home
BrittneyForever Dec 2016
And when we become of age,
Who are we really when we are not with the ones who raised us? Who shelterd us? Protected us? The ones who stood by us through all our mistakes. The ones who helped us get back out there and fight another day. The ones we'd go home to and laugh the night away ? Who are we when we're all alone in this big, dark, empty, yet busy world around us? Is it then when we're facing demons alone we discover what our core selves are capable of? Or is it then we realize that we are who we were raised with, and with out them, it's just one step harder trying to figure out who we were and where we belong.
Dec 2016 · 434
Lover boy
BrittneyForever Dec 2016
Do you ever want to make me laugh?
I wish you did instead of me feeling this cold draft
I just wanted to let you know that I finally figured it all out
She was always the one you where talking about
Seems she was your long boarding girl
and now my stomach's a twirl
The thing about love is it has to go both ways or you'll be stuck on that person for so many days
And now I'm going to set myself apart from you because at the end of the day I'll never be her and i honestly don't want to be her.
So take me as I am or get lost lover boy.
Sep 2016 · 608
Irrelevant Love
BrittneyForever Sep 2016
You gave me an Inch and I took a mile
But your homegirl moved quick who could resist your smile-
And when my birthday rolls around each year
Do you ever give me a second thought?
I bet a dollar you don't & boy you got caught
I'll admit you understood me better than anyone
but when your heart breaks love ain't fun
You knew where to wound me, we grew to close
I guess I figured out who really "loved who the most"
And they say it's the thought that counts
and you know the things I value
So you'll keep ignoring my existence and pretending I'm not here
And I'll keep pretending like I don't care
And life will keep seeming to be unfair
When All I really want is to hear you say my name
I'm tired of these games and you chasing fame
My love for you no matter what will always remain the same
Just please don't forget my name <3
Sep 2016 · 434
Other Side
BrittneyForever Sep 2016
When your clock stops
My love for you won't hesitate a tick tock
I'll forever be your rock
No matter where you go
My soul will follow
I'd find you waiting on the other side
We could run away and hide
If I go before you
Home is in my arms I'll be waiting for you
No pain, a New World to Reign
Burning bright like an endless flame
I can't blame this life I was given because I found you
We'll stay Friends Forever We're getting good at this Endeavor
When I meet you on the other side, Don't forget our plans to hide* <3
Aug 2016 · 306
truth is
BrittneyForever Aug 2016
truth is
you deserve the finer things in life
you want a road trip with the love of your life
you want to rock out on the dance floor and still be a wife
You want to be protected by your one and only
you hate the thought of all these fake homies
you keep the ones you value close to your heart
you never let anyone know you are smart
truth is you just want your life to start <3
Aug 2016 · 288
Shoulda seen it coming
BrittneyForever Aug 2016
We all invest our valuable time into something we passionately care about,
I just invested in the wrong person is all.
Aug 2016 · 335
BrittneyForever Aug 2016
I have a bad habit when I get angry I don't respond,
Silence is peace to me.
Sometimes after a long day, I talk and think aloud to myself,
I am myself's best friend.
To escape my own problems I indulge in Celebrity Gossip,
One man's junk is another man's treasure.
I am my own Beautiful with every quirky detail.<3
Aug 2016 · 253
BrittneyForever Aug 2016
The reason why I'm not successful Is simply Due to the fact that I don't know how to be Selfish.-
Aug 2016 · 278
Wedding Bells
BrittneyForever Aug 2016
I'm so glad he found a one of a kind
The both of you must share a beautiful mind
When you two are together
Don't you feel like you'll never fall behind?
Enjoy All your years to come
You might not be able to hit rewind.
Jul 2016 · 413
BrittneyForever Jul 2016
I'm glad you're doing okay
You seem really happy
Even though after all this time
I've been feeling really ******

I'm glad you're having fun
you caught yourself a sweet ***
Even though I'm all alone
At least one of us doesn't feel like a stone

I wonder if the universe will do a 180
Because I know deep in my heart I'm a superior lady

And then we would have both moved on and maybe then you'd get to know the feeling of me moving on the way I did when I saw you with her.
And maybe you never will because It shows I truly cared more about you than you did to me. I just wish you could know how bad it really hurts, but you don't and truth is you probably won't. So now I look at you like a lesson and not a partner. And I'll go back to being me without you, and you'll go back to being you without me. And I'll still wonder how you are from afar. And you'll probably never return the favor. And that's the difference between me and you. I give what I give and you take what you take and I'm just the lucky few who understands heartbreak.
Jul 2016 · 226
BrittneyForever Jul 2016
I can see the pics of you with her in bed
I wish I could erase all of you from my head

Time goes on
but my heart won't move along

There is no word for the pain I feel
but this is my life and the facts are real

I thought my parents raised no fool
seems I'm the one who got schooled

I wish I could erase her from my mind
But her face on yours is so unkind

I keep telling myself I am much stronger
But I'm breaking at the knees I can't fight much longer

When something you love gets swiped from under your nose
We all just move along and say that's just how the story goes

You're just a silly stupid tool
And I'm just a silly stupid fool
Jul 2016 · 741
"Phone Home"
BrittneyForever Jul 2016
I wasn't meant to snap you back to reality
When actually, I'm here too factually
I don't want to talk to your technology
It's in my nature to be near your biology
You'd have more fun with me, trust me, just put down your phone
You don't even realize that's the thing making you feel alone
Just come home, Just come home <3
Jul 2016 · 647
"Don't Look Back Girl"
BrittneyForever Jul 2016
I've had enough of your games*
Things change life doesn't remain the same
You think that now you're back in town,
I'll fall to my feet and act a clown?
but don't you know, I know you never stick around.
I've had enough of these games
I'll admit you get by good off your looks,
Boy, I wish you knew it's too late for that, I've hit the books.
All I've ever wanted is something deeper something I'll remember
but the more you walked away, we grew crispy cold like December.
I've had enough of your games
You won't be hearing from me, this silence is the new way to be
I watched you smash what could have been a strong beautiful tree.
You won't be seeing me.
I've walked away. I can finally run stringless and free.
*I've had enough of your games
Jul 2016 · 293
15 min of Fame
BrittneyForever Jul 2016
Am I wasting too much time learning my computer things at work,
stuck behind my desk, I don't know how to twerk.
Do you ever miss me from far away
But I guess only time will say.
Would we ever play around again the same
Just me and you- not chasing the fame.
I bet you didn't realise we're all after some type of glory,
And when I finish my book, you'll remember my story.
Jul 2016 · 347
Man Up
BrittneyForever Jul 2016
Can you love a woman?
Then show me how you do.
Are you really all that big and bad?
Well, I like a man who knows I'm the best he's ever had.
Jul 2016 · 366
No Gray
BrittneyForever Jul 2016
A million reasons why I'm torn up inside
Awake is to sleep as to live is to have died

You can't cross the other side if there wasn't a gate
And you can't feel love if there wasn't any hate
Jul 2016 · 311
BrittneyForever Jul 2016
Success is in the eye of the beholder
What you see in your dreams doesn't stop the more you get older

Success to me, is being kind to everyone you meet
It's not being the hottest on the street

Success is not attending the best University
Because we all know you're the one owing money in the city
Success is in the eye of the beholder
Jun 2016 · 301
Black Hole
BrittneyForever Jun 2016
I find myself in a dark place
Their whispers are telling me to come and embrace
Why do I feel like I'm falling from grace
I'm just too tired and done with the chase
Jun 2016 · 350
Bite my Tongue
BrittneyForever Jun 2016
I hear them whisper words un-sweet
about all the people they come to meet

Baffled by the poisons they spread
Do they not have a kind bone in their head?  

For it is too late, the poison has sunk in
And I feel my world start to spin

Spurious notions lingering in the air
Am I the only one who hurts to care?

Choosing not to scream or fight
I bite my tongue, I'll be alright
Jun 2016 · 709
BrittneyForever Jun 2016
"Imagine living your life pleasing everyone, but you."
Jun 2016 · 289
Between The Lines
BrittneyForever Jun 2016
A guy can make you believe he loves you, when he really doesn't.
A girl can make you believe she doesn't love you, when she really does.
Jun 2016 · 731
Chivalry is Dead
BrittneyForever Jun 2016
She's been pushed to the floor
She couldn't take any more
She's screamed and kissed you through the phone
After she met you, She's never felt more alone
She's been stung by a bee
She even fell off a tree
She's been hurt a lot but always knows how to stay free
She's loved you all along even when things went wrong
When she thinks of the past, her world will pour and rain
You imprinted a deep stain, her heart aches with pain  
She can endure misery
But the only cure for her is chivalry
Jun 2016 · 381
"Perfect People"
BrittneyForever Jun 2016
I don't get why they dress up on Sundays
to be taught to be kind to one another
Then they go behind their backs and stab one another
I don't get why they stress so much about things they must control
and why they can't just drop all that anger and let things roll

I don't get why they think there is only one way to be happy
and if you don't agree with them they want you to feel ******
I don't get why we watch the ones take the things we wish we had
we were raised not to touch those things or we will feel bad

But all I know is there is only one thing you can do
Is take a deep breathe and simply just Be You
Jun 2016 · 556
Home Sweet Home
BrittneyForever Jun 2016
Every time I go home
It's like I'm finally on vacation
Thank goodness it's not the house that makes you come back
It's the feeling from your loved ones that never truly lack
I'll always come back
Jun 2016 · 1.9k
Sand Man
BrittneyForever Jun 2016
He says words I've already heard before
Looking for that special someone I've never seen before
Nothing seems right
Am I clinging on to my dream to tight
Away with the wind I run
To find where my heart belongs I'm falling undone
I'll know when I get there
There's a place with open arms I'll belong
I'll stay for long
And laugh for hours
No more pain from this stain I'll have my super powers
I run so far I'm almost there
If I could just hurry up and unlock that door if I dare...
Then reality pulls me back
Was it the door or my eyes I cracked
My eyes gleam open and my body shovers
I saw an Angel floating just right above my covers
Jun 2016 · 289
BrittneyForever Jun 2016
If you're gonna rule a Kingdom,
there's only gonna be one King
That's the message some think
But if you're playing with me, don't blink-
Oh Darlin, don't you remember
The time I won back in December?
All Pawns have the chance to rule the dance floor-
Sometimes it's the little one's that really score
Jun 2016 · 654
Green Eyed Monster
BrittneyForever Jun 2016
Behind these walls
is a girl torn up inside
but smiling anyway
like she has no pain to hide
I'm starting to think the ones you love
care more about a green piece of paper
You know there is more than one type of *****
So my confidence decreases and I feel my value belittle
The pain they won't understand so with words I'm forced to riddle-
Behind these walls
May 2016 · 239
BrittneyForever May 2016
Like the Sun that sets,
Every night and morning,
Time can heal,
Even your darkest morning.
May 2016 · 3.3k
Stock Market Crash
BrittneyForever May 2016
Our love is like the stock market
I never know when we’ll go up or down
I can’t tell if we're about to skyrocket or hit rock bottom.
Should we just give up and take our bows,
Do we have the patience to say our vows?
But we're living in the now, and we're too busy to figure out the hows.  
We invested so much time
we both have almost lost our minds,
One of us is either falling behind.
We can never get on the same page,
Who are you fronting for,
Our loves not displayed on a stage.
Where do you keep spending all your time?
Forgetting me should be a crime.
I’m starting to wonder what you’re always thinking about
I guess you leave me no choice, so baby I'll tap out*--
May 2016 · 398
"Tick Tock"⌛
BrittneyForever May 2016
The Leaves are falling, but I must leave.
The Bees stopped being, but I must be.
The air has grown cold, yet I hold.
The keys to unlock, the door for my New Clock.
"Tick Tock"
© Brittney Hibbert 2016
May 2016 · 556
Dance Away The Anger✎
BrittneyForever May 2016
What's stopping you from doing what you're aiming for?➳
Who keeps closing the door?
Have you ever tried with all your will,
Then found yourself completely still?
Is it lack of money?
Or is my life so sad, it's funny?
Are you running out of time?
Or have you simply lost your mind?
- Who's stopping you from getting your **** done?
-But then you hear the music, and realize it's time to have a little fun.*☮
© Brittney Hibbert 2016
May 2016 · 980
My Brother is my Boss ✍
BrittneyForever May 2016
He can tell when your soul hurts,
So out with positivity he bursts.
He lights a way with fire burning brightly in his eye,
He reaches for true success, he can since when they lie.
When he wants something done he'll make it happen,
He even stays fit around the track you'll find him lappin'.
He doesn't believe in slackin'
So he works right, and that's why his money be stackin'.*

© Brittney Hibbert 2016
May 2016 · 283
BrittneyForever May 2016
"If I had the man for me,
He would be out of this World,
He'd taking me dancing,
and around the Plantes we'd Swirl,
I could be his Wanderlust girl,
Together we could inhale the Galaxy,
We'd see the Universe,
Like New York from a -Taxi"*
© Brittney Hibbert 2016
May 2016 · 504
Never Grow Up ☪
BrittneyForever May 2016
Oh how I wish, we all could go back to the days
when our thoughts were magical,
and we didn't think so logical.*
© Brittney Hibbert 2016
May 2016 · 395
Forever of Lies
BrittneyForever May 2016
He said,
"Our love will stand the test of time."
If you asked me I'd say,
"All his words shoulda been a crime."
© Brittney Hibbert 2016
#thepowerofwords #wishitwasreal #moveonalready
BrittneyForever May 2016
She says always do your Best
She says this life is a Test
She is the mother of the Nest
She loves us all the Same
She's too good for Fame
She gave me my own Name
We all wish we could repay her
She won't take diamonds or Fur
It's Kindness and Words She'd Prefer
© Brittney Hibbert 2016
May 2016 · 416
My Guitar
BrittneyForever May 2016
Laying here in bed I can't feel anything, I swear I'm better dead
My body is Paralyzed by the love we shared, so much was said
But I hear a tune, ringing in my head
So I pick up that un-touched guitar
and I fall back in Love instead
What do you know, I found my medicine* <3
© Brittney Hibbert 2016
May 2016 · 3.1k
My Blue Eye'd Baby
BrittneyForever May 2016
I can't help but believe,
that where the first time I'd meet those sparkly eyes,
it would be Inevitable to where we'd be standing now.
I don't know what hurts more,
not having you,
or the memories that taunt me.
Either way,
I was *******,
knowing you or not knowing you.
© Brittney Hibbert 2016
Apr 2016 · 404
Forever and Ever
BrittneyForever Apr 2016
I'll never rest like the sun & the moon *never catch their breath
BrittneyForever Apr 2016
He asked me why I liked him
I've never been asked that question before I thought
I just stared out the window quickly reflected but my words never rejected
I wanted to tell you
I loved your persistence you never made me feel the distance
I wanted to tell you
I loved your taste of music in the morning I never thought you were boring
I wanted to tell you
I loved how you'd get excited to see new gravels I wanted to go with you on all your travels
I should have told you
I loved the way you kissed me upon that rock I never felt more free
Then I thought why does he even like me?
© Brittney Hibbert 2016
Apr 2016 · 355
BrittneyForever Apr 2016
So you'll keep on joking about me  
So you'll keep on pointing your finger at me
So you'll keep on whispering about me but you don't know me
So I'll keep looking the other way-
Now I see them laughing at you
Now I see them pointing their fingers at you
Now I see them whispering about you but I don't know you
So I'll keep looking the right way, and I stick up for you.
*I hope you're okay.
Apr 2016 · 427
BrittneyForever Apr 2016
She laughs like hyenas
are dancing in her eye.
She loves like she hurts
no-one sees her cry.
☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁
You can catch her
in her dreams.
She is never where she is
it seems.
☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁
Like you, she is
trying to figure it all out.
She could achieve
all the things she thinks about.
☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁
There is only one thing
holding her down.
It follows her all around.
☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁
Never one to stomp and pout
she's trying to escape
her shadow called doubt.
Apr 2016 · 567
"Apple of my Eye"
BrittneyForever Apr 2016
If I had a talent times two
It would simply be never getting over you*
© Brittney Hibbert 2016
Apr 2016 · 451
Contrasted Spirits
BrittneyForever Apr 2016
The devil tried to make me drown
But I knew a secret to turn that around
-Sink or Swim
-Delay or Pray
© Brittney Hibbert 2016
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