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Elliott Jun 2017
please come back

this time i’ll remember to forget who i was when you aren’t here.
i’ll come as you want me to.
Elliott Jun 2017
It’s interesting;
everytime i see you,
in dreams or even in person
how you jump back,

my eyes wander to the boy holding
my mind wonders to memories
Of me doing that.

You jump
scared shitless
as if I’ve beaten
as if
my faith in you
& our shared nights
jumped you in the shade you casted to hide yourself.

As if months of love in the dark
has made you go back
to a loveless man taking you into his arms.

Sparks turn to fire,
and we’ve turned the heat up,
like the gas stove at my mother’s house,
Several times.

inflammation all over you.
your skin.
The soul you once had.
and yet you have a fear of  

I suppose you pretending it didn’t happen works too.
Elliott Jun 2017
i ****** myself every night,
your memory being the weapon.

i saw you last week in my dreams and
you beat me with the thought of you

i stood still, covered
in blue, still
you never having to beat me black.

Do you remember the
night of cold; a thick blanket of
snow and anger frosted
over your frozen body?

laughed at
the complementing contrast,
and i beat me with my memory
Elliott Jun 2017
I camp out in my room
light switch feet away,
my feet,
shaking against my own will.

Your memory plays in black and white,
as if we made a perfect,
tragic film.

Was color ****** out after you left; or
was it never there?
Elliott Jun 2017
The universe
has come
to take you away.
Elliott Jun 2017
I suppose you feel threatened
huh, Amerika?
It must hurt you,
pain you deeply,
I care not to live
by these
(or should I say Rakkkist)
Doesn’t want to to deal with AIDS crisis
Doesn't give a **** about the poor or needy
Supports **** Culture
All Lives Matter except trans women, women, people of color AND Black  Lives,
Electing Donald Trump
I hope your founding fathers
Choke themselves with the noose they made,
in their respective graves.
Elliott Jun 2017
Keys are carried around by you
on a chain
you made from the arteries of my heart.

Too bad the keys
don't fit the
lock anymore.

I changed it.
Strings attached
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