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  May 2018 Anjelica
“please be naked”

she stands in her doorway wearing just a gown,
I walk in the house, dumbstruck by beauty,
up in her room undoing the bow, the shield simply slides down
caressing her curves, stroking down to the floor,
intertwined bodies craving the touch of the other,
joined as one in the gentle acts of love and lust,
romanticised ideals of perfection and soft rhythm,
delicate groans as two become one,
the broken poet, for the moment, is gone,
my drug addiction of you, just wanting more,
As my heart bleeds, love begins to pour.

“please be naked”.
this poem is influenced by The 1975 instrumental song "please be naked". i regularly think of this song as romanticising the act of *** and the trust required with it rather than what most songs make it today. despite having no lyrics the song speaks volumes to me and id definitely recommend it to anyone. stay safe and live well. JY x
Anjelica Mar 2018
Maybe I'm just an old soul
Or a hopeless romantic

But what i need is far more than physical
Tell me what your favorite book is
Instead of all the ways you can make me ***
Or send me a picture of a painting from a museum
Rather than that so called master-piece you refer to below the belt

Men try so hard to dive between my legs
But not enough to dive into my mind

Do I look like an airhead?
Because I assure you that I'm not

Will the mentality ever overcome the physicality?
Lately I've been feeling like an object to guys instead of a person. It's like no one wants to get to know me
Anjelica Mar 2018
March air hits me hard
But snow fall sits upon
A fresh start lays here
But I'm still seeing the past
Existing at the same time
Anjelica Nov 2017
its 1 am on a school night and i find myself walking-scratch- that sobbing while walking back from campus
usually i would be so anxious walking  home but honestly i was to distraught this day i wished something happened so for a split second i could forget about everything

but unfortunately for me i made it back
still sobbing i may add as I'm sitting on the toilet with my dollar store razor to my wrist

being the ***** that i am i didn't do it but i wonder if the blood dripping out of my body would hurt more than the words that were

said to me that made me hate every single thing about me
almost a year later i come to find out that pinching is a form of self harm

and the marks on my arm eventually fade but the memories i hold will last forever

stranger things used electroconluvsion therapy
but i find it even stranger that i would use that on myself

now it's almost December
and the hands i used against myself
i now turn into beauty on pen and paper
and the blood is still running through my veins
reminding me why i get up every morning
and the voice that was too afraid to stand up for her self
is now used to help others

So *******, and you, and you, and yes even you too
for giving me the worst day of my life
but thank you for showing me
that I deserve better
almost a year ago i experienced the worst day of my life. it took a while but thanks to therapy i learned how to move on and realize that some things aren't meant to be.
Anjelica Nov 2017
In math class we're learning about circles
But the only circles I'm thinking about are the ones your tongue Makes on my *******
Draw me a circle
Anjelica Nov 2017
Being a girl is hard
But being a black girl...
Let me tell you about being a black girl
Leave Out
Pick your poison
Or falling for " European Beauty Standards"

" Why are you so quiet?"
Do you expect me to be aggressive
And snap my fingers in an A-Z formation

Light Skin is the best skin
Or so they say
I'm jealous of my brother, for his caramel skin
Oh what I'd do for that caramel skin

You think that's the worst of it but have you see ****?
Cute girl makes love to -insert famous **** star here

Ebony b-itch gets banged till she squirts

Which would you rather watch?

If you ever turned on a TV you'd see reality shows with the perfect blue eyed blond hair cast and the one black kid who doesn't get enough attention

Ever since Rachel was the Bachelorette I too prayed one day I'll find the man of my dreams

Have you ever had a crush on someone and ever think if they even like girls your skin color?

Being a girl is hard
But being a black girl
Oh let me tell you about being a black girl
A spew of thought about being a black girl in todays society not feeling "good enough" or loved.
  Nov 2017 Anjelica
Shafiq Zafri Zakri
They haven't met each other yet,
But they've already fell in love,
I can bet

Spent days talking to each other,
Without physically hearing the words,
straight from their lover

Attachment became inevitable,
When it goes on everyday like this,
Its impending, unescapable

Promises were made without a doubt
They needed to reassure each other, that the feelings won't fade out

They've already invested in the idea,
How they want a future together,
Even to naming their daughter Sofia

It all seemed so perfect,
But they were never aware, that their relationship was the imagination's effect

They still haven't met each other yet,
It's a concept that millennials get,
By filling their lives with regret
I think our generation "the millennials" tend to go through this situation at least once. We somehow could find comfort in strangers online, and finally feel attach. We fill ourselves with these feelings and finally fall for something so abstract.
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