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a desolate deception of hopeless self expression
a perceptive inception of artistic retention
is this a conversation?
or a list of movie quotes?
pop cultures ascension to our first world dimension
feel the tension...
feel the pulling of the mind
as we spit rhymes about hate crimes ignored for an episode of Family Guy
is this truly the vision of the revolution of rhythm
cause it seems more like derision or apathetic decision
speaking of dismantling systems when we're all caught up in them
when will we be finished?
when we get off our ***** and take molotovs to tyranny
instead of crying in beer glasses
will that amend the cracks in foundation or just be a punchline
we take breaks in the morning noon and nighttime
and we havent been fine in a long time
with cops murdering and wars being waged
we're more concerned with grocery lines and making a good wage
lets end currency cause its holding us back
and let our abilities have the first crack
spread the wealth of the knowledge of a skill or a trade
help those who are enfeebled to make a way
and do it because its the right thing to do
not because you want a soul indebted to you
property is robbery its as simple as that
so raise your black flag and lets take freedom back
the aroma of a hot grill
the taste of sweet summer liqueur
the sound of children laughing
beneath the sunny blue sky allure
just a crispness in the air
with a warmth of what's to come
Spring has finally bestowed her kiss
as Winter is officially done

Happy Spring!!
(C) Maxwell 2015
At night they gather on the roof
Frolicking around while I dream in bed
Watching closely, yet still aloof
I think they're only in my head.  

They always stay near in hand
And all my poetry they have read
Their presence is always grand
I think they're only in my head.

The six of them have hearts of gold
And the blood flowing is even red
Yet their type is still untold
I think they're only in my head.

At night they gather on the roof
I think they're only in my head.
I see your body
pale white against the night sky
like a luminescence cast from the moon
calm yourself down
and tell your tide to come back
to shore

I've seen you punch wine bottles
until you’re so drunk off your own fist
you can’t see straight
from the stars in your eyes
hoping for a chance
or a shot
or an expectation

I would expect no less
from someone as hopefully hopeless
because when I look at you
I see myself
in the clear lines that run
from your eyes
and stain your cheeks

I wish someone could sail up your river
slam the gate, break the gears
and close up your dam
It’s a ******* shame
your eyes are starting
to only shine from the water lines

Don’t drown in your own sky
Tell your tide to come back to shore
I’m sure you will find
your way
You remind me of spring
with the gentle warmth
caressing the land
like your hand in mine
when we would sit and watch
the fireflies
light up the twilit sky

You remind me of summer
with fireworks
in your cloudless eyes.
Like the fourth of July
sitting love drunk on the lawn
with a balmy breeze blowing through
your ash gold hair

You remind me of autumn
with the way words roll of your lips
like the raindrops in the early morning
wetting the fallen leaves
from the night before
making the world smell
brand new

You remind me of winter
with your alabaster skin
shimmering with light
from the fireplace.
Your embrace kept the whiskey feeling
in my stomach
as we huddled beneath the covers

You remind me of the sun
and how it dances with the moonlight
every single morning
and takes a bow
every single night
before laying down,
with me
You were
the white picket fence
the house in
the suburbs.
Not to mention
the reason
I left
my home
for a chance at
a better life.
You were
my American Dream
Was it as cold there
as it is here?
You told me once
it felt like you
were constantly covered in a blanket
that was a little too short
to fully cover you

February had never been as frigid
as it was when you were
woken up from warm dreams
to fireworks and cold screams
when your brothers received
“Dear John” letters
from lovers who now love
someone else.
Happy Valentine’s day

The only thing you received
was a small post card
which read,
“I miss you
come home safe
I will wait for you.”
You told me
It kept you warm
for the next two months
this burden
carried next to
your heart

Your chest always ached
from there on out
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