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Airisgone Jan 2018
How long must I run
How long will I cry
These tears that barely feel mine

My aching heart that continues to beat
Will you finally stop?
With this knife of mine
I will say goodbye
The most difficult part is knowing that there are people around you but no one there to talk to.
Airisgone Sep 2016
Can you hear me?
My slow beating heart
Cowering in the corner
Beat. Beat. Beat.
Slowly and gently like that
Take time and heal yourself
Tomorrow is another day.
I know it hurts
But bear with it?
Airisgone Dec 2015
Do you hear it?
My heart softly beating beside you.
Your gentle demeanor as you start to rest.
It is my time to say goodbye.
These words I could never say.
Because it is time for me to lay you to rest.
I love you
Airisgone Dec 2015
Hear my simple words
Hear my loving kindness
All starting to fade from my mind
As it easily started to slip from my hands

Do you love me?
Will you assure me this much?
Because I do love you.
It is you

You that I wish that hate but never could
Oh my love,
Your hate it kills me
If pain is what you feel, then come and see me
Airisgone Dec 2015
I hate you, my love.
I hate how I will always be misunderstood
I hate how much I struggled
After trying so hard

If dying was my saving grace
Will my angel take me away?
Or will the devil pull me down to the ground?
I hate you

But I could never do
Hate is not my saving grace
It is what will doom me when my life is taken away
And for you my dear,

It will not be your pleasure.
If love and hate were the answer to your problems
You would've died long before
With my own two feet and my saving grace
I will run after You
Airisgone Jul 2015
I am not an actress worthy of the screen,
I am but a normal human.
And I know,
I too am mortal

My pain, and sadness you refuse to understand
So, I pretend.
I smile, laugh and it kills me
You who fail to understand me

They tell me to try
And I do,
yet every time when all is going well
You look at me with eyes of disgust

Shame me if you must
Shame me if you will
But know one thing
I will eventually move on

You will not be my chains
I refuse you to be what holds me down
I will cast you away from me
My dear depression
I will win over you.
That is my will
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