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Aug 2019 · 176
GONNER Aug 2019
I’m at a bit of a block.
I haven’t been writing at all
I don’t know what to do with myself
i feel so small

Ive been writing in my head
But i just cant transfer onto the page
I don’t know how I’m gonna do it
But i need to break out of this cage

This cage of dark
This prison of pain
I have a virus
Invading my left side brain

I don’t know what to write
Im lost in my head
I can’t come up with the words
My biggest dread

I’m left here now
Lonely and lost
My outlet is gone
I’m feeling the cost

Of my insecurities
Eating away at my soul
I’m feeling to pain
Of this black hole

Of this writers block
This wall in my brain
It keeps getting higher
my greatest, dreadful pain
Aug 2019 · 471
GONNER Aug 2019
a lot of people ask me why i smoke. it’s not that i want to be cool or i want “street cred”. it’s the feeling of numbness i’ve wanted to burn out of my life since the beginning. it’s the feeling of near suffocation. the feeling the smoke or vapor leaves behind in my lungs and in the back of my throat. it’s the feeling of being able to feel something that i’m so addicted to. i’m not addicted to nicotine or cannabis. i’m addicted to the feeling it’s leaves behind on my soul.
Nov 2018 · 217
a killer partnership
GONNER Nov 2018
I abet your behavior
Without hesitation
I was awarded with love
Increasing temptation

I watched you claim
Your souls devine
The way you work
Shivered my spine

As i hold you hand
****** and bruised
You told me you loved me
Your devilish deed excused

I gave you my heart
You gave me yours
You treat me like royalty
My love for you pours

We now work together
Business partners if you will
You told me everything I need to know
You taught me *******

They say we’re going to hell
But love, we’re already there
We are always content
Living in each others care

I’ll be here forever
I’ll never get out
However I’m perfectly happy with that
My love you is devout

Our work will continue
Till our dying day
I love you forever and always
So come what may
Oct 2018 · 317
Weeping Willow
GONNER Oct 2018
~~~~~~{TRIGGER WARNING}~~~~~~

This girl
Beaten up,
Didn’t know much about love.
She was so used to being ignored.
This boy
Known by everyone,
Wished he’d never gotten all the attention.

The boy noticed the girl,
Asked her her name
No answer.
She’s so used to the quiet
So used to no one addressing to her
his words just passed her ears.
The only sound she heard was the clock
Tick- tick-
He asks again, this time a bit louder
Not being rude
She answers, very softly
Before he could say his name, she replies with I know
He thinks that name is really pretty
He wonders how he’s never noticed her before

These two built a friendship
One the girl never had before
She started to feel happy for once.
Unknowingly, this was a bet
She finds out
She finds out that this boy was rude,
Just an overall nasty person.
Before she liked the boy
But this boy ended up breaking her more
Shattering her heart like a piece of ceramic.
The trust that was once found,
Now lost in the lies

She realizes why she never had any friends
It was because of the fear of something like this.
She goes back to the girl everyone saw her as
Weeping Willow
This time more depressed,
Beaten up,
These people drove her insane
She told that boy everything,
He told everyone else everything.
Those secrets being exposed hurt
She was overall hurt.

She feels empty,
Mentally exhausted.
It came to the point where she couldn’t handle it,
This wasn’t any old joke,
These kids never knew her,
They never took the time to know her
It took just one person to find out everything for everyone.
Her world collapsed within not even a month.

She walked over to a tree,
Climbed the tree,
There was an unknown object in her hand.
She could only think about her insanity,
Other people’s insanity,
And what was in her hand.
She can’t think anymore,
Her mind took over,
The unknown object is a rope,
She’s on airplane mode,
Her mind tells her to tie it
2 places
She counts down to three…
She can’t think,
It’s too late.
Everything is flashing before her.
The story of Weeping Willow.
my frendo Miranda wrote this and wanted me to post it for her
Oct 2018 · 237
“Till death do us part”
GONNER Oct 2018
We met at the crossroads
Blind in love
You had a beautiful mask
Like an angel from above

You asked for my soul
I gave it up
And with a shake of a hand
I was out of luck

I did your deed
But you struck me down
Watched me suffer
Without a frown

We stood there together
Side by side
You swept me up
I couldn’t deny

I loved you dearly
with all my heart
But now I wish
We were apart

You’ve beaten me senseless
Through me around
All with a smile
You’ve watched me drown

I’m an emotionless mess
A true work of art
How can i put up with this
“Until death do us part”

Now I’m here
In the pits of hell
Broken down
You beat me well

Ill never get out
Ill be here for life
Living with the devil
I call my wife
Had to write a narrative poem for my lit class and i was really proud of it so i decided to out it in here.
Sep 2018 · 430
GONNER Sep 2018
what are doing here
you said that you would stay
then right after you said that
you ran away

to another girl, another chick
who’s skinnier than me
i should of know
that you would would up and leave

do you really think i’d take you back
after that
after running after girls
who like how you act

all smooth and confident
but they don’t know how it be
they don’t know that in no time
you’ll have other girls in your sheets

you broke my heart
split it in two
but at least you know
i’ll never forget you
Aug 2018 · 1.1k
GONNER Aug 2018
i’ve beaten down and broken
into a million pieces
now i’m here alone
with no cure for my diseases

they’re eating me alive
cell by cell
they’ve forced me to do things
i refuse to tell

now i sit here alone
broken and lost
i’m still feeding my insecurities
when i know the cost

eventually i’ll be gone
nothing but pain
it keeps me awake at night
coursing through my veins

there’s so many scars
i can’t count them all
i’m patiently waiting
for my one last fall

my diseases are incurable
i’ve given up hope
there’s not much of me left
i’m searching for a rope

to end my pain
to end my sorrow
i’m hoping for
a better tomorrow
Jun 2018 · 331
the monster
GONNER Jun 2018
i feel start to breath down my neck
i feel it start to consume me

everyone watches from a safe distance
making sure they don’t get to close

the dark cloud i walk under has grown larger
leaving me with insomnia and deep dark thoughts

the monster captivates me
behind my face and above my throat

no one sees what happens behind close doors
no one sees the pain and suffering you carry

they don’t seem to care
they watch you bleed and don’t do a thing

i’m left alone laying it bed
with no pillow to grasp and no blanket to hide myself with

im left exposed
as the monster consumes me whole

there is nothing left of me
i’m numb

i’m gone
the monster has taken over
Jun 2018 · 385
the “thing”
GONNER Jun 2018
there were so many red flags but i ignored all of them
i was blinded by the light and the love you gave off
you told me you wanted to keep our “thing” a secret
that should have been the first and second sign
1. you called it a “thing” not a relationship and
2. you wanted to keep it “our thing”
you said “people get in the way. they break things. they push people apart”
that may be true but a real bond can get past that
if you really cared about me you wouldn’t care what other people would say
i sure didn’t
but i guess you weren’t that type of person
the night yo convinced me to come out to your house was the best
we sat on your roof at 3 am and
we got tipsy off of your dads beer
that was the beginning of the big part that ***** played in our “thing”
you kissed me that night
it wasn’t the first time but it felt different
that was when i started to realize i loved you
we fell asleep with my head on your chest and your arm around my shoulder
still on your roof, right above your bedroom
when we woke up, we rushed down stairs before your parents woke up
you stole their keys and drove me home
neither of us cares that you didn’t have your lisence
you borrowed me a sweatshirt that morning
i loved that it smelt like you
little did i know that that would be the first thing i would trough at you through my bedroom window
one month
we were together for one month
that day/night was epic
a true milestone for our “thing”
we went to a local park and
sat on the jungle gym and stared at the stars
hand in hand
you brought a six pack(which was typical) and a bottle of captain morgan
after about an hour of sitting there, taking shots and laughing at ourselves
you got up and lifted me up into your arms
almost effortlessly
i rapped my arms around your neck and my legs around your waist
we just stood there for a good 10 minutes
starring at eachother
the you started to kiss me slow and lower me on to the floor of the jungle gym
the night took off from there and that’s when i blacked out
the next morning i woke up in your bed wearing just your sweatshirt
my head was pounding and i felt like i was going to *****
i didn’t remember much of what happened the night before
put it was painfully obvious of what happen
i was in an empty bed
i wondered were you were
you walked in seconds later with a smile on your face
you looked at me and smiled bigger
i had no expression except confusion
that was my biggest “first” if you really want to call it that
and i didn’t remember it
i didn’t really care though
it didn’t matter much to me ever
you sat down on the bed and asked how i was feeling
i said fine than laid back down on your lap
the rest of the day we stayed in bed and watched movies
i was sure then
that i loved you
fast forward to two months after that day
school was starting again soon
you told me you loved me 3 days before our 3 month adversary
i said it back
and then
things started to become rocky for us
we had a lot of drunk nights
we made a lot of drunk mistakes
we had been together for 3 months and you still called us a “thing”
needless to say it bothered me
that day
the worst day for our “thing”
i got a text from one of the girls that i used to be friends with
she explained all of it and
apologized for the whole thing
she genuinely regretted it
i threw my phone across my bed and
curled up into a ball like shape, and cried
i balled
my best friend came over and listened to me rant filled with uncontrollable sobs and tears
she left
i waited for you
i couldn’t cry anymore
it was impossible for me to have more tears
i just waiting
you walked up to my house and came in
i didn’t say a word
your stuff was up in my room in a neat pile
you didn’t know it was there
but it was
the screaming didn’t start till you asked me what’s wrong
“i’ll tell you what’s wrong. you slept with her. three days after you told me you loved me. three days after you slept with me. how could you. i’ve loved yo for so long. i thought you loved me too”
that pretty much all i said to you
i just repeated it over and over in a different order
you stormed out the back door
i ran up to my room and
threw all your trash out the window at you
starting with you sweatshirt
then your phone cord
then your hat
then your sunglasses
and lastly the small plastic key chain you gave me when you first met me
and that was it
we were done
i saw you at school sometimes
not often
then you moved
i cared
but i acted like i didn’t
it hurt
you moved on quickly
2 weeks to be exact
it started to kick in
i wasn’t enough for you
so you ******* the first girl you could find
i wasn’t enough
you didn’t want me anymore
i kept replaying our fight over and over
it got really bad
not just because of you
but that’s for a different story
that led to the night i almost over dosed on pain killers
not enough to hospitalize
but enough to make me sick
everyone was worried but i didn’t care
i just wanted to die
you came back to our small town for a couple days
you saw me
you saw how bad i was doing
you didn’t do anything
our “thing” meant nothing to you
but here i am
almost one year later
1:33 am
and i’m writing about you
your probably in your new town and new house sitting on your roof getting tipsy off of your dads beers with some other girl.
i hate you
but i still love you
all thanks to our “thing”
i’m sorry. i know this was really long but everything is true. in 6 days it will be one year since i had my heart broken for the first time. this was very tough for me to write and i hope you can all respect it
Jun 2018 · 254
what is beauty
GONNER Jun 2018
you asked me what beauty is the other day.
i told you i couldn’t think of anything.
that was a lie.
what do i think beauty is?
beauty is you.
beauty is us.
beauty is what we could be.
god i wish i could hold your hand when we walk down the hallway.
i wish i could tell you exactly how i felt when you look me in the eye.
i wish you could tell me exactly how you felt.
but none of that can happen and it’s tearing me apart piece by piece.
sometimes i wonder if i can see what you feel if i look deep enough in your eyes.
but i never get the chance to look long enough.
god how i wish i could stare into your beautiful pale blue eyes forever.
i’ve never seen a thing more mesmerizing in my life.
i love the way you give me so much crap. but in a loving way.
i love how you and me could be at each others throats but still find something to laugh about.
i love the way your not afraid to share stuff with me.
i love the way you think.
i love the way you talk with me.
i love the way you act with me.
this has definitely steered out of controlled but i guess that’s what happens when i think of you.
i fall into a rabbit hole of thought, wonder, and wishing.
so yea i’ll admit it.
i think you are beautiful.
immensely beautiful.
your beauty astounds me.
it leaves me breathless.
it leaves me helplessly gasping for air in the back of my mind.
you leave me in an abyss of my own thought.
i can barley describe the feeling i get when i see you.
i can just feel the beauty radiating off of you.
i can feel my heart skip a beat when i see the little sparkle in your eyes.
i can feel myself stopping in my
tracks when i see your gorgeous face.
i only wish you could read this and know that this is how i feel about you.
i only wish you could know what beauty is to me.
Jun 2018 · 314
go ahead
GONNER Jun 2018
i just want to feel good
i want to be positive about my body
but go ahead
say i look like a ******* when i wear something that makes me feel good
go ahead
tell me that smart, nice girls don’t dress like that
go ahead
degrade me, make me feel ugly and fat
go ahead
make me feel like all the work i’ve gone through to loose weight the past five months was for nothing
go ahead
just know i won’t stay around
i won’t be here forever
when i’m 17, i’m out
i don’t care where i go but anywhere is better than here, in this small room, in this small house, in this small town that is known **** and sociopaths.
so go ahead.
make me leave
go ahead
keep pushing me away
Jun 2018 · 1.0k
i’m sure
GONNER Jun 2018
i watch you watch her
i hear you compliment her
i walk beside you as you hold hands with her
i see the way you smile when you talk to her
i see that little sparkle that’s in your eye get a little brighter when she enters the room
i wish you saw me the way you used to
i wish i was still the one who makes you smile like that.
i wish i was the one who made that subtle but oh so distinctive sparkle in your eye get brighter
after all, i am the only one who notices it.
after all i am the one who was always and is still here for you through anything.
after all i am the one who will stick around
after all i am the one who will never be able to look at you in any other way than perfect
after all i am the one who will always look for you in a crowded room.
after all i am the one who is sure about how i feel and what i want and well,
what i want
is you
about a someone
May 2018 · 235
unkept promises
GONNER May 2018
i don’t know how much more of this i can take.
there’s not much left of me i’m about to break.
days feel like weeks, weeks feel like months and months feel like years.
i’m falling apart and i can’t hold back the tears.
you broke me in half and walked away.
how could i think you were the one who was gonna stay.
you left me in pieces when you knew my pain.
but you stoped caring and it made me go insane.
you told you loved me and that would ever end. but i’m sitting alone crying wanting to be dead

— The End —