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XPY Apr 2018
i sat there for the
longest time.

In the dark-
in that small,
small space and

fabric rustled around me
with every shift and every
movement and change.

I watched, through
the small crack of light,
the shadows
dance and the soles of
shoes pass.

I tried to make sense
of their movements
the sounds that come
out of their mouths.

Their interactions.

After the longest time I
decided to stand up
from the floor
of that small, dark space.

I put my hand on
the ****, and it turned.

I crept out
of that space.
Timid, unsure.

I don't think
anyone noticed.
I'm glad.

I'm still not quite...

there yet.
There is something to be said about coming out of closets, even if silently, by yourself.

© KMH 2018
XPY Apr 2018
What is
A soulmate?

is it someone who
everything about you
without needing to be told?

Or is it someone who
completes you?

Are they supposed to be
your other half?

Do you need to be
on each other?

Can a soulmate be
a friend?

Do you know exactly
who it is
the moment you meet them?

Do you only have one soulmate?
certainly there
(or somewhere).

What if you
aren't in
[See: *Soulmates.*]
© KMH 2018
XPY Apr 2018
She stands,
A hand on his shoulder,
Under green-shadowed

His tears flow freely-
Fallen petals on

Indigo-ivory blossoms
Soak up
Inspired by "April Love," a painting by Arthur Hughes, 1885.
© KMH 2018
XPY Apr 2018
You were like
that warm spring day in March.
You were my seventy degrees
the tulips poking through the ground
the first crocuses of the season.

You were the warm breeze
the shining sun.
You were my warmth
at the end of the winter.

but you were also a lie.

Because you became that snow
after snow
after snow
You were the less-than-thirty

The flowers froze
and crumbled.
The sun was still there
but it was a cold, harsh light.

You were kind and beautiful,
warm and bright,
but you were a lie.
You were my snowstorm in March.
"In like a lion out like a lamb," the saying goes, or "in like a lamb out like a lion." This March was both constant lions and lambs and now it's April.

*also I figured out formatting*
© KMH 2018
XPY Apr 2018
They say when you hit
The only way left to go
Is up.
But what happens
When I reach
the top
of the mountain?
What happens
when there is no way
to reach higher?
is that my Limit?
When you reach the bottom,
the only way left to go
is up.
When you reach the top
Can you go no further?

I think
I’m crashing down.
Based on the "gifted child burnout" troupe.
© KMH 2018
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