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839 · Dec 2017
The Teenage Dream
Wind Dec 2017
This is the teenage dream:
With you - for you -
I skipped school yesterday
We made out at the movies,
Talked 'till four AM
And woke up to a "good morning"

I shaved even my thighs
'Cuz tonight we're going "all the way"
I'll get drunk with you
And all our friends,
Who will mock us for being
Young, and dumb, and in love

We will build a life
Out of dreams and high hopes
And watch it fall apart,
Or take it apart,
For we are forever beautiful and handsome
For this is our teenage dream
I wonder if you can take your teenage dreams to adulthood? Wouldn't that be nice?
783 · Jan 2018
For the end of the world
Wind Jan 2018
If this was the end, for you,
for me, for the creation, how
would we be judged?
As the children we once were, perhaps,
innocence and glee.
But still, would the sun
not fall onto us?

I could be the messenger.
I could tell the tale
of destruction of humankind,
but would it be for nay?
Would it be better,
to die,
in the darkness?

Die as heroes, die as villains,
do we truly care
which way we go?
If the rain of fire,
would still come down?
If we'd still
soil the ground,
with out bodies?

So I say, take me,
teach me the ways,
of living while I have the day.
I do not care for
heaven nor hell.
For I'll still be,
just dead,

when the red sun cries.
How would you like to go?
480 · Jan 2018
Wind Jan 2018
I drowned myself in a bottle of *****
so I could feel, or not to feel
There are eleven cigarette butts in the trash
so now my room reeks like smoke
It's still better than the smell of blood
Though my brother wasn't too happy
that I stole all his liquor,
he still thinks that the stains in my sheets
are better than the deep red ever was
Even if they're *****
I'm not sure if I agree
410 · Dec 2017
Wind Dec 2017
It's here, is it not? It came back like it said.
I felt it knocking, I felt it pounding,
on the doors, on the windows, everywhere.
I didn't let it in, how is it here?
There has to be a crack on the wall,
It slithered through like a snake,
a snake it is, I say.

Have you felt it yet, have you?
You can't see it, can you?
I don't think it has a shape, it's something else.
It can speak though, and it's got claws,
it used to scratch me all the time,
that's how I got these bleeding scars, see?
It spoke to me.

I have a riddle for you, can you figure it out?
It's got no mouth, it's got no voice, but it can speak
It can make you forget, it can speed up time.
It can cloud your sight, it can make you blind.
It will sleep by your side, and it'll follow you around.
I gave you a riddle, can you figure it out?
I'm sure you can, you can feel it too, can't you?
It's depression.

— The End —