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Until you hear a person’s darkest secret
You only know them in part
Until you find what’s buried in their deepest recess
You have never seen their heart

We put on masks and play pretend –
Lie that we’re fine and don’t disclose
And in the end:
That’s all they’ll ever know

No one knows your desire
Unless you verbalize
They will never see your fire
People don’t read eyes

Bitten-back words
Are born of fear
And silent screams will not be heard
By any ear

Listen – That swallowed tongue
Is your worst enemy
If hearts are not undone
You will never, ever be free
Night charges in and Fear tiptoes after
They slither across the floor
And as they crawl into bed with me, I can hear their maniacal laughter.

In my sabotaged subconscious there is no lock on the door,
An open party where the demons dance
And in explicit, intricate agony I attempt to scream “No more! NO MORE!”

The zombies infest, fester, and invade as their decayed, falling-off feet begin to prance
My mouth is gagged and the chains tighten, as horror plays before my eyes
This is no ordinary tragedy – not one soul has a chance

Trust is meaningless and dangerous, the loyal ones are spies
Logic is thrown out – there is neither a beginning nor an end
Time turns and churns, double-crossers criss-cross – lies, lies, LIES!

My power is ripped away, shred by tiny shred
Everything is spiraling out of my control
I silently scream and struggle as Fear forcefully pins me to the bed

I swim through the sea towards consciousness, but He won’t let me go.
Eyes fly open as Fear ties me up with taught ropes, His beautiful disaster
The unbreakable fibers are woven from smoky shadows, and time crawls on far too slow

My heart beats – faster, faster, FASTER!
But the helpless heroine is no more
The shadows slink away and stick to their corners, for Daylight is my master.
You cannot ask
The great poets of the past
The secret meanings of their words:
No murm’rings can escape dead lips.

Just as the poets are silent,
So am I – do not ask.
a disclaimer in the form of a poem because I do things like that
Fate doesn't merely want happiness,
but pain back as well as outscreamed distress,
and buys ruin at a second-hand rate.*

{this quote comes from "The Voices}
Sweet lust hold me so pure
Nothing can tempt me from what I desire
The aching need of everyday's light
For lust I am
 Jun 2015 Tanner C
Brenna Martin
by definition,
lust is
extreme ****** desire for someone

by nature,
lust is
I'm attracted to my thirty-seven year old male teacher
and my eighteen year old male coworker
and the quirky girl who sits behind me in history,

by religion,
lust is
a sin, punishable by Hell,
whatever that is.

lust is unavoidable,
but socially unacceptable to act upon.
I know this ***** I'm really tired
 Jun 2015 Tanner C
Taylor Shelton
I try to touch your breathe with my lips
Holding on to your heart
I want you to touch the curves of my hips
But you are tearing me apart

One more kiss just for the road
Come on, please don't go
if it's just  lust then why am I breaking?
I need more memories of your soul
My heart's now turning to the color of coal
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