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Vanessa Marie Dec 2015
Your heart matches mine
And the background is undefined
I lose my breath
The thudding in my veins is growing quicker
And I am filled with wander
Of how my soul could match
To another so
Vanessa Marie Dec 2015
Where has my pride gone
As my heart
Over flows
Spilling lies of my betrayer
Dropped and stopped
Been smashed and lost
And drained of belief and hope
Despite it all
It continues to beat
As I continue to pursue
The one who runs from me
Vanessa Marie Dec 2015
And I know I'll be okay
I will make it through another day
Every bone broken before
has healed stronger today
The river flowing from my eyes
has dried again
The hopelessness in my heart
has been regained
And I am stronger today
But will be more tomorrow
Nothing will stop
The grace in my step
The path I'm carving
Is only for the best
Little motivation (:
Vanessa Marie Dec 2015
Even when my head spins
You bring me to a stop
My heart will race and pound
Your touch calms me
The days I am blue
You bring the sun out to shine
Just for me
When my eyes shed heavy tears
Your embrace brings me close
and takes them away
And when a smile is across my face
You have one too
Quick little poem about a fantastic person.
Vanessa Marie Dec 2015
A windy day
For whom portrayed
A past face of mine
It would say
With a whispering grace
Of all the times past
I fell to my knees
And finally believed
Angels roamed the earth
Thank god for windy days
Vanessa Marie Nov 2015
Oh what a life
Such beauty
why look at the sea of green grasses and leaves
each without haste to grow and become
just awaiting for your wandering eyes
they dance in the wind
trying to grasp your attention
the sun shines down to warm you
and embraces like an old friend
the wind comes to cool you
in a peaceful lull it whispers
the sky a striking blue
faint traces of pure white clouds
lethargically passing over head
oh but what you don't understand
is the gift at hand!
please look around
be grateful for that sun
and the wind and all these clouds
and all these green newly sprouted plants
because simply
its all for you
a little gift of peace
I'm so grateful for everything and especially natures gifts of beauty.
Vanessa Marie Nov 2015
I look up at the falling leaves
Jealous greens,
mingling with chocolate browns
Look down at me
Their kaleidoscopes of beauty intrigue
My curious wandering soul
Crisp breezes of summer's past tickle my skin
To it's compelling caressing touch
I breathe it in as it seduces my senses
With joys of Autumn holding me close
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