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Vanessa Marie Nov 2015
I sew a smile to my face
      Stitching words fighting to be loose
Locked away for safe keep
      I paint on my rosy cheeks  
I gasp for the fresh air
      To be met with harsh fumes of the world
I hold onto hopes and dreams
        I will fight to my last heart beat
Vanessa Marie Nov 2015
Oh where did I go?
"What a shame!"
They'd all say as I'd sit
Waving my white flag
"I hope you feel better!"
One always blurts out
With eyes of pity and curiosity
Creeping over my being
What a terribly awful gesture
You see I too hope I'll feel better
Oh but please tell me
How can one do so
When all that surrounds are onlookers
Vanessa Marie Oct 2015
You've hurt me so
Yet i love you still
Though the times continue
My memory turned bias
Waves of shock
As my heart had shattered
Piece by piece
Still lingers in my chest
As the whispers of the future you told
Seeps through the cracks of my mind
Corroding it with false hope and self blame
Tell me I can piece back my faults
With bandages of regret
So you may help me
To sew together my poor destroyed heart
Once again...
Vanessa Marie Oct 2015
As I sat still as death
I felt liquid dribble from my head
Oh my what a mess
How clumsy of me
But wait!
Stray words tumbled from my rosy lips
Before I could silence my tongue
The fighting in my head was over for a moment
The venom was released
Carried by a sigh
The truth is always set free
But what has been done...
  Oct 2015 Vanessa Marie
E. E. Cummings
i will wade out
                        till my thighs are steeped in burning flowers
I will take the sun in my mouth
and leap into the ripe air
                                                 with closed eyes
to dash against darkness
                                       in the sleeping curves of my body
Shall enter fingers of smooth mastery
with chasteness of sea-girls
                                            Will i complete the mystery
                                            of my flesh
I will rise
               After a thousand years
             And set my teeth in the silver of the moon
Vanessa Marie Oct 2015
I know something you don't know
How to succeed another's cruelty
No one has the power to control how a person feels
Let the feeling of hatred and sorrow
Melt away by three words
Find inner peace with the demons of your past
Ruling your life and your every thought
The one way
To shatter another's power over you
I forgive you.
Vanessa Marie Oct 2015
Love is a sharp pain in your chest
Burning with words unspoken
Kept deep within
Tied and tangled together by fear
Of another heart answers
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