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 Aug 2020 Shrika
BB Ward
 Aug 2020 Shrika
BB Ward
I want my eyes to cut
my tongue to bash
my fists to beat till ******

I want to scream till my throat
runs raw & red
for my tears to burn holes
into skin
my teeth to sink
without mercy

I don't intend to be
a gentle thing
made up of rubies, pearls
all things that smell sweet

for my soul carries with it
a vicious bite
a raging fire
made up of passion
& foolish pride

not meant to be tamed
but loved fearlessly
& without abandon
I'm tired of this notion that women were made to be soft and loving
 Aug 2020 Shrika
BB Ward
I want to bottle that feeling
warm August air
dappled green sunlight
pushing into your arms
feeling that steady
heartbeat of life
heavy on my chest

I loved it all
every second
swathed in a drunken haze
the way you held me
in the dirt
let me kiss
your brittle bones
showed me all the scars
whispered every secret

I'd drink it if I could
that world-bending elixir of
anything, everything
rapturous murmurings
and quiet moments
we floated in
backs to the water
with worlds swimming below

I want you, you
all of you
emerald eyes
gentle smile
wanderer of the heart
touch me in my darkest places
let me know I'm yours
no matter the distance

yours, yours
always yours
am I hopeless romantic? perhaps
 Aug 2020 Shrika
Jivanshi Singh
A vast land with a mesmerizing beauty,
astonishing geography and
an inspiring history.
Diverse cultures with several
customs and traditions
Home to people from different regions,
who speak different languages,
and follow different religions.
but even after all these variations
we all breathe the same air,
live within the same boundaries,
and belong to the same nation.

it's not just a title,
it's our identity
and India,
is not just the name of a country,
the land where I was born,
and the land where I wish to die;
the land I want to protect and
the land my ancestors fought for;
the land I want to fight for,
the land I am ready to die for;
It's my;
My home,
My pride,
My nation,
My Motherland!
 Aug 2020 Shrika
 Aug 2020 Shrika
She hangs low in the evening
like she's worn out from the shift before.
Her golden feet bless the tarmac
of the road below,
Playing children swallowed
into her glowing belly to
become obscured blotches
submerged in the delicate fabric of
her tangerine light.
She falls.
A silent ambush.
Drowned in the warmed cement.
Dragged down by darkening blues.
Before she is buried into the darkening hours
she peeks her head just above the ground
to see murky figures appear once again,
they wander through the charcoal haze
in gangs of hoods and ski masks
and lie in the middle
of the empty streets and scream.
the night is ours
 Aug 2020 Shrika
when she tucks herself in-
under the fabric of her duvet
she forgets about her
unwritten essays-
as she is immersed in the
blue light of her phone-
she allows the pixels of
his face to seep into her own-
absorb in to her brain
until there is no room for
anything else-
and the clock races past two and
she lets it
she knows its only Monday
purple shadows cloud the skin under
her tired eyes but she can't stop
talking talking talking
the adrenaline of a notification
is too much -
the idea of sleep is put to rest-
at least not while he's awake-
now he's tired of her
he wants space
she's obsessing
he dissolves himself into the internet
away from her digital touch
to be disconnected

call ended.
my first attempt at writing poem, I know its not great but I just put it out there lol
 Aug 2020 Shrika
April of 2020
 Aug 2020 Shrika
the apocalyptic genre has hit a bit too close to home.
eerily empty, unnaturally muted, annoyingly sunny
 Aug 2020 Shrika
 Aug 2020 Shrika
as summer fades away so does love,
the heat wave of romance
escapes into frozen bright air
floating up into the clouds until it splashes
back down again and knocks
on your bedroom window
begging to be let back in.
 Aug 2020 Shrika
BB Ward
 Aug 2020 Shrika
BB Ward
I wish it was the same
the way we were
when life was smaller
and we flew above the trees

how we braided grass
between our fingers
watched castle kingdoms
float above us  
without question
that we were resolutely
each other's

I want it back
that wild abandon
reckless being
tooth-gapped smiles
wrapped in light
drenched in freedom

before we knew
that sharp twist of time
how growth meant distance
how living
taught us to forget

so why don't we return
to a place where we had less
but we were made of so much more

full of
shining eyes
unkempt hair
dirtied feet
and the safety of knowing
we always had something
to return to

above the forest
among the skies
forever home
in our awakening
written as I cleaned my childhood bedroom
and rediscovered what was once my universe
 Aug 2020 Shrika
Jivanshi Singh
I am confused,
what should I choose;
The path that’s worn out,
or the one nobody passed by.

I wanna climb high to the sky,
they don’t think it's right;
But I might actually survive!

People have expectations,
they jump to conclusions.
No one ever thought about me,
or what it is like for me.

I ask do you feel me or do you know what I am going through;
I don’t know what’s going on or what I am gonna do.

Please Tell Me,
Tell Me, Will You??

Everyone's following the same path,
some don't even know where it leads to;
Everyone's gathered in the same room,
whether they have a purpose or not!

I am still confused,
what I should choose;
they expect me to follow,
but I don't know what to do!

Then I thought,
why don't I listen to my heart
what am I even scared of ??

I may not know the path,
but I know what I want!
I may not be perfect,
but i am passionate!
The path I choose may be different,
but at least I have a purpose.

Now that I have chosen my lane will you support me
When I tell you I am on a unique journey will you understand me??
Do you feel me?
Do you even know me??

Please, Tell ME!
Oh, tell me;
I beg you, please
Tell Me, Will You??
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