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 Aug 2020 Shrika
 Aug 2020 Shrika
~We all live through breath and time,
Through movement and mistake, though
Our world is often blind. We try and find
our voice, but the great chasm that is
Silence is infinitely demanding. If only
We realised that time never stills, that it
Waits not for one,

That we are all just beings of nerve and arduous love,
Sometimes we are vulnerable: stripped away and weary-eyed,
Sometimes we are coiled in ash and basalt, as if we are skies
And through us pass comets of smouldering
Inadequacy and vagabond dreams, meandering
discontent and grief unstitched at seams,

And when time loosens its grasp, we fade a little; for
Memory crawls toward a life more simple, it
Drowns itself in a Spirit that hovers continual
Over the death of time, omnipotent and glorious;

For we are all precariously floating on the
Brink of life's unfurling void, constantly inching
Closer to our own shadows, all too absent,
too unaware of our own fragility...
 Aug 2020 Shrika
yesterday, the universe seemed as if it was a mirage; I saw planets beyond planets, a moon beyond moons; oh the minutes were soft and golden; they melted to liquid, into a million, into manifold, into one...

~perhaps this was what nobody told me: perhaps I am
more than the mass of resentment and regret that I had so greatly condemned, then became...

and as I fell asleep; folded and cradled in the warm arms of the universe, I understood, I truly understood...

~that it was forgiveness that made everything beautiful once more...~
 Aug 2020 Shrika
 Aug 2020 Shrika
A confetti
Ones may say
Even when the sun is down
She can light up the day

Clear like water
Beautiful like the sky
living in utter
Dreamlike delight

Yet when reality comes
Dark clouds creep in
And weakness in her bones

Wind blows
Confetti goes
And emptiness comes to life

And, somehow
That loved and loving girl
Can love anyone but
 Aug 2020 Shrika
simon law
I will wait,              my dear,
( but I fear my endurance ),
For our souls to harmonize in joyful reunion.

For I will wait,              My love, Outside of these
skins ( And Beyond these lifetimes of
teachings ),

And suffer they will, ( beating hearts
                allow lessons )
In the flesh that we use,     to serve education,

My daring We must wait,      Allow them to
For our circle to complete, their pain must flow
My Love,          Our patience will reward
I would welcome any feedback :)
 Aug 2020 Shrika
simon law
What do you see
when you look up to night skies ?
when you look out to blue waters ?
when you walk through green forests ?
What do you see
In an audience of people ?

If you see
just the stars,
just the sea,
just the trees,
If you see just me,
Then you are looking,
but you don’t see
 Aug 2020 Shrika
simon law
The doors are flung open
with mighty roar the voice shouts ;

“Enter your changes,  and step through to the light”

Expectations re-born, with visions of hope,

desperate stampede ensues.

But the journey with no light
No brightness in circles, no fight,
Emptiness starts to creep back inside,

It is now that they ask,
trembling voice their mind whispers ;

“How can I escape the pain from within”

Travel this path far enough, eventually you may see,
the dawn of the new purple light,

With destination in sight
a splendid transition transforms,
It is inside that their light shines most bright
 Aug 2020 Shrika
simon law
 Aug 2020 Shrika
simon law
If I am a flower that blooms in the desert
Then let me Shine bright
 Aug 2020 Shrika
Siddharth Sharma
Every year, a day we celebrate
to mark the independence of a country that’s so great!
The sacrifices of our leaders and their fearless courage is beyond measure... to reiterate.
Hooray! It’s our HAPPY 74th INDEPENDENCE DAY!!
With the country all decked up,
and people around so happy & gay!

This moment of happiness
That we live in today
wouldn’t have been possible
without our warriors ******* away.
This freedom that we got as a give away
is an emblem of their sacrifices
from every single day.
We vow to never let it fritter away!

Today, we’ve come a long way.
United we stand with our spirits bright & pledge to never go astray.
With these high hopes and brimming happiness -
My heartiest wishes to you, I convey:
A Very Happy Independence Day!!
#India's 74th Independence Day#Happiness#Celebration
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