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Oct 2024 · 176
Sarra Oct 2024
I drew a barrier in the sand

A boundary
To my curious senses

A limit
To my driven desires

A lock
On my hopeful ambition
Jul 2024 · 569
A trick under the sun
Sarra Jul 2024
If you stare long enough

Your skin
Shall dazzle in gold
As the green spirits grow jaded.

And as the shy buds turn crimson,
Your cheeks too
Shall bloom vibrantly.

If you stare deep enough

Your horrors
might fade into shadows
As nature blends into the light.

And as the garden blurs into a haze,
Your scars too
might disappear
Jun 2024 · 270
The enchantement
Sarra Jun 2024
through the gentle
waves of summer heat
And let the sea breeze
take your sorrow.
from the dried
skins of pungent lies
and let the soothing jasmine
coat your mind.
to the tender rays of sunlight
and let the bird tunes
calm your cries.
in the calm embrace
of your bent olive tree
‘Till your life
gains meaning.
Jun 2024 · 433
At Sunrise
Sarra Jun 2024
In the pure silence
a new world rose.
Riding high waves
into red infinity.
The colors of nature
Come to life
Rising gracefully
into my sanctuary.
The fresh grass
curls around my feet
tying me close.
The playful tunes
of the nightingale
Enchant me.
The seductive smell
of wild lavender
lures me where
I wish to be.
Where the indigo sky
makes love to the sea
Where the dancing wind
plays the olive's leaves
And the jasmines' lullaby
Sends me to sleep.
Jun 2024 · 757
The hopeless flow
Sarra Jun 2024
I am slipping below.
My spirit floats in the river
I am walking slow.
over spread ashes
of my burned-down hope.
Away from the mayhem
from the senseless noise
I'll march
along my dying ego.
Towards the open edge
Towards the certain fall.
I'll follow
the last piece of my soul.
I'll watch my dream
crash into
the waterfall.
Oct 2022 · 1.3k
Sarra Oct 2022
When fake skin is shed
and you know your truth.
When all fea ris gone
and you're at peace with you.
When your wings are spread
and you're lost in no rules.
You'll find us:
carried in the moment
making it through
singing to life,
loving it.
Join us,
the beautiful youth.
Oct 2022 · 553
How love feels
Sarra Oct 2022
Rainbows and hurricanes.
Sunlight through the blackest clouds.
Cherry blossoms, splashed on waves
A kiss of life
A touch of your hand.
Mar 2020 · 128
Sarra Mar 2020
Every time I hold the pen, I am drowned in this feeling.

My head is overwhelmed by a storm of words, lacking all meaning, all sense.

I try to write down any idea, but this senseless logic spinning inside is beyond my understanding.  

As if this brain was not my own, I feel lost.

I'm tired of straying aimlessly in my thoughts, so I abandon all to this overflowing emotion.

My hand is numb, my eyes blurred in this confusion, and my head slowly drained of all reason.

As if this body was not my own, I feel lost.

When the storm finally passes, I drop the pen carved in my hand.

My brain is worn out, empty. All I can see is a crumbled, blank, page eating me alive.

I am no longer my own.

I am lost.
Mar 2020 · 281
A letter to my grandmother.
Sarra Mar 2020
When time outruns the last of your brothers, and the heart of a golden generation turns into stone. Your strained bones long to rest among your loved ones, but you're unable to answer their call.
There's worry lingering in your thoughts and straining your soul. You fear for stories too precious to leave behind, vulnerable to the ruthless fires of oblivion.
So you keep clinging tiredly to an uncertain future. Desperately, you wonder for a shelter, a sanctum to all the lessons that must endure.

Let go of these fears grandmother. Your history will live on.

Through emblems, talismans and charms carved in the blood of our nation, your beliefs will be embedded in the symbols of our ancestors. Your teachings will clear the path for understanding, and our bodies will carry on the knowledge you left us.
Through legends, tales and chants all forged from truth, your morals will resonate among frozen hearts. Your hopes will breathe life into our dying spirits, and the wisdom of our ancestry will guide our nation for eternities.

Go in peace grandmother. Your wishes will live on.

As your never-fading love warms us, harmony and peace will unite us again, and we will reach together to the glory you once saught.
As your never-dying spirit inspires us, bravery and confidence will guide our conquests, and our triumphs await in the lands you dreamt of exploring.
And as the blessings of your ancestors protect us, we'll pass on the knowledge to our children, and enlighten the path you've once shown us.

So rest assured grandmother. Our culture will live on.
Jun 2019 · 598
Sarra Jun 2019
You say
I'm a living river
Quenching your needs
showing you the road
Melted bronze
mending your cracks
filling your shallows
I'm a burning flame
guiding you home
reviving your soul

I say
I'm a dying ocean
poisoned with your delusions
murdered by your conceptions
Shattered Jade
crushed under your repression
ground by your avidity
I'm a dying star
drained by your vanities
****** into your darkness

I say
Break this illusion.
Set us free.
Jun 2019 · 210
Sarra Jun 2019
Sitting on the edge

When sleep is creeping
and all is numbed

Deep wounds are open
that dreams can't mend

My drying tears
cherish any thought
and every memory

My fleyed fingers
turn wisdom
into shields

My tired body
bleeds its ink
to the last drop

Sitting on the edge

When tears are dried
and all blood is drained

Truth rests in verses
on the paper in my hands.
Apr 2019 · 595
The truth is
Sarra Apr 2019
You want to please them.

Fit in their box.

Though your soul is too big
your dreams too wild
your feelings too strong
your sight too vast.

Though your heart is chained
your mind  blocked
your senses numbed
your visions faded.

You keep trying.

You want to belong.
Mar 2019 · 4.4k
Time changes us
Sarra Mar 2019
Then :

Stigmas shredding this rough frame
Strips of blood
boiling, wanting to explode
I feel their anger
I hear their shrieks, their war cries
I don't listen.
These monsters and me
are at war.
                                                            ­                                                  Now :
                                                               ­    Soft pink caressing this canvas
                                                          ­                                          Calm rivers
                                                                ­             nurturing, bring it to life
                                                            ­                                I feel their peace
                                                           ­  I hear their hummings, their odes
                                                            ­                               I sing with them 
                                                           ­                 my stretch marks and me
                                                                ­                                           are one.
Feb 2019 · 417
Sarra Feb 2019
Oh Esperanza
how I'd like to be you
Walk the path ahead of me
Fearless of what's to come.
But oh Esperanza
I am not you
I find myself fearful
of a path,
I have yet to take
of a choice,
I have yet to make
of a loss,
I have yet to own.
Oh tell me, Esperanza
where do you find
the courage,
the strength,
the heart to leap forward
spread your wide wings
and fly into the unknown
While I drown slowly
My chains of fears
dragging me down
into darkness I created
You, my only Esperanza
fade away from my sight
Oh my Esperanza
What do I do?
Jan 2019 · 1.5k
Sarra Jan 2019
It's everywhere I go :
What once leached over a dark corner
grew faster and stronger
A different shape everytime
yet the same core
Like a radar
shivers climb my spine
as It gets closer
and closer
to Its prey
The strangulating reek
and thicker.
As I float farther away
from the distorted
distant sounds of the crowds
and dive into utter blackness  
I can almost taste the decay  
from Its crumbling mask
My body quietly shivers
It gowls
The beast is awaken
his loathsome breath cutting my left cheek
I feel It growing
ready to attack.
The bus halts
I shut my eyes,
resisting the sudden ray of light
that brought me back to life
freeing me from Its clasp
It crawls back to darkness
waiting for Its next victim
at the next stop.
In my country, countless girls and are harassed on their way to school or to work. Few take action. Fewer get results.
Jan 2019 · 275
Why don't you ever stay?
Sarra Jan 2019
We keep begging and begging
It's our fault
We know,
we took you for granted
But you always fool us
don't you?
The truth is
you were never ours to keep
A giver,
you come
to show us the fools we are
and go
back to how it was before you.
It's our fault
Oh we know
But you're the key to everything
That's why we'll never have you
Jan 2019 · 684
The visit
Sarra Jan 2019
Visit after visit
the view never changes
The distant sound of angry waves
far behind the old wall,
still standing
The birds chirping
hiding in the old tree,
still rising
lay in its shadow
showering in the smell of Primrose
covered in a sheet of blue Tulips
I caress the cold grass at your feet
giving up to the old habit
I send a little prayer
for you
then I dive into the sea
this sea of innovation,
of modernity,
of madness.
No looking back
I know you'll be here, unwavering
in the graveyard

— The End —