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 Oct 2015 Ann
 Oct 2015 Ann
Even if we were meant to be, we still could never be.
You say to 'Let it be' and I shudder because I know we cannot.
i am just here
turning words
you are there
creating dreams
with your

i thought that you will save me from this fantasy
 Oct 2015 Ann
collide / howie day
 Oct 2015 Ann
But I'm open, you're closed
Where I follow, you'll go
I worry I won't see your face
Light up again

Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
Out of the doubt that fills my mind
I somehow find, you and I collide

I'm quiet, you know
You make a first impression
I've found I'm scared to know
I'm always on your mind

Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the stars refuse to shine
Out of the back you fall in time
I somehow find, you and I collide
 Oct 2015 Ann
Xander King
Night sky
 Oct 2015 Ann
Xander King
I'm the black of the night sky and you are the stars.
Without me you wouldn't shine so bright,
But without you, oh I'd be so empty.
 Mar 2015 Ann
Shiennina Marae
 Mar 2015 Ann
Shiennina Marae
How will you watch the love of your life love someone else?

 Mar 2015 Ann
You are vile, cruel to women and callous,
This is not my country...this is not my home.

Your men fight battles over themselves
Cowards who wag tails for authority
and are not ashamed to beat up the weak
This is not my country...this is not my home

You who have silenced so many
On the topic of ****, ****** harassment and other crimes

You who have given me no choice as a woman
but to cleave my way through your vile judgments

Your insolence is all I can see, and I don't wish to return

I don't wish to be loyal to one who cannot hold any respect

For me or my fellow women

this is not my country.

this is not my home.
 Mar 2015 Ann
its not julia
its late at night again
and my hands are shaky
because i think i drank a bit too much *****
the burning in my throat is better than the hurt in my heart
and my palms are sweaty and my heart is beating fast and i
wish i could call you but you won't pick up the phone when you see
my number anymore and the scars are becoming more noticeable just
like your love for her and i wish you could see what you did to me but
you just left me here to bleed
 Mar 2015 Ann
WendyStarry Eyes
Humans, oh we,
Are all so judgemental
We all say were not
We live in denial
Let's keep it simple
Honesty, You see, is the best policy
Come join me on a trip down denial
 Mar 2015 Ann
raindrops crashes into the soil, succumbs to the force of gravity. mother of earth seemingly wants to share its sadness, but doesn't know who to vent to.

gloomy sky never fails to stir the emotion of humans beneath it. for some, rain makes them feel calm and relaxed; some also might be reminded of their unrequited love, reminded of someone, somewhere.

meanwhile, i keep imagining how it's like to kiss your cheek only for a fleet second, how it's like to hold your hands amidst pervading petrichor.

but you're out there, holding your hands
with someone

Please, I want you so bad.
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