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Sarah Caitlyn Sep 2016
it's the end of a less than
five minute conversation
some mumbled
excuse about exams
and a sighed okay
don't speak your mind
you know the repercussions
then that dreaded question
"are you mad"
at you?
at myself?
at whatever being is
somewhere in
the universe?
I don't know.
But not you.
no, it's never you.
yeah, I know it *****
Sarah Caitlyn Sep 2016
Head down
Hair up
Don’t say a word.
Walk past
Quickly now
They might see you.
Duck into class
Sink in your seat
Don’t risk it
They might see you.
Long sleeves
Mostly black
Blend into the crowd
So they won’t see you.
If they do
They’ll judge you
Every move
Every breathe
They’re judging you.
Your name is called
Just walk past
Before they notice
That you’re
not the same.
Leave behind
Any thoughts of fitting in
this is you
And if you aren’t
Completely silent
They might notice you.
Sarah Caitlyn Sep 2016
I took every ******* word you said like gospel
worshiping every hidden insult and all of your
manipulative teary eyed complaints about life.

I loved every time you told me I was worthless
in that stupid shadowy way you had and still I
would just as quickly fall to my knees for you.

I laughed at all the abstruse ways you pushed me
around like a rag doll for your enjoyment just
a play thing for you to use whenever you'd like.

I treated you like my god in disguise and then
I came to realize that you were never my god
only an demon trying to corrupt my weak mind.
just a first draft.
Sarah Caitlyn Sep 2016
I don't want to know
what your skin tastes like
under my lips  
covered in sweat.

I don't want to know
the way you feel
in the darkness
closely against me

I don't want to know
the sound of your
sighs as they mix
with mine.

I don't want to know
you every inch
of you every little
piece of who you are.

I don't want to know
the way it feels
to be curled beside you
as we sleep.

I don't want to know
how easily you
can just toss me
aside now a days.

I don't want to know
that you just look
through me
after all we were

I don't want to know
all the thing I do now
but it seems I
can't forget.
Sarah Caitlyn Sep 2016
Your hands sculpted my body from memory
murmuring the words I can never repeat
sparking this laughter in my eyes after so long.

Hours later gathering my clothes in familiar
darkness trying to let you sleep just a little
longer and get out there before I murmur
all of my feelings back at you
Sarah Caitlyn Sep 2016
She danced and she laughed
alone in her world
happy with all of her secrets
then that boy fought
his way in to poke and **** at
every little exploitation
so she stopped dancing and silenced
herself completely
let the boy touch every secret she owned
and taint them
with his fingerprints before he left.
Still only like a second draft :/
Sarah Caitlyn Sep 2016
where did my pride go?
Is it lost in that space
Between **** and pure?
Or did I leave it with
The only boy I loved?
I think it’s beneath
Where I would kneel
On the concrete so
That he could feel
In control of something.

Maybe I left it in
The crack between
Some stranger's bed
And the wall beside us.
Were his parents
On the other side of
The wall completely
Unaware of us?

It might be in the
Bag with a purple dress
I bought just for him and
Will never wear again,
A dress I hated and
A night I hated
even more
But it was for him.

No, I left it on the nightstand
Of a boy who never
Treated me like a human
But still I gave him second,
Third, twentieth chances
Because he “loved me”
And I was a weak little
Girl scared and
Confused as to how
You count love in bruises.

Still it might be
Between the seats of
A faded couch in
My aunt's basement
Surrounded by my blood
And her fiance's
Lust for his teen years
To be revived in a girl
Just turned fourteen,
Only two years older
Than his own daughter.

I’m not sure where
I left it, but
I won’t find it again now.
just a first draft
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