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 Aug 2015 Nieve
The Labyrinth
 Aug 2015 Nieve
I was finally home
Our fingers laced together like the strings on our shoes
It was the reward we had earned
For the days spent paying our dues

You showed me what your life was
And I took it all in like a child at Disney
I was overwhelmed by memories I didn't own
We enjoyed each other's company blissfully

Just you and I, me and you
We drove into the night
While love songs filled our ears
I whispered a silent prayer as my heart took flight

"Let it last,
Let us be forever
Cause I've found happiness on Earth
Since we've been together"

The time we had was short
But that was all it took
I had found the perfect life
Your soul had overcome me, down to the smallest cranny and nook

That's why I was crushed by sadness when I left
The bond between us was being wrought
And though it was the purest pain I had ever felt,
I stayed strong because you were my every thought.

Now I close my eyes and see your face
My future is reflected in your gaze,
Time and space are trying to tear us apart
But we have each other, and we'll make it through the maze.
I know that my prayers will be answered and one day you'll tell me that you do, but for now I'll write you poems and let you know how much I miss you. You're the love of my life Natalie, every moment that we've had together has been a memory that will stay with me as long as I live. I can't wait for the day when I won't have to leave!
 Aug 2015 Nieve
 Aug 2015 Nieve
The wind blows, things change
What I feel for you remains
Our love is timeless
Our love will never fade.
 Aug 2015 Nieve
I want you, so passionately you look deep into my soulful eyes, I want you  ravenously, I want to pull the stars and the moon and give you my light, that illuminating light that comes within, I want to infinitely ravish your thought sense and time, and whisper laughters full of rain, sicken your senses with ***, wine and ******* whine and grind and gentle soft kisses ...
Just a lustful thought about her.
 Aug 2015 Nieve
My heart makes a beat, skips like a song, wine, love comes to mind, heart beats faster when words are spoken to you, oh love... Shivers down my spine, heartbeat gets faster like a drum beat...  Sweet nothings in your ears, I can make love to you with my words, make my heart flutter once again, lets live again, heart skips a beat ... ❤
Just a sweet poem to a sweet girl, I had an infatuation for.
 Aug 2015 Nieve
I  walk in the pale moonlight, lost dark forest, evil dark red eyes in the shadows, in a trance, mystical Greek goddess of the night, black hooded creature puts a spell on me, creatures appear to me from afar, trees speak new languages touched me near, journey was long, heavy breathing frightful night, near by I saw heavy light it was the witch with fiery flamed eyes, told me life judged her and was no delight you shall suffer the same faith, stare into my eyes, dawn came right on time, I woke up scared out of my life, it was a nightmare to my surprise.
 Aug 2015 Nieve
 Aug 2015 Nieve
Determined to near insanity,
the boy fearlessly joined
the last standing army of humanity.
With his two closest friends by his side,
he shaped his fate into something
only he could decide.
For years he struggled with the other recruits,
but the dream of freedom planted inside
grew from a seed into a tree with deep roots.
And while he worked until he could no longer stand,
that angry little boy
turned into a man.
Hey guys :D I hope you like it!
Based on the Attack on Titan© anime/manga
 Aug 2015 Nieve
It’s raining, it’s pouring
The Titans a roaring
We went to bed,
They ate our heads
and now we’re a luring.
#Anime #Parody #Attack on Titan
When to the sessions of sweet silent thought
I summon up remembrance of things past,
I sigh the lack of many a thing I sought,
And with old woes new wail my dear time’s waste.
Then can I drown an eye, unused to flow,
For precious friends hid in death’s dateless night,
And weep afresh love’s long since cancelled woe,
And moan th’ expense of many a vanished sight.
Then can I grieve at grievances foregone,
And heavily from woe to woe tell o’er
The sad account of fore-bemoanèd moan,
Which I new pay as if not paid before.
    But if the while I think on thee, dear friend,
    All losses are restored and sorrows end.
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