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  Jun 2015 Michelle Lauren
Nicole Dawn
The elements and I
Have a special connection

I feel as though,
I am six feet under
Every day and night

The gale's greedy fingers
Push me slowly
Toward the edge of the cliff

The strong ocean
Pushes me under

The beautiful flames
Lick my skin
Slowly burning me to ash

I have a special connection
With the elements
Michelle Lauren Jun 2015
I love the moon and the stars
I love the way the night sky looks above me
I love how the stars sparkle like its a coat of diamonds
And how the moon follows you everywhere so you're never really alone
I believe that there's other existence out there
I believe in aliens, the green kind
The ones that look just like us
I believe we're not alone
I love the beauty of it all
And I also love how scary it all is
I love how looking up at that big beautiful sparkley sky, I truly believe I am not alone.
  Jun 2015 Michelle Lauren
JR Potts
I wrestled with the black sea
that brood inside of her,
but nothing I possessed
could stop that dark tide
from taking her.
The poem is actually a line from a short story I wrote about a man trying to deal with his wife's depression
Michelle Lauren Jun 2015
Change your pants, change your shirt, look presentable! That's all I ****** ever hear from you! I'm not good enough and I will never be good enough for you. No I'm not your prissy princess, no I didn't graduate, no I don't have a job. I'm done saying sorry, because I'm not. This is me, so deal with it. You don't have a ***** ***** *** daughter that wears pink and curls her hair with fake fingernails and smile. You have me and if you don't like it, than i won't have to be your daughter, OK! I'm my moms daughter who excepts me for who I am and not what I wear. So you know what? *******! ******* to the way you want me to be! ******* to the way you never had me! And ******* for trying your hardest to change me, it's not going to happen!
I was an angry teen haha December 24, 2007
Michelle Lauren Jun 2015
If you knew who I really was would you still love me?
Would you still want to be my friend?
If you knew how I felt everyday would you leave me alone?
Or would you still think I'm OK?
If I let you in my head would you still think I love this life
If you really knew me, would you still call me your friend?
Would you still want me?
If you knew what I want to do would you still leave me alone?
I don't think you would
I think if you knew you would walk away
You would leave.....
Michelle Lauren Jun 2015
I want to give up
I want to leave
I want to **** up everything
I want to **** and steal
I want to rip your ******* heart out
I want you to feel everything I do
I want to **** a little too much
I want to rip my ******* heart out
I want to feel nothing
Cold, numb, nothing
I want to get drunk
I want to do drugs
I want to **** up my life
I want to **** up your life
I just want everything to stop
April 18, 2012
Michelle Lauren Jun 2015
Take me, take my body
My skin, my *******, my little ***
Take in my scent
Take in the way I breathe when you enter me
Take in the way it feels when I scratch your back with my claws
Take in my nakedness
Take me, take my body
But don't take my soul
Don't take my love
You can have my body
But you can't have me
You won't want me
You only want my body
And the way it makes you feel
The way it makes you feel when I let you take me!
January 17, 2015
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