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Mia Sadoch Jul 2019
This year, I met warmth and strength incarnate.
A comet speeding by me, lit up in fire and light,
An astral, luminous heroine… a star, and in more ways than one.
She is a lioness. There’s no matching her energy and kindness.

I may have fallen in love with the sun,
But that doesn’t diminish its radiance.
This honesty, this aura of unbridled joy…
That is what drew me to you.

So shine on, my dear!
Keep laughing in the face of limits and inhibitions.
Break out of this dull world, and do it all with a smile,
As that is just the way you are.
I went through five different versions of this poem before being fully satisfied. It needed to be as perfect as I could make it. The person it's dedicated to deserves that much.
Léa... J'espère qu'il te plaît. C'est ma manière de te remercier pour tout: je t'"immortalise".
Mia Sadoch Jul 2019
The distortion in the mirror
Showed a new facet of me
Who would’ve known this program I looked down on
Would reveal my darkest fantasy?

I’d made peace with the fact I’d never
Became who I always admired.
But even though it was a mere simulation
The possibilities gave me vertigo.

I’ve been given a whole new meaning
To “loving yourself”.
Mia Sadoch Jul 2019
Break free from the binds of expectations
And the chains of criticism.
Tear off the blindfold you tied around yourself
And take in the light of truth.

Spread your wings of freedom
But don’t fly too close to the sun.
Realize that this is how we’re meant to be
And bask in the liberty you always had.
This is something everyone should remember; that we're independent.
Thank the Persona series for reminding me of this.
Mia Sadoch Jul 2019
Am I fated to live alone?
“All in due time”, they say
But my eyes are blind to that truth.
How must I wait for a day so far off?

It’s always the same.
The bonds I’ve forged are strong, but they’re not close…
Or rather, not as close as I’d wish.
It’s always “not the right time”.

Care is poisonous.
Love is painful.
Friendship is just one step.
People are a weakness.

...and other lies I’d like to tell myself.
"I would, but..."
No. Don't.
If you wouldn't, tell me.
Don't give me daydreams.
Mia Sadoch Jun 2019
I’m glad it’s over.
No more wasted time, and heartless people.
But those smiles I cherished so
Are now fading into the past, turning monochrome.

I want to hold them back, hold them close
Those friends that kept me going…
But they have their own destinies.
Times of parting prove the love I hold is justified.

So I close this story, not with tears,
But with laughter, and hope.
Hope for a reunion, and for a brighter future…
...For all of us.
I'm done with high school now, apart from exams... There are a few people I'm going to miss very much.
Mia Sadoch May 2019
So it’s a no, then.
I did not know you yearned for someone else.
I did not know how much it made you suffer.
So I’ll help carry your weight.

Who cares if it’s not love?
I’ve found much better in you.
Have I ever been trusted this much before?
My regret is a weight I’m glad to carry.

And I know you feel bad
About turning me down.
So I’ll carry this weight, too,
Though I may break down from them.
Rejection is bad for the rejected and the rejector. It's important to remember that.
Mia Sadoch May 2019
Reality is rigid, sometimes too much so
And so I long to bend it.
I find relief in darkness
In a world where you are you,
But you are for me.

Is it wrong? Is it contemptible?
I care not; this bliss transcends the subconscious.
Yet, I hurt when the real you appears.

And if your heart can’t be mine…
I’ll be content with my counterfeit.
And dream on; for a day where we may be.
I've been practicing lucid dreaming lately. It isn't easy, but it sure will be worth it once I get it down again. I regret losing that skill.
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