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Mia Sadoch Apr 2019
I often worry about you.
When you’re out of my sight, at a party or other
I wonder if all is right; what if this coming summer
That you await so much, is your last too?

You never know what encounters you might make.
Someone may harm you, take advantage of you, or…
But that’s love; apprehension, forevermore.
I’m sorry for being so protective. It’s for your sake.

But I shouldn’t be. I know your strengths.
So... this is interesting.
This poem was written on April 6th... 2018! I apparently put it in the wrong folder, and only found it a year later. I wrote it when the crush who's the subject of about the first half of my poems went to a party. I was very worried for no reason... but that's just how I am.
Mia Sadoch Apr 2019
Let's drive out to sea
Let's just leave, away from this routine
And those pointless struggles
We'll throw them all away ; come with me.
I can't wait for summer. High school is unbearable, and in about a month I'll say goodbye to it forever. Good riddance.
Mia Sadoch Apr 2019
Love is a tricky thing.
It seeks companionship, yet is masking
The loved's true intentions through a veil
Of romance, rose-tinted mist that's all too real.

But it won't be enough. I won't play this game.
I know all of its tricks, I'm not unwise
Yet I can't help but wonder if you feel the same
Despite logic proving otherwise.

Though, I can't just stand there
And let the one I love float away.
I'll tell you how much I care
And see what you have to say.
There's no point in keeping your feelings to yourself forever. At some point, they've gotta surface, else you'll just suffocate.
Mia Sadoch Apr 2019
New and intoxicating
It’s… all… so… great…
Eyes to the ceiling, mind in the sky
Hypnotic, delirious, overwhelming

A shared voyage
Through the matters of the flesh
Book passage to
What you always desired.

The red of your blush
Shines brightly in the night.
Sorry for vanishing for so long! I haven't been writing much lately, though even when I did, I forgot to post my poems here. Including this one, I'm 3 poems late, so I'll try to post them quickly, probably daily!
Mia Sadoch Jan 2019
Maybe I'm in the right
Or maybe I'm the bad guy.
The truth of the matter is
I couldn't care less.

I just want to live my own way
Free of doubt and needless struggle
I was prepared for enemies
I don't mind them because I have loyal friends.

I just don't believe in living a lie...
So I'll make my own truth.
No matter who gets in my way.
Live your life, not others'.
Mia Sadoch Jan 2019
I love(d) the way your body felt against mine.
My hands miss exploring your back,
Running through your hair, caressing your neck.
Seeing your lips move, I can't help but notice
The openings that I could slip through.

The heaven we once shared,
Is now just an unfading, unforgiving dream.
It's not romantic. It's just physical.
At least that's what I keep telling myself.
Mia Sadoch Dec 2018
Snowflakes fall by millions
Like tears
Always together
Yet forever lonely

Winter is the loneliest season.
Christmas is nice now. Just nice. It's losing some of its luster.
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