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  Dec 2018 Tsu
Ally Ann
A friend asked me
how to be a writer.
I wanted to say,
lock yourself in a room,
scream until you have
a poem and no voice.
Open your veins and bleed
until you know that your bones
are pure words and sorrow.
Act as if you slit your own throat
and all you can bleed
are your own regrets
and all of the darkness
you boxed up for inspiration.
Write your mom a letter,
tell her you're leaving
and you won't be back for awhile
Because being a writer is traveling
through all seven layers of Hell
and denying anything is wrong.
Forget loving yourself
when all you have is a pen and paper
fused to your wrist
and Jesus is tapping at your skull
saying turn back now.
Warn the neighbors that if they smell burning
It's just your soul
clawing at the front door trying to get in.
Learn how to be alone.
Learn how to lose everything you have
in order to feel release,
learn how to only feel deceased
from now on.
A friend asked me
how to be a writer.
All I said was
Tsu Oct 2018
If you haven't noticed
The fake smile on my face
Or the forced laugh I've created
Or the empty darkness in my eyes
Don't cry if you see my grave

Darkness and demons
Silence and nightmares
Screams and lies
Have always been my friends

I'm always reaching out for shadows
Because they know my name
I can touch shadows
Because they can see me

Another excuse
Another lie
To keep you from knowing
I want to say goodbye

Lies are here to haunt
Because roses aren't always red
Violets not exactly blue
Society lies, and you know it too

If you didn't notice
Don't scream for my name
Once you see my grave

How can you if you're screaming for a stranger?
Tsu Oct 2018
I'm sorry
That every time I try to help
I end up making it worse
Letting tears flow faster

I'm sorry
That every time you were in need
I couldn't be there for you
Letting the pain ache harder

I'm sorry
That every time I white-lied to you
I knew that I was a coward not to tell you the reality
Letting the trust in us break

I'm sorry
That once I came into your life
I made it harder for you
Even though I don't know how
I just made everything worse

I'm going now.
Forgive me
  Sep 2018 Tsu
Evelyn Genao
I loved you, at first,
more than anything.
Nothing else mattered,
If I could be by your side,
I would’ve protected you from a n y t h i n g.

The feeling of
your lips touching mine.
Cold and dull,
is it wrong that I still miss them?

Your eyes drifted to others,
never straying to mine,
never filled with the same spark.
Why won't you look at me?

You would say it,
those three words and I could only listen
as you say it to the others.
Not to me. Never to me.
They always got your love,
and warm smiles,
while you gave me your screams of
"You should be happy. Why aren't you happy?"

My orders:
never to be near you,
holding hands was forbidden,  
we did not know each other, not publicly.
They would get the wrong idea.
“She's just a friend,” You would say.
Forcing me into a corner, chained,
As your collar (pleaseithurtsithurts) leaves me
b r e a t h l e s s.

It was all a game, wasn't it?
Of how fast I could love you (whatwasithinking),
of how much I could bleed (Goditwaseverywhere)
of how long before I couldn’t take it (saveme,please,anyone)
You were the king,
and I, your faithful pawn,
Just another piece on your board.

Your touches, never warm, never tender
What an artist you were,
Always defacing your canvas with your brushes,
Aren’t you talented?
Is this what love is?
Take it back, please,
I don't want this anymore.  
I just wanna forget (getitoutgetitout).

It’s okay, you don’t have to love me, no one ever does.”
I saw a prompt and this poem came to mind. I hope you love it and be sure to comment what you think. Check out my other works!!

— The End —