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Mister J Sep 2017
Sometimes I just can't
take the pressure
Sometimes I just don't
Know what I should do
Sometimes I can't identify
Who am I supposed to be
Sometimes I just need
A time out to think

As much as I want to
Run away from all of this
I can't just give in
I still need to find you

I just need to breathe
inhale some fresh air
Take a break and assess
What happens next
So wait for me
As I think of a way
To get away from here
And come get you
To take you in my arms
And bring you to
Our share of paradise
Just some jumbled words in my mind that I needed to put somewhere.
Mister J Sep 2017
It's 4am now
Still no trace of you in bed
What did I do wrong?

I miss you each night
This bed feels cold without you
Come back to me please
Suddenly woke up in the middle of the night and I can't find myself sleeping again.

Here's two haikus. ;)
Mister J Sep 2017
Heavy eyes slowly closing
Breathing gradually easing
Mind gently relaxing
Body surely falling
Reality falling asleep
As dreams come into focus
Old movie reels sweetly playing
Nostalgic as an autumn midnight

The darkness silently creeping
My friends are on their way
Laughing in my mind
Grinning all the way
Can you hear their fiendish voices?
Can you see their glowing eyes?
Do you hear their ghostly whispers?
Do you see them here tonight?

Meet my oldest friends
The shadows on my wall
With their hands cold as ice
And their eyes red as blood
With smiles of ghastly grins
And voices of shrieking glass
As darkness begins its embrace
Here they come at last

The shadows on my wall
My demons coming for me
My playmates in the dark
My addictive insanity
They’ll come and drag me
Bring me to their twisted paradise
And play with my shattered psyche
For a very long time

The darkness constricts my breathing
My nape cold and frozen
Chills running down my spine
Fear finally gripping in
Nightmares talking to me
Screaming and shouting at me
I can't get a grip of reality
Here comes the impending insanity

Save me from them
The shadows on my wall
They come for me tonight
And eat my sanity alive
Save me please
Cut these sinful bindings
As they drag me to
The hell and grave I opened
Here's a piece about personal demons.
I'm having some of them and the ideas came flooding in.
Talk to a friend and don't keep them to yourselves
Mister J Sep 2017
Your silhouette stays
Even when you're gone from me
The pain still lingers
Thoughts running wild..
Mister J Sep 2017
Hidden in this heart
Are my feelings kept from you
Should they be revealed?
Haiku #13
Mister J Sep 2017
Sweet little laughter
From these half-meant jokes of us
Makes me fall truly
Haiku #12
Mister J Sep 2017
That steamy weather
That moist air
Your addictive kisses
Your lingering touch
Your mesmerizing eyes
Your porcelain body
Your seductive curves
The way you hold me
And cherish me in your arms
The way you smile at me
And how it takes me away
How it blew my mind
And dulled my senses
I wish I could press rewind

How vivid it was for me
Everything you made me feel
And yet how come I alone
Have these memories of you and me?
Went to the weird side of the internet, found this "phenomenon"
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