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May 2020 · 113
Lee May 2020
He calls for her without a second thought in his heart.

His mind knows it should not but his heart still screams every second.

To not love is to love but to love is the only way he can love.

He absorbs himself in the only light illuminating the dark room.

He prays for the love he can understand also knowing it cannot be now.

The light dims as the battery drains... he falls deeper into the fading light with his empty words.

The last words are typed as he gets pulled deeper into the endless trance of nothing.

His words mean everything but at the same time nothing as the light finally dies out.
Oct 2019 · 242
The Worth of life
Lee Oct 2019
Born into the world with limitless potential and a full set of armour.

Day by Day the potential lessens and they chip at his armour.

The point is reached when the potential, now lost, is only a fork in the road.

The armour once proudly donned now hanging by a mere tether to his heart.

To the left a chance to rebuild, to the right the sweet embrace of nothing.

The first step is taken to the right not of thought but impulse for relief.

The second step is then taken, with every step, arms reach out to change the direction.

No touch registers, no words heard and the faintest glimpse of the fork he started at remains at his back.

Only one step remains till he can no longer go back...
Jul 2019 · 322
Another statistic
Lee Jul 2019
They stand at their designations inputting the mindless dribble while their fires die out.

The words flow to letters.

The letters flow to lines.

The lines flow to numbers.

The numbers flow to nothing

The endless cycle repeats for the norm till their just drones of numbers and nothing.

Their nothingness becomes a count for change on paper and virtual.

This is the life of just another statistic.
Mar 2019 · 1.6k
Lee Mar 2019
Lost amidst the empty seas.
Spanning the far corners of the human mind.

The drifting pieces of memories passing by. Drifting to the end while the memories float less frequent. Before being swallowed by the waves of time.

The occasion for the embers of passion and pride surround them.
Warming the battered beings before time swallows them too.

The time that holds them afloat washes them ashore.

The emptyness spreads to every corner without an end in sight.

They stare into their depths and ask the being in the sky... Is this enough to grant me peace?
Mar 2019 · 647
Perfect still portait
Lee Mar 2019
The perfect still portait that captures all beauty.

Is it the rising sun as it strokes the oceans creating a beautiful mirage of wonder?

Is it the night light sky where the moon and stars remain out of reach with the lone dancing star few see?

Is it the moment of two joining in love and putting the bands of eternity upon their finger?

None of these are the perfect still portait.

The perfect still portrait is the moment in time not captured by lense but by sight and mind.

The perfect still portrait is a feeling and memory at once that can never be described or forgotten.

My perfect still portrait is the moment you said you love me.
Mar 2019 · 261
Descent Ascent
Lee Mar 2019
I hear the sin of my past clawing at my heart.
Every day that passes it inches closer and closer to its sustenance.
It whispers its malice while I cower in fear.
The days grow longer. The night's grow strong and I grow weaker.

I lay down yet again with another battle won.
My wounds are deep and reach far beneath the tissue others see.
The battles I've won are not an accomplishment.
The battles I've won are delaying my inevitable descent.

The final night is here and I feel our breathes are one and the same.
We do not battle it out as fabled in fiction.
The clawing has stopped and the sustenance run dry.
We are one and the same both monster and man.

We feel the light pierce our skin as an outstretched arm reaches to us.
The fear remains as we cower from its radiance.
The arm stretches out and calls our name.
No. The arm stretches out and calls my name.

We are... No I am... Or we...?
It calls for me not us yet still we... No I remain.
He grabs our hand and pulls me out.
Lips locked and all is forgetten as he whispers to me I love you...

I not we now know I am forever free
This is a poem style I am experimenting with and would appreciate feedback to improve my writing. I hope this reading can understand and enjoy my piece.
Mar 2019 · 296
Night sky
Lee Mar 2019
The shadows from the dim lit room creeps towards my feet.
The walls begin to close in as the clouds cover the bright sky.
The feelings within the cages of my mind reaches to the shadows.

The clouds are now exiting their encounter with the moon.
The bright night light pierces through the cracks of the blinds.
The shadows recedes back to the light and the feelings return to their cage.

The piercing light, a barrier between myself and the creeping shadows.
Following it from origin to source, I see the light in the void.
The light in the void where my heart desires and reaches.

The night sky trances me and lifts my remains.
In an empty void the light remains to guide me through.
The night sky remains to never let me fade.
Mar 2019 · 175
Lee Mar 2019
I've lost you have I not?
I've made mistakes and lost you.
I've gone too far and lost you.
You'll never be the same since I lost the you that use to be...

My words are hollow. My actions have spoken.
I'm running back to where I last left you.
Your not where I lost you... Where are you?
I've lost you now have I not?

I'm walking forward from where you were lost.
I see your figure. I've finally found you.
No... That is not the you I lost.
That is the you I did not lose.

My words are lost and gone.
My feelings are lost and gone.
I have lost you have I not?
No, I have just lost myself.

— The End —