For some the rules are borrowed.
Others keep them to swallow.
In any case,
today is the day you awaken.
For too long have you sat there afraid.
All of your life you stayed in the shadows.
You followed what you were told.
Feeling the need to please and be accepted.
Today is the day when the pendulum swings.
Its the day when it swings and you are
no longer hanging to its motions.
Its energy in random motion,
its random emotions.
Because now its time to rise up and feel your life.
Really, its time to fulfill life,
to experience its boundless seas and skies.
A new age, a new era is dawning.
It is your time.
It s your time to accept your goals
It is your time to go experience the sensual nature
of glory, freedom, and happiness because
no matter what, you deserve it.
You deserve to feel good.
You deserve to have what you want.
Ignore your doubts and go forth.
Today is the day you awaken.
Today is the day you stand up.
Today is the day you become a true adult.
Today is the start the great age.
The age of intentional self love.