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When I think of you
My thoughts turn blue.
To not know you much at all
Then watch your life slip and fall.
To help was all I wanted to do
But like always you never had a clue.
Mom I called you, for some time
Then you let go of the rope, not finishing the climb.
Drinking was always first to come
Then came death, something from wich you could not outrun.
Your soal is lifted, now set free
Become a bird and fly, for me.
To me, math is like raw tomatoes.
I don't mind them mixed in a salad,
but eating them on their own makes me gag.
I remember the day you had me at Hi
I remember the day you left without Goodbye
And I remember all these memories that i will surely miss
Yes, I remember a poem I wrote and it went something like this

Do you remember the day you broke my heart?
Do you remember the day you tore it apart?
Do you remember the day you made me cry?
Do you remember the day, where you had me at Hi?

I remember it all too well..
i'd rather you tell me
those sickly sweet three words
as an april fools joke
than never hear them at all
and i think
that makes me pathetic and weak
but god,
i've never loved anyone
as much as i love you
 Mar 2014 Jackie Andary
I was a single grain of coffee
floating in the porcelain mug
that was your heart
and when you left me
it hit harder than the rest
it was like swallowing fire
scorching my chest,
desperate to put the flames out
i tried drowning myself from inside

i drank so much
that i could not feel
my own hands,
but i still knew you
were not there to hold them
i don't know what hurt more
the hangover or the heartache

you planted so much sadness
into my veins
i thought about digging them out
i might pretend i am alright
but that knife in my heart
is still wedged in
so tight

you could have told me
i was nothing to you
before i made you my everything
you could have predicted
six more weeks of winter
instead of promising me spring
These days I have more flashbacks
Than I do reality
I wish the past would just sit back
And leave this poor boy be

But the past it holds more flavor
Than a stick of chewing gum
When it comes to what I savor
Babe your still the one

All I dream is you and me
Heart struck that youre gone
Forever my love I hoped you see
You are my transcendent song

The places we used to visit
A time when our hearts flourished
When the skies were our only limit
Beautiful times we cherished

Never knowing where we will end
Just a bunch of mysteries
For time to us we thought would bend
And now I have just memories

But as they say all things come to an end
And come to an end they must
For what we once held together
Are now ashes to ashes, dust to dust
Thank you to Mike for this amazing collab experience :)
Your warmth slid through my body,
energizing every cell,
a tingling sensation.

You started at my lips and worked your way
through my throat
down my spine
past my stomach
around my legs
to my toes.

Part of me wanted to pull away
but I couldn't leave from your
mocha taste and firm grip-
my addiction.

I've never loved a sensation like this,
but I can't bring myself to tear away
from the caffiene that is your touch.
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