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I talked to your sister today.
She said she doesn't want you two to get back together either.
He isn't right for you.
She said that when you're with him,
she's lost a sister.
I've lost something almost as bad,
maybe worse.
I lost a best friend.

 Mar 2014 Jackie Andary
Once upon a time
a girl fell in love
But the tale has a twist;
he doesn't love her back,
and the butterflies are dead
Three years ago today,
you asked me to be your girl.
To take your hand and disappear to a far away land.
For a year I felt mad love for you.
The second year had its ups and downs.
Then there were the real downs.
You cheated on me.
My fairy-tale turned into a nightmare.
My prince charming into a monsterous demon.
and now, on this day, I'm reminded of all the time I put into this.
Every inch of my love went to you over two years just to be cheated on while working towards the third.
I thought our love could get through everything,
I'm scared it's not strong enough for this.
Because it's only love coming from one of us now, my heart is cold.
Love is not beating through my veins.
Sadly, March 28th is now just a normal day for me.
 Mar 2014 Jackie Andary
"Dare to be different"
I say, following the ideologies
of Everyone around me.
 Mar 2014 Jackie Andary
Read to me
while I lie here with eyes closed against the sky.
  Read to me with passion
of the smell of lemon
  and musk wrapped in silk and satin.

  I rest here in your voice and drink
your very words.
  Read to me with lilt of breath.
Breathe me to the brink
  of lasting
as I sink into your sighs.

Read to me gently,
  read softly into the night.

r ~ 27Mar14
(Reverse Poem)
(Forward and Backward)

Formed by passion and sometimes bold
My poems they come from my soul
It is not my intention to offend
Just opinions and we all have them
I will delete words of hate
Choose your words and we can debate
Just message me and its okay
If you dont like what I say
Do not think your words can harm
I have been around way to long
No need to message and threaten me
I will not change to meet your needs
If you dont like just move on
These poems I write are mine alone
I have a right to feel this way
Though you may not like what I say
Formed by passion and sometimes bold
My poems they come from my soul
It is not my intention to offend
Just opinions and we all have them

(Now Read It Backwards)

**Carl Joseph Roberts
Another poet challenged me to write a reverse poem that can be read both frontward and backword. This is my attempt and it is harder then you may think.
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