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Isabella Mar 2020
The gears in my mind that used to wind and turn so fast, are slowing. The ideas that never become words, die off. The tick-tick-ticking of pestering thoughts give up. And urge me to give up as well.
Why can't I process this train of endless emotions that long to
become stories? There once was a place in my mind that filled and
toppled over with wonderful ideas. But that place is now empty,
full of cobwebs and dust. Lost, buried deep inside me.
  How can I find it again? That place I'd go when the world shut me
  out and I just needed to express how I felt.
   I miss the days I'd feel lonely, and escape to the world of wonder
   I'd get lost in. The words, the powerful language... And I'd create
   something spectacular.
    But that gift was taken from me, ripped from my heart leaving an
    empty feeling in my chest.
     My power of writing unique ideas is gone.
      How do I get it back? Can I?
      I'm too weak. I can't search for those ideas. I'll never find them
      I let those brilliant thoughts slip from my grasp. They drifted
      away, soon to wither to dust.
     I am incapable of writing. Incapable of thinking. Incapable of
     loving what I write.
     So I may be unable to find those old words, but I can create new
     ones. It'll take effort, it'll take time. It'll take practice.
    But I am willing, to get my thoughts whirling again. To take an
    emotion, put it into words, and form those words into something
    beautiful. I'll sort my language for only the best, the most poetic.
   My feelings in the writing will swirl up from the pages and enter
   your mind and make you think, Wow... Who wrote this?
  But I am incapable of such a gift... I always have been.
So I'll drown in the dread I've made for myself. I'll swallow the
water of hopelessness as I sink deeper and deeper and deeper... I'm
But at least I could make a poem out of it.
Isabella Mar 2020
As graceful as a winged bird,
Soaring in the sky.
I wish to join their gorgeous herd,
Oh I wish to fly!
Isabella Mar 2020
Darling dearest,
Never enough.
Not very fearless,
Not very tough.

Scared to leap,
Scared to step.
Afraid to leak
A secret she's kept.

Timid and shy,
Tiptoeing in the dark.
Searching low and high,
For a little spark.

But darling dearest wasn't brave.
Darling dearest never gave.
She had nothing, no nothing at all.
And she never moved, afraid to fall.

Oh, darling dearest never tried.
Darling dearest never cried.
Darling dearest would always hide.
And because of this, darling dearest... she died.
Isabella Mar 2020
Is this how I die?
Walking mindlessly, with fury pulsing in my veins, clouding every instinct, every flicker of logic or reason.
Only the sounds of my footsteps, the cracking of sticks beneath my feet.
Voices from every direction, and when I try to follow them, they go away.
I try to walk in a single direction, but every side of me looks the same—grass, trees, mountains, sky.
And somehow I've walked in a perfect circle, even more lost than before.
Getting deeper and deeper into the unknown, thinking only of the reason that brought me out here in the first place.
And soon, the reason has escaped my mind altogether.
And I am left feeling empty, confused, raw.
My heart pounding in my chest as I look around, completely lost and alone.
All because I let my horrible emotions take the reigns, walking me right into a trap.
A trap at my own hands, all my fault.
Tell me again, is this how I die?
Isabella Mar 2020
Little girl, no strength in her heart.
Little girl, so weak she's falling apart.

Quiet girl, no words on her tongue.
Quiet girl, speaks to no one.

Lonely girl, a flicker of a candle.
Lonely girl, she can't even handle.

Invisible girl, a ghost in the dark.
Invisible girl, not even a spark.

Useless girl, breathing, wasting air.
Useless girl, no one will ever care.

Little girl, incapable of what?
Little girl, you call me, but,
I have words and I have love.
From your names, I'll rise above.

I can think, I can create.
And hopelessness is not my fate.

A little girl is not all I am.
I won't die blindly like a lamb.
I'll die in paper I'll never share.
All because you didn't care...
Isabella Mar 2020
Smiling, genuine and bright.
Smiling, only seeing the light.
Smiling, never seeing the hurt.
Smiling, then getting kicked in the dirt.

Forgotten, left to rot and decay.
Forgotten, left to wither away.
Forgotten, forever and ever alone.
Forgotten, though sadness not shown.

Crying, full of mounds of fear.
Crying, nobody close to hear.
Crying, unable to stand on my own.
Crying, forever and ever alone...

Drowning, in my pond of tears.
Drowning, breathless, for years and years.
Drowning, choking on pain and guilt.
Drowning... Breaking the walls that had just been built.
Isabella Mar 2020
I dream a dream
Of faraway places.
Where I wish to go,
And see the faceless faces.

Silent with sound
Of nature galore.
And I never know
What lies in store.

For I dream a dream
That waits for me to arrive.
And I want the world to know,
That is where I'll hide.
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