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Isabella Mar 2020
Is it weird that I knew?
The very second I saw you...
From my heart that ran a mile,
To my big, bright smile.

I knew I was crushing
When my cheeks began blushing.
And my brothers, they would tease.
That around you, my heart wasn't at ease.

My knees would shake and shatter,
As I began incessant chatter.
And I sneaked a nervous laugh,
That split me right in half.

I knew you were the one,
Together we had so much fun.
For years I've liked you still,
And I'll wait more, I will.

I've never told you how I felt,
If I did my heart would melt.
So I wait for you to see,
That you're the one for me.

I daydream every day
That someday you will say,
"I like you, I have all along."
But my imagination's wrong.
Not my best poem, but it's from a few years ago about a long-time crush...
Isabella Mar 2020
Your smile sends a shiver
All along my spine.
It ripples like a river,
And makes me believe you're mine.

Your humor shakes a mountain,
Even earth you can make laugh.
Jokes flowing like a fountain,
And splits me right in half.

You're charming, oh so charming,
As you stare into my soul.
Your kindness is alarming,
As you sew me back to whole.

You act as though we're fate,
But you never say.
Nor do I, for I wait,
Day after day.
Isabella Mar 2020
Music echoing in the dark.
A little light, a single spark.
Snow slowly drifting down.
Enveloping this little town.
Everybody laughs and sings.
Oh, what joy Christmas brings.

Opening gifts with love and joy.
Getting what they wanted, that brand new toy.
Happiness is all they know.
But what about outside, freezing in the snow?

Who's out here, all alone?
On this cold winter's night, buried in the snow.
Who's shivering in the cold?
Crying, crying... Nobody to hold.

I wish, I wish I had... Oh, the joy of Christmas.
Can you guess what time of year I wrote this poem?
Isabella Mar 2020
Once she was a blank canvas, ready to be taught.
But when she stepped outside, in the storm she was caught.
She signed up for the battle, and in the war she fought.
She wanted to have happiness, and love is what she sought. 

So she sacrificed her innocence to see the bright blue sky.
But instead she found a raging storm, just outside.
The storm took her, became her... and promised she wouldn't die.
So she trusted it, only to see... It was all a lie.

And people started painting themselves upon her skin.
So she adopted all their evil ways. Soaked them in.
Then she became a new girl, full of fateful sins.
Although, in her mind, the storm blew over... And her group did win.

But what happened to honesty, integrity, and truth?
Where was her real self? The memories were few.
Instead she lived a false life that others for her drew.
She forgot living inside, she just did what others do.

Her past was all forgotten.
Her love, in fact, did die.
That awful storm she was caught in,
Left her a perfect painting of lies.
Isabella Mar 2020
I climb through the window,
Just to bring you back.
I tell you "Come on, wake up.
I'll stay to help you pack."

And once you are ready,
It's time, let's go.
We'll fly above the city.
Until we make it to the meadow.

And I sing, "Run away darling.
Make this place your own.
We'll travel to the meadow.
This is now your home.

Oh, run away darling.
Remember freedom's song.
Stay here for eternity.
I'll be back, I won't be long."

Then I soar back to the city,
To get another child to stay.
I beckon them to come with me,
And tell them "Run away!"
This poem is based on Peter Pan, but the more I read it the more I realize how creepy it sounds...
Isabella Mar 2020
You said you'd stay. You said you would.
You said you'd always stay by me if you could.

You said you loved me. You said you cared.
You said you'd hold me close when I got scared.

You said you were leaving. You said you'd come back.
You said I didn't need to help you pack.

You said goodbye. You said see you soon.
You said look up, that you'd be on the moon.

You said whenever I needed you near,
You said "Look at the sky, and my whispers you'll hear"

You said to watch the sunset, and wait for the night.
You said you'd be beyond the stars, just look at the light.

You promised so many things, when I was young.
But you're dead. You never said...
Now with liars, I'm done.
Isabella Mar 2020
The streets were bare and the moon was out.
Stars shined in the blackness of night, and the little girl held a candle.
A dull candle, with no fire giving it burning life.  
Her hands trembling in the cold, every breath she inhaled a wave of ice.
Her lungs straining to keep up the rhythm.
In, out. In, out.
Her hands shaking, her body trembling with fear of the great darkness.
Memories of the warmth she once felt tore her heart.
A bright fire once flickered on the wick of the candle, but the flame vanished in the wind.
The howling wind that came that night ripped the life from the candle.
And left the little girl to shiver in the cold, all alone.
Her eyes pleaded to all that walked by for a flame.
The warmth they felt stirred jealousy in her heart as she thought of the fireless candle.
A candle was all she had.
And without warmth, soon enough she would freeze.
Her eyes already drifting shut, her grip on the candle weakening, her heartbeat growing slower.
And people would shuffle past her and gasp, but continue on.
Nobody would help the poor little child that was dying in the cold.
For all she had was a candle.
And what's a candle without a flame?
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