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"I hate your cooking",
"This is the best apple pie I've ever had",
"I LOVE you",
"This isn't going to work out".
"I LOVE you",
"That blouse doesn't work for you".
"I LOVE you"
"I LOVE you!"
Have I told you lately that I love you?

Tell them,
we aren't promised tomorrow.
Tell them today
right now,
this very second.
Tell them tomorrow,
Christmas Eve,
the day your child is born.
Tell them when you hate them,
don't hate.
Tell them when they've wronged you,
time and time again.
Tell them when they don't deserve it.
Tell them when they do deserve it.
Tell them just to tell them,
just so they don't forget.

Just tell them.

Life is too precious.

I LOVE you.
This was written at a weird point in my life, I had just lost both my Grandfathers in the duration of a week and couldn't grasp the concept of 'death' and found myself putting words down in a journal. Words I wanted to tell them one last time.
The words flowing from your mouth,
and with each dose I become more and more impaired.
With each dose life slips
from my once warm body.
The thought of one more word
drives me to bizarre extremes,
extremes that are even too
extreme for the most extreme
You've done it,
you've broken me down so far,
even I, don't know where I've gone off to.
You won't find me on a milk carton,
on the news,
or any plastered up posters across town.
In fact you won't find me at all.
I've gone missing, yes.
But I'm very much still here.
Hanging onto every word.
I have been broken.
Left in despair,
thrown out on the curb for all to see.
I have been beaten.
By the lies society
for so long told me were acceptable.
I have been humiliated.
By the ghosts of my past,
the ghosts I loved and cherished.
But you,
you were different.
You encouraged change,
in fact demanded it.
You made those ghost disappear
and brought new life in their places.
You are humble,
you are sovereign.
You've picked me up from the muck and filth of this world
and given me a life worth meaning.
And for that I am forever grateful,
I am forever yours.
I am broken still,
beaten still,
humiliated still,
and yet you accept me.
Still you love,
you love me with all my countless blemishes.
Perhaps, I'll never know.
But what I do know,
is that through it all
I am faithful.
 Nov 2014 Blanket
They were masked
with obedience of terrorism on their lips
shoot people mercilessly
played with their souls
in their eyes, no sign of remorse
that dreaded night
when Mumbai cried rivers of blood
death toll increasing with the politicians giving zero *****
ten men killed approx 164
so many injured
so many scarred
lest we forget them from our hearts
martyrs left a legacy
they were many other than Salaskar, Kamte and Unnikrishnan
They played with blood in
Taj, Oberoi, Cama Hospital, Nariman House, CST and Leopold Café
their minds were moulded to be like this.
the innocent tried to hide in hotel lobbies
she watched her husband die
and then she died a silent death
they shot her unborn child
they ignored the infant's cry
they killed humanity
they came with guns
tied their hostages to a pole
and had fun.
The bomb exploded
shattering all their body parts
nothing but chunks of human flesh here and there
the innocent hid themselves in a room
took up the phone and fumbled words
they found the innocent
the phone line went dead
6 years later,
we still can't forget
Today marks the 6 years since the 26/11 attacks in Mumbai. Proper justice was never served.
read more here
 Nov 2014 Blanket
Haydn Swan
To want someone who’s never been there,
yearn for their hug in our hour of despair,
to hear their words as a soothing balm,
soft, warm cuddles that keep you calm,

to talk and laugh without a care,
whispers and giggles, secrets to share,
Snuggles in bed on a cold winters night,
drift into sleep in a spoon of delight,

To share a smile in a momentary glance,
hold hands and touch at every chance.
But I sit and write alone in this chair,
thinking of someone who’s never been there.
 Nov 2014 Blanket
Haydn Swan
Un film
 Nov 2014 Blanket
Haydn Swan
The film plays through a cigarette haze,
spliced souls flicker on the silver screen,
noir shapes moving through the mist,
dark shadows and beating hearts,

soon the story starts to unfurl,
plots thicken through startled eyes,
rehearsed actions and missing words,
electrification through a Gothic grin,

tears fall on the words of a script
undulations of what we once were,
the movie closes to a final score
torn manifestos as the credits roll.
please dig around here for the abstracts, folks,  this is not just a poem about a movie but then again maybe it is ........
 Nov 2014 Blanket
Haydn Swan
These last few days have left me fraught,
a plethora of words is what I sought,
but darkest thoughts made me weep,
midnight interludes, trying to sleep,

tried to hide in a box of pills,
buried under a pile of quills,
darkness engulfed my spark of desire,
sat on the top of a funeral pyre.
new born coconut leaves
standing on the head of the tree
a mild north chill breeze blowing
raising sunlight reflects between the leaves

the falling light playing on the meadows
the growing day in to the fog's shadows

the new moody breeze growing a little
the cowboys wandering with the cattle
the boy is very crazy with his flying kite,
the birds are too busy within the day's light

I am wondering through the shadows
and finding my hopes within the meadows
when thousands of kites flying in the sky
there love growing on her gloomy eyes

where there a few of dreams coming
as the light falling between the leaves
where there thousands of whirling
hopes uttering in to the breeze  
@Musfiq us shaleheen
hopes of leaves
when you feel shame insight
the foolish road trends to misguide
you can discover an apple
inside a dark basket

I sigh too long to lose the time
that could make a space between us
the clock is unmanageable,
the horizon grew gray

yesterday night turned on,
the sleepless romantic torment-
I made my hand long,
too long to hold my dreams

where there you were standing
behind a wall,
very thick, and dark
shuttered my eyes

I grew gray
underneath a dusky black moon
finding myself within you,
no focus point imagined

the forgotten days clapping
mystic, bleeding on the red carpet
turned too dark when storm wind
closed the windows-

dreams uttering on a blue sapphire
till the twilight has broken
making a waterfall on a rising sun
but coming closer into a vain of the vale--

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
blue sapphire: ------------------------
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