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3.6k · Oct 2018
The Loss of a Friendship
Haley Oct 2018
Right when you
Think you have everything
Right when you
Think you're happy
It all ends
Someone ruins it
You ruin it
Life ruins it
Because it always ends
Today that Bliss
That one day of Bliss
Then its gone
A simple text
A simple statement of
"I don't think we can ever be friends again"
As the sadness washes over you
You realize that text
Can **** a soul
Can **** a mind
Can **** a heart
And can **** a friendship
A friendship of four years
That you will always remember
With a person you trusted
And to realize
You will never celebrate a birthday
With them
Never have that hours of laughs
With them
Never walk the hallways talking
With them
You hope the best
For them
You want them to thrive
You want them to have a great future
but sadly
You will no longer
Be a part of that
1.9k · Oct 2018
Haley Oct 2018
The only person I thought
Would get it
The only person I thought
Would trust me
The only person I thought
Would believe me

My mother
The person I've grown up with
"What did you even do yesterday"
She says
"I had to handle some things"
"Yeah, like what?"
She says

Little does she know
I had lost a friendship yesterday
She tells her boyfriend what i said
In a sarcastic tone
When I start to yell

Now she cares
Now she actually cares
I won't respond to her questions
Because she didn't
Believe me at first
Trust me
So, I can trust you.
481 · Apr 2019
I'm Weak
Haley Apr 2019
I had a friend say to me
"I'm too weak"
"I try so hard
to get stronger"
"But I can't"
She was referring to something
athletic wise, yes.
But when she said it
I immediately connected
with the statements
No, not athletically
But, emotionally.
I am weak emotionally
I try so hard to fix it
But I can't
Of course I didn't say this
I let her speak
But the quote can connect
With a lot of us out there.
And next time you hear something like that
Turn it into
"Im weak right now"
"But, I'm getting stronger"
"I will eventually
be the strength I need
and want
to be."
452 · Nov 2018
Save Yourself
Haley Nov 2018
I was having a conversation
With a friend
And she said
She hides her feelings
Around school
Around her family
Around her friends
And sometimes
From herself
I do the same thing
And that day
I realized
Us people that do that
We are usually the
People who
Help others
When others are down
Because that
That usually helps ourselves
But when people try to help us
What do we do?
We push them away
Because we don't like being the ones
Who need the help
Because to us
In our mind
That is admitting defeat
But in real life
It's actually us starting
To win
To win the battle
To win against the harsh feelings
And the harsh words
Our mind has gone to deal with
And through this though
I learned
Before you save someone else
Save yourself first.
Because YOU
Are what influence your feelings
About yourself
So when you save yourself
You are killing your
Thoughts that run through you
The thoughts that hurt you the most
People give up
Because to do this is such a long process
But you will get through it
I know you can.
Yesterday my best friend lost a close friend of hers. She was saying how she hides her feelings at school. I know I do this to but this just came into my mind.
Haley Dec 2018
Listen I get it
Adults have work
But so do we
We meaning teens
When we say its stressful
Sometimes the adults tell us
We are "lucky"
That we don't have an office job
Yeah, I get that
I get your job is hard.
But so is ours
You were there.
But the teaching system has
Gotten harder
And harder.
Sometimes we go home and work on homework
Longer than we were even at the school
Yes, its stressful.
If you are an adult
And have children
Or you are an aunt
Or an uncle
When that child says they are stressed
Don't say that you are too
Reassure them that the stress will go away
And once they are done they will
Feel a relief.
From finishing that work.
Instead of complaining aswell
Give sympathy to them
You most likely went through the same
So give them the  advice
They need.....
306 · Oct 2018
Is something wrong?
Haley Oct 2018
It's easy to fake a smile
It's easy to say you're fine
It's easy to act all happy
Some people realize its fake
Some people
Like certain friends
Sometimes Family
Then they ask
They ask what's wrong
And your mind
Has the choice
To admit
Or hide
Your truth
Your past
Your emotions
And even
Your true self
Which will you choose
Will you choose
To get help
To tell everything
Will you choose
To hide it
Live with your feelings
Have it bottle up
In your mind
Until that bottle
Until that bottle breaks
Once it breaks
What will you do
Who will you go to
When will you seek the help you need
Choose the wise choice
Think about your future
Make the right choice

— The End —