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Jul 2018 · 375
Harry smith Jul 2018
Dust for dust, it's never enough
Who can feel all these feelings when there's just so much lust
****** passion with some anger and rage
You're filled with something that can never change
Cause you've got monsters on the mind
They've mistaken you for kind
But your bad, maybe worse than anybody else
When the preacher prays, he prays for your health
But when he prays for your health he prays for your filth
So dust to dust, do what you must
But only darkness is here, darkness and lust
Jul 2018 · 381
Harry smith Jul 2018
Hate grows very slow and it grows very thick
He was an annoyance once, he now makes me sick
Distance also grows, it grows with the hate
And sometimes the coldness it feels just like bait
Something to snag me to get a reaction
But if you look a bit longer, under closer inspection
You see that it's not, you see you don't care
I think that I'm lost in this ****** up nightmare
Jul 2018 · 389
Harry smith Jul 2018
I destroy
I break down
And then I don't understand
Isolations the one thing that can make amends
I hurt everything and everyone, no matter my love
If I had the power I'd lose the sun up above
But I know the fix, yes I know the solution
To be locked up in my own private institution
To be trapped in my pills, grass, alcohol and nicotine
If I'm nothing but numb, I won't cause a scene
Jul 2018 · 362
Harry smith Jul 2018
So There you sit on your empty throne
Surrounded by a council of mindless drones
Who repeat what you want, and get rid of the rest
You've held such esteem since you've suckled on the breast
And now you've got another *** warped round your tongue
I wonder when you breathe if anything comes out of your lungs?
Or if you're just as cold as I expect you to be
What makes someone like you shake, I'd be interested to see
As blind as a fish and as mad as a hog
You find what you want and the rest stays in fog
you're a dangerous man, your types always been
Appearing so holy yet surrounded by sin
The devil's in the details I'm sure you well know
Well soon calls the time that you go toe to toe
With your devil's, your demons, your angels, your god
And then you'll be incased in 6 feet of sod
Because that's how men rise and that's how men fall
Yes you'll crumble just the same as the rest of us all
Jul 2018 · 303
Harry smith Jul 2018
Feelings of relief
When I gain back control
From my fits and my anger
And everything I know
I relish that relief more than anything else
Cause the ****** chaos before, it was holding me down
And part of me wants to die but the other parts a coward
So I'm constantly at odds with myself and my self destructive powers
And so much stuffs on my mind, I think it's a little to much
Cause everyone's leaving and they all leave a touch
And though they leave a touch, they take so much more
They take my affection, my kindness and they break my trust at its core
But it's fine because they'll go on and they'll lead happy lives
And I'll be here holding on not wanting to survive
Jul 2018 · 501
Harry smith Jul 2018
Banners torn
A single horn
Blown to start the war
Peace has fell
Damning us to hell
Men shaken to there core
Women and children aren't safe
As the men question thier faith
In a god willing to allow all the death
The body's burn with the land
Lives brought down by hand
Witness kin draw their final breath
But soon it will stop as all these things do
Finally brightness will be returned to the hue
Because men, they forget that these things they have happened before
And we can never have enough, our bloodlust seeks more
Jul 2018 · 246
Harry smith Jul 2018
Burn it all down
But make it all last
Because when its all ash we can never go back
And what's gone may be broken
Shattered like glass
And everythings already been spoken
But the damage will always last

— The End —