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Dec 2014 · 520
Erin Lee Dec 2014
The haunted dreams I had came true,
The time has come for us to choose,
My heart burned with a fire so blue,
Reflecting the love I had for you,

I used to think I would never leave,
I thought I would always feel the same,
But as we went through life things changed,
The fire in my heart now reflected the pain,

Now as we come on the last day,
There is one thing I would like to say,

You lit a fire in my heart,
And now that it seems to fall apart,
I remember you taught me to stay strong,
No matter what happens I’ll keep holding on

Though the haunted dreams I had came true,
And a time had come for us to choose,
My heart still burns with a fiery hue,
Reflecting the love I’ll always have for you.
Dec 2014 · 7.8k
Hunger Games Sonnet
Erin Lee Dec 2014
My body is frozen and my heart is filled with dread,
I see her shock with the shaking of her head,
I screamed out “NO” and offered to take Prim’s place,
Effie called his name to and we went up with haste,
They took us to a room where we said our goodbyes,
I promised to win as I started to cry,
The group was quiet as we boarded the train,
I meet out mentor Haymitch and he seemed far from sane,
We meet the other tributes all different in size,
Some seemed very foolish but other seemed wise,
We practice all day to make sure we were fit,
For the pain we will endure will be far worse than just a hit,
I know I should save Peeta as a repayment of my debt,
But I remember my promise to prim and I’m filled with regret,
After I say goodbye to Cinna I see the Arena and feel pain,
Why did Peeta and I both have to be in the Hunger games.
Another old poem I wrote about the first Hunger Games novel.
Dec 2014 · 584
Erin Lee Dec 2014
Between April and June is a month called May,
Where the sun is shining every single day,
Where the birds are singing,
And the church bells are ringing.

Why is May so wonderful you might ask?
Just take a moment and its secret we’ll unmask,
May is the perfect time to just decide
To go to and fro with the changing tide
To follow your dreams without any fears
To have your worries just disappear.
To sing along to a beautiful song,
To dance to the music like nothing is wrong,
To give your heart to the one you love,
To soar alongside the skies above,
To go and spend precious time with friends,
To wish that this time of year would never end.
An old poem I wrote about the lovely month of may
Dec 2014 · 688
Erin Lee Dec 2014
Lovely is* the moment that we
appreciate the day given to us by God and
endless is the universe that turns evermore
As the dawn slowly melts from light *
into night
Dec 2014 · 324
Still The Days...
Erin Lee Dec 2014
Still** is the Earth as I walk down
the narrow path. I know the
days are short but I still
continue through my journey,
on and on I go
without rest,
my heart feels weak and without my
recognition the world. goes. dark.
Dec 2014 · 1.1k
My Best Friend
Erin Lee Dec 2014
I thank you so for all you have given,
You’re a man so great with a heart so driven.
Driven to do all that is right,
In a world filled with darkness you are the light.
The Light that gives me joy and love,
A love so honest it come from above,
Above where God watches over us,
The two of us in this relationship filled with trust,
God brought us together and we know he’s never wrong,
About us, he knows this is where I belong,
And you belong with me, hand in hand.
No matter what happens by your side I’ll always stand.
And through our lives I know that in the end,
I have truly fallen in love with my best friend.
The poem I wrote to my best friend for valentines day
Dec 2014 · 364
Erin Lee Dec 2014
Before I gave in to my lust and sin,
Before I let it take over, before I let it win,
Before he took my confidence and threw it in the trash,
Before I tried to solve things with a single little slash,
Before he used his words to hold and tie me up,
Before I finally said "Enough is enough",
Before I ran away, and finally was set free,
Before I saw the truth, the answer, the key
Before my Hero came and gave me peace and strength,
Before I gained the confidence to soar to great lengths,
Before I ever met him, I sang a beautiful song,
But after all that happened, I'm still standing strong
Dec 2014 · 1.6k
Figure in the Fog
Erin Lee Dec 2014
I fell on the ground beaten and in pain,
Every move I make reminds me of my shame,
I gave up on myself, thinking all is lost,
But then I saw a figure in the fog.

He picked me up and said with a sigh
"I came for you when I heard your cries.
I am here to save you from your past,
It took a long time but I am here at last."

He lifted me up and carried me home,
I was overwhelmed with all the love he had shown,
I looked in his eyes and saw his smiling face,
His intentions were pure and his heart filled with grace

We walked down the path, hand in hand,
He let me rest when I was too tired to stand.

Now as I wander through life,
I never feel any pain or strife,
I have finally found my best friend
who will help me through it until the end.
Dec 2014 · 593
A Choice
Erin Lee Dec 2014
He comes from the darkness with a greedy face,
I ran from him with a quickening pace,
He caught up with me, his eyes filled with pride,
"It's too late now, there's nowhere to hide"

As I sit down I am filled with disgrace,
He lifts my head up and says I have a choice to make,
"Just one decision, that's all I need dear.
Only one choice, there's not need to fear."

This choice might make me.
This choice might break me.

"Hurry up darling you must make a choice."
I hear him say in a sinister voice.

My heart grows weary
as time draws near,
My heart grows weary,
It's too much to bear,

"Now, Now, the time is NOW!"
I hear him scream as the sweat
drips off of his brow,
I told him "OK, I will decide."

Now I will make my decision, the deed will be done,
But the greatest question of all.
Will I make the right one?
Mar 2013 · 410
Heart and soul
Erin Lee Mar 2013
I thank God everyday for blessing me with you,
A great young man with a heart so true,
Even if the world was torn at at the seam,
No matter what we will always be a team.

Now there is no place I would rather be
Than by your side, just you and me.
We go through life, hand in hand,
Our greatest adventures will be the ones unplanned.

You are the one that fill all the gaps,
I look in your eyes and think, "perhaps
this is the man that will help me through life.
Could it be that I will become his wife?"

I am unsure of what the future may hold,
But I pray that with you, an adventure may unfold,
I know you are the one that makes me whole,
I love you with all of my heart and soul.
Mar 2013 · 440
Yours to keep
Erin Lee Mar 2013
My forgiveness is shallow,
yours is unending,
My peace is hallow,
Yours is complete,
My pride is wrong,
you are meek,
My hate is strong,
You are love,
I know you have risen,
You fulfilled,
My heart I have given,
Yours to keep
Mar 2013 · 712
I don't know
Erin Lee Mar 2013
All I ever do is live,
what if you have nothing else to give?
This cynical world just wants a little more
of my soul. but what for?
so they can use it,
So they can abuse it.

I have become so weak,
To finally have rest is all that I seek.
There is a battle within, between life and death,
A struggle I feel with every sigh and breath,
But I feel like death has already won
Now that I know where my dad hides the gun.

Why must living cause me so much strife?
The pain goes through me like the sharpest of knifes,
I am so very lost,
But is a time of peace worth the cost?
Of my life?
I don't know,
I don't know.
Mar 2013 · 380
My Prayer
Erin Lee Mar 2013
Father, I pray for peace

My voice cries out
"Come to me, erase all my doubt".
I feel your spirit come to me and chase,
Chase my fears away.
When all else fails it's your grace,
Your grace that stays.
You are all I seek,
Show me, oh Lord, how to be meek,
Teach me to be wise
So I shall not fall and cause my own demise,
I ask you to stay in my heart forever,
So for all eternity we will be together.
Mar 2013 · 316
Erin Lee Mar 2013

          It surrounds us,
          It crowns us,

         It seems to be against us,
         However; it is always on our side,
         It has nothing to hide,
         It is true, wise, and free.
         Love is something even the blind can see.

         We want love,
         We need love,
         But, do we know love?
                            God is love.
Mar 2013 · 295
What if?
Erin Lee Mar 2013

                        We see it's beauty through all the flaws.

But what if?

                                            The beauty of love is in
                        the flaws?
Mar 2013 · 276
Just to...
Erin Lee Mar 2013
You take another shot.
Just to live
       to live
       to live

You are drowning yourself.
Just to breathe
       to breathe
       to breathe

But I see it in your eyes.
You are begging to die
                             to die
                             to die
Mar 2013 · 292
Three, Two, One
Erin Lee Mar 2013
One word,
One single word

Two words,
Two simple words,
A question asked...
                                      "You promise?"

Three words,
Three beautiful words
spoken with a heart so true....
                                                       "I love you"

Sometimes the greatest gift in life is as simples as...
               ­                           *One

— The End —