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 Oct 2017 Brianna
full moon
 Oct 2017 Brianna
my sheets know your secrets
my pillows, your thoughts
my blanket misses your warmth
and i,
i miss your touch
 Oct 2017 Brianna
David Champion
The least-loved actor on the stage,
She is as beautiful as the moon

... and just as pale.

She stands alone in the spotlight,
Surrounded by darkness

... with the courage to feel.

She is real, honest and truthful,
In this theatre of shadows and lies

... her tears are no act.
 Oct 2017 Brianna
My father
Sick of motor neurones
And holes in the aorta
Has made a decision
Full of heartache and pain
I support
I understand
But the darkness has returned

He has started the journey
The process has begun
I will be by his side
I will hold his hand
I will fight back my tears
My aching heart will stay hidden
But the darkness will come too

I must be brave
For him I must stay strong
He will be frightened
He won't know what will happen
After he has left his body
Does he still believe in God
I'm not sure
I should ask him
I wonder if darkness has got him too.
I guess a lot of poetry will come from me during this heartbreaking time that lies ahead....
 Oct 2017 Brianna
"When you're lonely,
what do you do?"

"I take pictures
of my favorite places."

"But why do you
keep taking
pictures of the same spots?"

"Because sometimes,
I wish
you'd appear
in one of them."

i take many pictures of my favorite places almost expecting you'd be what i captured, wjh.
 Oct 2017 Brianna
I’m 5’9”, loud and strong. 

I’ve got big hair, perfect brows and a straight back.

I radiate confidence, sexuality and metaphorical ***** as my curvy hourglass figure walks with purpose down the street.

My attitude says “There’s nothing I can not do.”

My eyes say “You wanna fight? I’m ready.”

To them, I’m a lioness. 

I protect all that is mine — except from myself. 

Behind the facade, I am small. 

Behind my words, I am afraid. 

Behind my sunglasses, my eyes are wet. 

And under my luxury lingerie, I am naked, just like my soul is when I’m writing.

I’m not who they think I am, are you?
 Oct 2017 Brianna
 Oct 2017 Brianna
I felt my heart begin to pound
Your voice had that familiar sound..

I saw you slowly walk up those stairs
I knew I was right to be so scared..

The way you looked at me..
I could barely breathe..

The air was heavy with doubt
Who knew silence could be so loud?

Loving you was always so hard..
..I guess..
*"We're better apart."
 Oct 2017 Brianna
 Oct 2017 Brianna
it used to be a landscape
where our souls would intertwine
but you left me, four whole months ago
and now both sides are mine
i found this on my notes. i started it a while ago, back in May, but had forgotten to finish it. but now it feels complete
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