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B D Caissie Oct 2019
It was as if only yesterday...

The endless sounds of rippling water passing me by.

Birds whistling a soothing song that all is well.

A gentle breeze rustling the leaves above and the grasses below.

The smell of earth, air and water filling my lungs.

Exhaling my troubles onto the gentle river and watching them float away.

I miss yesterday...

  Oct 2019 B D Caissie
Em MacKenzie
You’re picking every single door
except the one I could never lock.
Consciously you know there could be one more
but you’ll continue on your never ending walk.
“Even though she knows you’d go through Hell,
why would she love you? She knows you too well.”
Accept the truth and I’ll face the wrath,
I am the root but you’re always the path.

We see days and nights at separate times,
they appear the same but differentiate.
I **** on lemons but bathe in the bitterness of limes
encircled in salt; for sugar I’ll have to wait.

What doesn’t **** me only leaves me on the brink of death,
right hand on heart as I lost my left.
I’ll form the only links that I know
and wait to hear, “I told you so.”

I stop short of screaming those crucial words
you don’t need to hear it, they’re engraved in your mind.
Instead I whisper them to the trees, the leaves and birds,
they’re the only company that I find.

What doesn’t **** me only leaves me on the brink of death,
I’ve saved your truth for my last breath.
You’ll find it all in each day with age,
I’ll write it down in a novel; you won’t skip to the last page.
I always needed it more than you’ll ever know,
and you’ll tell yourself “I told you so.”
  Oct 2019 B D Caissie
Jack Jenkins
my heart will always hold you
though my arms cannot
your name is on my every breath
whispered to the dark as i fall asleep
& i pray your spirit haunts my dreams
for i miss you eternally
you are the words of my muse
darkness & light of my heart
window of your soul pierces me
azure tranquility
punctuated by storm-wrought walls
oh how i miss you so
//on her, yet again//
  Oct 2019 B D Caissie

Upon a nice mid-spring day,
I take a look at Nature's way.

And breathe the scent of nice fresh air,
Feeling the breeze within my hair.

The grass pokes between my toes,
As I smell the flowers with my nose.

Clouds form shapes within the skies,
As light glistens from my eyes.

I hear the buzzing of the bees,
That climb the tallest willow trees.

I look across the meadow way,
And see a young deer at its play.

I pick the daisies as they grow,
And watch a gentle cold stream flow.

I hear the sounds of water splash,
And catch its glimmer in a flash.

When altogether it all seems sound,
I lay myself upon the ground.

To take a moment to inhale,
And listen to Nature tell her tale...

  Oct 2019 B D Caissie
At times, things might seem worst than they are.
At times, the loneliness might keep tearing at you.
At times, you might want to give up on life here.
At times, you might hurt and want to cry out to God.
But believe me things are not always as bad as it looks.
There always better times to come in the future too.
Sometimes it takes us getting out to meet new people.
Never give up , there shall come better times for you.
Yes if you really are hurting bad then cry out to God.
B D Caissie Oct 2019
To knowingly deprive someone of their happiness is a form of cruelty that not even the hardest of men could endure.

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