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 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
Jeffrey Pua
Let us send mosquitoes into exile,
To the obliterating cold of Antarctica,
     In hope that the stars will take refuge
In this corrupted Archipelago, till then
We shall tire this full moon, lay our lovers down,
And burn the shadows
     As a campfire of our love.*

© 2015 J.S.P.
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
lluvia de abril
If I must forget you
convince me
that love is the hollow
of words unwritten

Remind me
that thoughts are a trespass
all things unwanted

Whisper a word in the wrong place
a misstep towards a Thursday
torn from the walls in May

Teach me
to think love
an inconvenience
an imprudent heartbeat
at the wrong time of day

Show me
what I must forget
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
My professor said
Write on the board
What you want most in life
I wrote the word "****"
Not because i'm a pervert
I just always wanted
To see that word
On a dry erase board
In big letters
The dream
To be happy while you flow down the stream
Now this dream isn’t just sitting around
It’s up above on top of this monstrous Mound
And I understand I have to work
Even if it’s sometimes a knee ****
Nothing should be handed over to me
Nature obviously agrees
I want to be my best
And pass my test
The goal is to get high
Not just from that green ***** in the sky
But by natural pride
The feeling you get when you’ve really tried
You take that last advance
You’re drowned in excitement you might even dance
You feel thump-thump
Your heart filled with adrenaline just before a ski jump
You know deserve it
Because of the hours you’ve spent in the pit
Even if you lost your goal
You still gained some heart and soul
But eventually you’ll realize it’s worth the time
So you can keep up improving your prime.
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
The Dedpoet
You swear by life and its beauty
In ten thousand poems
And breathe the inescapeable moment
Purifying your existence
On this foreign plane.

You consume the fleeting mortality
In the dim half light that is time,
You make love with arrogance in youth
And butterflies in tow,
You recline in your chair
And remember the dry dust of days,
The procession of years on this
Great yin and yang flight.

And death is a sleepwalking dream
With intimate knowledge of your
Deepest desires and wants,
So that one version of you
Might tell the other version
Yet to be
to live life to its fullest
In the emptiness that surrounds all.

And the current on which death rides
Will take us to the door of wombs,
You will see the  Depths and the Heights
And pass the One
Into a flurry of ashes that pass
Like glittery dust,
And to die
Is but a rebirth,
Into the madness once more.
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
No two seashells are the same;
but then, to be invariable would be a shame.
To be unique is a gift you see,
to be you is the best way to be.

All seashells are grouped together in the sea and onshore,
their differences are irrelevant - their worth is the same at the core.
Some are able to float away from distress,
while others merely sink under the pressure I must confess.

Some are captivating and beautiful beyond compare,
while some are unpropitious with signs of wear and tear.
Yet despite their differences each one has an admirer,
and whether whole or broken each one is a survivor.

No two seashells are the same, it's true -
nor are two humans invariable - let this message get through.
To be unique is a gift you see,
to be you is the best way to be.
Sometimes our minds wander
into another world
lighter or darker
and we tend to roam
farther away from our destination

The problem is it happens
too often for awhile
and our hearts
are led into other worlds
all too different
farther away from whence we came

Thus, we forget
our destination
was a little closer
than we thought
by the time
we finally remembered

The good thing is
we got back on track
and began to follow
the right path
and entered new places
with unending smiles
I stray away from writing
from time to time. I come to a halt and then
I pick back up again. T'is something I do quite often.
Still, it's always nice coming back home!
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
Chloe Zafonte
Don't tell me you love me when you told her the same you do not miss me this is all just a game.
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