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 Jul 2017 Angharad
Just a cut,
Just a scratch.
It wouldn't hurt,
It wouldn't last;

It would fade,
Fade into blue;
The colour of sadness,
The colour of you.
Needed to get something off of my chest.
 Jul 2017 Angharad
In Bloom Soon
 Jul 2017 Angharad
If ever you find yourself doubting your existence,
remember that there's a reason you are alive.

Lavenders are not always in bloom,
but when they are
they become beautifully alive.
And everyone is in awe of its splendor.
Not even a king's robe can compare.

Sometimes pruning is necessary for growth.
Sometimes healing comes through rain.
Sometimes a year of drought makes you realize
how much you wanted to be alive,
and you start praying for rain.

You're almost there.
Like a lavender,
exude a strong scent
reminding everyone your time to bloom has come.
A broken window will want repair
And a broken arm must be treated with care
But what happens to a broken heart?

Do the shards come together and try to mend?
Do they search helplessly for what could have been?
Can anyone tell me how things will end,
For my broken heart?

Do the pieces separate, and freely roam?
Do they long for love, or wish to be alone?
Does anyone know how to make a home,
For my broken heart?

Will my eyes no longer twinkle and my mouth no longer smile?
Will I forget how to love, or be tender and mild?
Does anyone know what life will be while,
I have this broken heart?

Will its love flow out to the empty places in me?
Will my whole body know what it is to be warm and sweet?
Does anyone know the language or beat,
Of my broken heart?

Will all its pieces move as one?
Will they dream of what could be, what is, and what was?
Can anyone find a greater love,
Than that of a broken heart?

While some do not realize that a whole is but two halves
And with a broken heart, they forget how to laugh
So that is why I am proud to love and still have
My beautiful broken heart
Have you ever wanted to do something just once,
Only once and never again, and then have it be as if
You'd never done it at all?

It was summer, like now:
Hot, hazy, sweaty--even in the evening.
The brook ran low, between banks covered with alders,
Overhanging, tall, immense;
The mountains were purple, indefinite through the mist;
The pines looked almost black.
You could smell the summer--scents from the marsh--
Things in their prime--you could hear them,
Tweeting and chirping and buzzing and peeping and croaking,
And barking and hooting:
Dead mid-summer--hot, sticky, buggy.

After the sun set, but before it was dark,
When you can still see, but everything's a different color,
I stood on the old bridge
Where the brook runs under the back road
On its way from the marsh, down through the village,
To the big river and the lake beyond.

I was looking up towards the plateau, trying to lose myself,
When around the bend, banking against the alders,
In formation, like separate missiles shot from different cannons
At the same moment, at the same velocity,
In the same direction
With systems to navigate and turn, elevate and descend, dart,
Follow the stream bed,
And stay exactly the same distance from each other,
Like an entity with an awareness
The no one part could experience,
Came a flight of bats, moving too quickly to count.

They rocketed under the bridge,
Appeared on the other side, raced
Down a straight stretch, veered right
And disappeared with the brook into the meadows
Headed for the dark pines, the rapids and beyond.
You could hear the swish of their wings as they passed
And their high-pitched pings, like the highest notes on a harp.
In a blink they were gone, in their ecstasy flying on,
And I wanted to be them, all of them at once--
Just once.
I think there is a consciousness in a well-coordinated group that no one
member can experience--that's why I wanted to be all of them.
 Jul 2017 Angharad
Summer Edmonds
There's a certain kind of ache in the vacant chambers of my heart, like a slow bleed foreshadowing the death of something that never really lived.
My body pleads with itself to remember what it was like before all it did was miss you.
 Jul 2017 Angharad
Jonothan Lewis
Stuck in this cage only you on my mind I want to get out, escape find somewhere to hide

Gather my thoughts write poems about my sorrows my heart I would give you forever not only to borrow

7 billion people and my heart picked you to show you my love, my care what can I begin to do?

Even though physically the odds are against us I will fight, work refusing to be torn like paper

I hope one day we will finally be together so I can love you and spoil you forever and ever
 Jul 2017 Angharad
Shanay Love
Embellishing our
in the euphoria of our
artificial affections
spoil me;
until Reality straitens
my smile
 Jul 2017 Angharad
Melissa S
Thanks for going back in time
Visiting some of the thoughts of my mind
He is a Traveler of time and space
Always in search of that perfect place
He has crossed the distance and the abyss
Into areas that don't even exist
Often heard but rarely seen
Even visiting me in the In between
He looks up to the stars and sky so clear
Always with wonder never with fear
May the compass of this traveler's soul
Keep directing him onward and forward
Always discovering new lyrics and words
Keeping the ladies happy and stirred
Really hearing what his heart wants to say
Maybe even find that perfect place to stay
Travel on good traveler but just know this
I will always leave the window open for that kiss :)
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