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 Nov 2014 0hitsume
You'll never know...
When you'll be head over heels
The most enchanting feeling in the world
Your unknown desires, it reveals
A current in you will endlessly twirl

You'll never know...
When happiness fills your heart
Having a precious bundle of joy in your arms
You'll realize in your life, he's the most important part
Not forgetting, he'll make the best morning alarms

You'll never know...
When your heart will be scrunched
Like a ball from a piece of paper
Feels like your chest is being ruthlessly punched
Your skin peeled off with a serrated scraper

You'll never know...
When a friend will turn his back
Whose hand you held, all these years
Intentionally causing an emotional attack
In disbelief, you gather invisible tears

You'll never know...
When you'll be caught in an unexpected plight
Daily reflections occur, due to lack of wisdom
To ease your dark path, you yearn for a ray of light
Nothing much you can do except to crave for freedom

You'll never know...
When the time comes, you might bleed to death
Tears will flow drowning your skin
As you breathe your last breath
You wish you had more time to atone for your sins
You'll never know what and when things will happen..
#life  #happiness  #love  #disappointment  #betrayal
#regret #pain #death
 Oct 2014 0hitsume
Just Melz
The written word
Should help us heal
All it does is hurt
By stating what we feel

It's confusing, reading scribbles
Knowing the authors heart
Realizing it means nothing
Typing your soul apart

The ink splashed on paper
Not really meaning a thing
Just random rants
About absolutely nothing

Expressing your heart
Exposing your pain
To the cruelness of people
With nothing to gain

But hurting your soul
And bruising your mind
Someone who expresses truth
Is way too hard to find

In this blank world
Where feelings are condemned
Tears are weakness
It's just better to pretend
 Sep 2014 0hitsume
Stop looking for someone to settle you down.


Meet someone to stay wild with

And *run.
 Sep 2014 0hitsume
Andrew Durst
it can either be
the greatest gift
or the most
painful response.
I haven't been writing short poems lately. Feels good to get this one out.
 Sep 2014 0hitsume
Hailey P
Keep breaking my heart,
it'll only make my writing
 Aug 2014 0hitsume
The beauty of a woman
is in the poems she's wrote,
the dreams she's weaved
and all the stories she's told.

The beauty of a woman
is in the adventures she's taken,
the lives she's touched
and all the minds she's awakened.

The beauty of a woman
is in the caring she gives,
the sincerity in her laughter,
and the passion in her griefs.

It's not the expensive clothes she owns,
her body size, the diamonds she's worn.
Measure not the beauty of woman in gold,
for the beauty of a woman is reflected in her soul.
Dedicated to all women out there with an amazing mind and a beautiful soul. We are the gift of nature, soft enough to touch the core of others and strong enough to protect that and those important to us. I love you all. Believe in yourself and the world will believe in your power.

I'm honored to have it as the daily poem.
 Aug 2014 0hitsume
Because days like this,
I feel the tears role down my cheeks,
and I think to myself,
I've never loved anyone like I love you.
 Aug 2014 0hitsume
The Unknown
It is a feeling I cannot express
I feel that I know you so well
We've been together through joy and pain
together we've surfaced from hell

There is no relationship stronger than this
and there is no one I'd rather be with
I know you and you know me
and our love has set us free

I feel no regret and there's nothing to fret
not one of the sorrows that we will forget
I know we'll destroy our strife
You are the love of my life
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