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Aug 2014 · 426
Lavina Akari Aug 2014
around this time last year
you were asleep because you fell down the stairs

i waited at a meteor shower and wished for you and
you awoke the next day, but then you went away

this year i went and wished on you again
please come back, i miss you so

your brittle bones must have strengthened by now

i can't wait to see you,
i'll see you soon
Oh, Xavier, when will you come home
Aug 2014 · 567
Lavina Akari Aug 2014
i know you're hurting
you're walking a lonely road with no streetlights
and you can hear rustling but see nothing
don't stumble, lean on me
i'm here in this darkness with you and
i will hold your hand through it all
if you get scared, give it a squeeze
my eyes are watering but your legs
are shaking
i'm tired but i'll try to carry you
we'll get through this together

my best friend and i seem to be in a very rough patch at the same time
Jul 2014 · 290
Lavina Akari Jul 2014
wounds will always heal but
a heart
is a hard thing to put back together
Jul 2014 · 525
i am in love
Lavina Akari Jul 2014
i want to hold my hands in your hair forever
because i feel that they would be
safest there
and i want to stare into your eyes forever and read them
let me study you and breathe you in  

let me kiss your pain away
and make you laugh because darling your laugh
echoes off the walls of this empty house and for that moment
i find so much peace

tell me everything you are passionate about
the things you hate and what makes your eyes sparkle
like they do and when they flicker briefly with excitement i
want you to grab my hand and spin me around

you are this faint ray of sunshine on the
cloudiest and greyest of days
i will cherish you even after i die
Jul 2014 · 269
Lavina Akari Jul 2014
i became infected

i allowed sadness in like the oxygen i breathe
it seeped through my lungs and soon it was rushing
through my bloodstream

i can feel it, oh my goodness it hurts
  so much

but very quickly it stopped me feeling at all,
like painkillers
everything was numb but i knew it was wrong and i had to get it out
the doctors wouldn't give me medicine to drain it,
so i tried to drain it myself

if it is swimming in my veins i must get it out
my blood will renew itself and clean
so i cut myself open, again and again
and again.                   (and again)
tried to let it wash out as red ran down my body
so my veins would be cleaned of this parasite inside
tried to spit it up with my meals and burn it out of my skin

but its so big
and i am so small
it surpassed all of my attempts and stayed in my body
now the pain i feel is physical too
Jul 2014 · 304
Lavina Akari Jul 2014
I don't want my friends to understand me.
I don't want them to understand my pain and 'know how I feel'.

I want them to stutter at a loss of words when I cry in their
arms because I'm so tired of how I feel.
I want them to get angry because I can't shower myself and
I want them to tell me it's stupid how I feel so sad for no reason.
I don't want them to understand when I rip myself apart over a person and
I shake in front of them because I won't stop bleeding,
I want them to ask me why I have to be like this and apologise
how they can't help me because they don't get it,
they say they don't understand mental illness and they think it's dumb.

Because if they understand

then that means they'll have felt it.
May 2014 · 2.5k
Lavina Akari May 2014
i don't know who i am

I am both the strongest and the weakest person
I don't care enough and i care too much
I am both confident and insecure
I am alive and I'm also dead
I dont want anyone and I need attention
I am rain and I am sunshine

I am nothing and I am everything
Apr 2014 · 7.4k
Lavina Akari Apr 2014
no more blood and not much tears
but I must admit I still have fears

but, in some way, I feel its ending
is all mending.

all scars are coming to an end
my heart is surely on the mend

my lungs are still tainted
my mind is still too
my arms are still painted
with memories in blue

but my favourite part, I love this, I do
is when I close my eyes,
and I never see you
Apr 2014 · 588
Lavina Akari Apr 2014
count cuts
  count pills
   count tears
      count blades
        count frowns
         count calories
            count memories
               count blood drops

          count your blessings
         count memories        
        count recovery
       count smiles
      count meals
     count days
    count yes'
   count us
Apr 2014 · 1.6k
Lavina Akari Apr 2014
I want to die
I want to die small

I want to lie in my coffin
scars and bones

I want to be so skeletal that it doesnt matter if you dig me up

1 week
20 years

after i am buried because i will look exactly the same

i want to die this disgusting fairy
riddled with bad breath and osteoporosis

frozen like a gargoyle from pain
hairless and toothless
i do not want to be like this, im sorry if this triggered anyone and i am NOT trying to romanticize anything. Mental health is sent from hell.
Apr 2014 · 1.5k
Lavina Akari Apr 2014
I am getting bad again
I can feel it
I can feel the urges rushing through my veins -


for me to slice into them
there's a promise of adrenaline
it will rush through my body like a jet
I want to hurt hurt hurt I want to
cut and scratch and rip and dig
until all I see is
and I want to drown in it until all I see is
Just 3am thoughts from the other day
Dec 2013 · 753
Lavina Akari Dec 2013
this time last year was dark
and unclear
there were hopes for me
i had no fear

my scars - still wounds
my heart still yearning
he said 'i love you' and the
room started

how silly i was, i couldn't believe
i replayed it forever
i love him, you see

patience had met a boy
in my absence
and the morning sun had met her moon
a precious stone was lost
the day the grass lit up with frost


this time this year, still dark
no hopes for me
the dark i fear

my scars - now healed
but my heart is blue
he loves my friend

she loves him too

how silly i was, still holding on
gripped too tight
i am still

patience is in love
she waited long enough
the sun moved too soon and lost the reflection
of her moon
Gods Servant found the precious stone

and i am a lost soul
no one have i found
waiting for the day
i am put in the
Nov 2013 · 482
Lavina Akari Nov 2013
you smiled at me,
buried yourself in me,

I thought I knew you
ran my fingers through your hair
and breathed you in

you buried yourself in me
dug yourself under my skin

you're in my veins

burning through me like fire -
pain, but not the good kind,

I tried to like it, but it wasn't working

you vanished from my sight but
I still felt you burning through me.
heating my heart and my fingertips
in all the wrong ways

I tried to expel you - bleed you out
I cut myself open and
crimson rivers ran over my skin
yet you wouldn't leave
you are still in my veins
I have not known pain like this

I am getting there, my sweet fire
I can bleed for you in a bath
I can try to water you down.
Nov 2013 · 515
Lavina Akari Nov 2013
I am constantly told that I am loud

but I think everyone is wrong,
I can only make witty replies or
defend myself when insulted.

I cannot, however:

ask for help or
speak out

the voices clutch my windpipe
and I choke and struggle
But do not utter a word,
I can't scream to be cleansed of the
dark shadows inside of me

For who would listen?
Aug 2013 · 1.1k
Lavina Akari Aug 2013
August 12, 2013

right now I am looking at the sky
and watching each star appear one by one
as the night progresses

I have seen three shooting stars
beautiful, sparkling diamonds crying

did you know?
that when you wish upon a shooting star
you're a million years late
because the light from the stars have
taken so many years to burst through
into our Earths sight
and we experience its beauty
when it is too late

I guess people can be like that too
they are nice to you but you do not care
and after they are gone, and it is too late
you see the light in them
and realise how beautiful they are
but there is nothing you can do
Aug 2013 · 588
happy // sad
Lavina Akari Aug 2013
there was once a girl I used to know
she was the most beautiful girl in the world,

smiling showed off her glistening teeth
so true, so pure
it took my breath away
her happiness made her skin shine and her hair dazzle
the gold no rich man could buy

she smelled of rain, spice, mint!
you could spend hours sitting next to her

her eyes were precious gems, more
than just
sapphires, emeralds, diamonds, more than that

her heart was warm and made of solid gold
so inviting she lured every kind man towards her

there once was a girl I used to know, although
she isn't a girl anymore

frowning never showed her once pearl teeth
now stained from tobacco
her teeth were the colour of suicide
her sadness had allowed her skin to become flawed her hair greased and limped,
the trash metals no one valued

she smelled of spice and grime
nobody wanted to be near her for long

her eyes were dull, foggy, maybe
like cheap glass that needed polished, no one
would look at them

her heart, an empty cave, so hollow
any man who even dared to enter would find
nothing but a dying memory of her former self
and no one liked that

what a waste of a girl?
everyone expected more from her
Aug 2013 · 308
life story
Lavina Akari Aug 2013
don't leave me

I'm too late
Aug 2013 · 548
Lavina Akari Aug 2013
I feel I am getting bad again
I am not coping

I want to die, I want to feel pain
from myself
for myself
no one else

I want to cut out my problems and
eat my worries

but, by tomorrow
when I wake up

I will be okay again
Aug 2013 · 411
Lavina Akari Aug 2013
maybe, one day
if I am lucky

I will be free

but until then
I will always feel

caged, trapped

maybe, always
if things do not change

I will be a flightless bird
but unable to show the world
Aug 2013 · 783
help me
Lavina Akari Aug 2013
what a beautiful sight, you should have seen
the blood! should have seen the anger and bitter hot tears
and shiny metal
and swollen lips from biting as if
you're trying to shut that voice up inside you because they
speak through you through your mouth and
red lips, teeth
use your tongue and chest shout for them to go away
its not working, it never works
but you won't stop trying and you want
your veins to run hollow and to bleed yourself dry
because you feel like an empty shell
the only thing inhabiting you is
the harsh voices
but they are
unwanted and they are bad news
and you don't know if you should stand up or not
or if that will increase blood flow because you will fall over
and see white dots like
fairy kisses in your eyes and on your skin and God won't
accept you to heaven because you've been told
killing yourself is a sin
but is hell really that bad because you already feel you are there
when really your heart is still beating and your
brain is still thinking
and your arms are still bleeding and you're still shouting
at everything to
be quiet just for a moment
to get everything straight

but you're not allowed to leave so you're staying on Earth
and you're so used to the voices you often get mixed up
which ones are real and which ones are in my head?
a very common and almost daily question you ask
yourself and sometimes others without realising

and what is it about depression being beautiful so maybe
one more tear and one more cut will make people like you
and boys and girls are not just going to be able to fix you just by
holding the key to your heart so stop thinking
the reason you're sad is because you're used or single because
people in relationships are just as sad as you and you are still bleeding and your
heart is still beating and maybe
sweetheart it wouldn't hurt to
sit down.
Jul 2013 · 617
Lavina Akari Jul 2013
such a broken little girl
cracked open her skull and
showed everyone her dreams
shame she forgot that all her friends
were monsters

silly little girl
sliced open her veins and
showed everyone what they had
she was controlled by a monster
Jul 2013 · 607
Lavina Akari Jul 2013
why is it that
the people who say they
love me
are the ones who are always
constantly hurting me


why is it that
the people who say they
hate me
just stay far away
so they cause no harm
Jul 2013 · 328
Lavina Akari Jul 2013
I would pass you in the hall
and we'd still be oceans apart

I can hear rain outside right now
its strong and it is drowning my thoughts
does that mean you're close?
or am I just wishing
Jul 2013 · 830
silver moon / golden sun
Lavina Akari Jul 2013
the moon has no light
yet she still shines
and you can see her standing out
in the cold black sky

and the sun helps the moon
because I guess that's what friends are for
although the moon has never helped the sun

and its not a two way street
and the sun doesn't except anything back
he only needs to know the moon will shine
whenever they sky is black
Jul 2013 · 645
Lavina Akari Jul 2013
maybe my mother
neglected me a little
but she still bent over backwards
so I could have an education.

and my daddy's in the army
and he's been to third world countries
and he's seen so much suffering
and some of his friends are dead
yet he still goes there
and he still smiles when he greets me
in the morning.

and maybe my sister saved me
when no one else would
just by smiling at me
the way a toddler should

and maybe my best friend
has never even met me
but she knows more than myself
and she's never left once

and maybe the only boy I ever liked
turned out to be slightly heartless
and nothing actually happened
and I don't like to pretend it did

and maybe at some points
in my short life
a video game would be the only

but any form of comfort I find I grip
a little too hard
and maybe it hurts them
at the start
and that's why they wriggle away
like a fish
in someone's hand
Jul 2013 · 495
fix me
Lavina Akari Jul 2013
I was broken

you did not fix me

instead you threw pretty words in my ears
traced the indentations over my wrists
and said;
'never open them again'

but I did
I couldn't help it

you were here all night and gone the next morning
like a one night stand on a film
and the viewer keeps pressing rewind

you did not understand that
played with my mind like a toy

and voices filled the silence that you didn't;

I was the shell that you couldn't fill
abandoned on a beach to be washed away
by the slow tide

chilling to the bone

you do not and never will understand

not wanting to live
and wanting to die

are two very different things
Jul 2013 · 378
solace of the mind
Lavina Akari Jul 2013
she found a spot in her heart
where withered plants still fought to survive
the rest of her heart was dirt
soft, but dry

when he met her
he kissed her chest
and with each kiss he planted a seed
so she could grow to love herself

he nurtured them well
and the withered plants survived
and he opened the door to her heart
and let in rays of light
Jul 2013 · 489
love me back
Lavina Akari Jul 2013
with a heart
as sensitive as yours
you can never be too safe

as gentle as a butterfly
and as fragile as a flower

i kiss your cheek
as if i am kissing the soft spot
on a newborn baby's head

and blessed is the woman
to touch you as if you are made of glass

i wanted to stay
but you didn't want the same

so i ripped the wings off the butterflies
and tore the flower petals off one by one
and i dropped your heart from my window
so it shattered into a million pieces

and i hope you felt every bit of it
Jul 2013 · 733
Lavina Akari Jul 2013
i sit alone
alone, but with a voice in my head

the voice that reminds me you exist
and are getting along fine without me

the voice that reminds me my calorie intake
and that i am not a size 4

the voice that reminds me someone has glanced at my wrist
and will never look at me the same way again

the voice that exaggerates any imperfection
except the ones on you

the voice that keeps me company at night
but not the way i want it to
Jul 2013 · 6.7k
Lavina Akari Jul 2013
in the corner she sits
calls but no one looks up

just like a lost toy - replaced
as if she were never really there

into the ground she sinks
maybe she'll return again
when everyone else has left
and someone needs to reach out
and aren't ignorant enough to ignore her
Jul 2013 · 942
Lavina Akari Jul 2013
when I was two
my mother told me not to lean over the chair
that she wouldn't help me if I hurt myself
because it was my fault for not listening
to her wise words
when I fell and broke my collarbone
she kissed me and took me to hospital
and aided me until I was healed

when I was four
my mother told me not to jump down the stairs
that she wouldn't help me if I hurt myself
because it was my fault for not listening to her wise words
when I fell and hit my head off the concrete
she kissed me and gave me a white pill
to numb the pain
and aided me until I was healed

when I was ten
my mother told me not to hit the walls when I was angry
that she wouldn't help me if I hurt myself
because it was my fault for not listening to her wise words
when I fractured my wrist
she kissed me and took me to hospital
and aided me until I was healed

when I was fourteen
my mother told me not to fall for you
that she wouldn't help me if you hurt me
because it was my fault for not listening to her wise words
when you broke my heart
she kissed me and dried my tears
and did all she could to heal me
Jul 2013 · 504
Lavina Akari Jul 2013
"come back" you call
but no one hears

did you make a sound?
of course you did, you heard it yourself

wash the acid from my skin, kiss the blood from my wounds

eat all of my hate, plant flowers in every cracked flaw on my body

stitch every imperfection of mine with kisses

heal me, scratch the anger out of me and leave red lines i can smile upon

i cannot spend my life waiting for people to fix me.
Jul 2013 · 2.1k
Lavina Akari Jul 2013
you are fragile
and the boy in the year above you calls you fat
and the girl in the row behind says you look like a rat
and you sit and think about it for a few minutes
minutes turn to hours, hours turn to days
and soon you've lost track of the last time you ate
and soon you've become obsessed with your weight
you forgot what colour your skin used to be
because your arms are covered in red lines
and you cry all the time

you are fragile
and the girl in the hospital bed groans
she is short and she is thin,
skin and bones
this girl is you
and there is only one thing you need to do
but again, all you can do is cry
all you hear the doctor do is sigh
you hear the boy in the year above has died
drunk with a car, an upsetting fate
and the girl in the row behinds period is late
when was the last time you ate?

you are fragile
and the man in the street smiles
he stares for a while
he soaks up any sadness
laughs at your jokes
you are happy -
you remember what colour your skin was
and the last time you ate
because he has fixed you

*you are not fragile
Jul 2013 · 384
Lavina Akari Jul 2013
i never knew what it felt to have a heart until i met you, and i realised it was the best thing in the world to have
i finally knew what it meant to feel invincible

but when you left
i realised a heart was the worst thing in the world to have
i finally knew what it meant to hurt and i could not convince myself
that my heart was not broken

and now i have realised that
the best way to keep your heart from being broken
is to pretend you do not have one
Jul 2013 · 402
me, the sea
Lavina Akari Jul 2013
the sea is fierce and cannot control his anger. he is verocious, but he is beautiful
when the sea is calm and quiet and needs no one
people surround him
everyone wants to see his beauty, feel it, breathe it

but when the sea becomes sad - angry, maybe
and needs to be calmed because his own God has abandoned him
where is everyone?
no one comes near him, he is not beautiful anymore

people have yet to reach the depths of the sea
and pull out the mystery hidden deep within him. people do not yet know how to find the dark secrets at the bottom of his mind

                                    I am the sea.
Jul 2013 · 1.5k
Lavina Akari Jul 2013
stop pretending no one loves you
stop pretending no one cares about you
you care
if you didn't care you wouldn't wake up
you wouldn't give your lungs the oxygen they need
give yourself credit
you are the one who throws the blades out of the window
and listens to your head and your thoughts
you are the one who deals with your pain
and manages to drag you out of bed for a shower
every so often
you are the one who goes into recovery
because you want to live
no one else stays up to the late hours drying your tears
and listening to every deep breath and sob

and you long for someone to
although you already have someone

you are enough

— The End —