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May 2015 · 534
Kerli Tulva May 2015
I used to walk on the dreamy sand
Waiting for the blue ship to land
Confessions to myself, echoed back
From the night sea, a tremulant black

I gathered the foam, so lively, passionate
The red star observed me, was I fortunate
Night, spreading its arms, hugging the sun
For the last time, before everything is redone
May 2015 · 817
Soul Roses
Kerli Tulva May 2015
I look in your heart
For the first, to the last
Before I try to glance
Through the door of your

I try to collect the crystals
From your deepest corners
You have so many beautiful
Flowers, in your soul garden

You, so afraid to water these
Inhibiting them to fully grow
And bloom with their full divinity.

I collect all the fallen petals
Of your roses and oriental lilies.
Sending them into the air.
So the fragrance can mingle

Do you see your soul crystals
When made shine with full doses.
Feeling fragrance of your soul roses
Do you see your garden?
Of your beautiful heart
The rare present given to you.

The work of many painful years
The crop you harvest in the heart
And soak it with quiet tears.
May 2015 · 832
Kerli Tulva May 2015
Like a snowflake, melting
In the depth of warm hands
Evapourating back into eternity
So brittle, silky, mystic
Is our love.
Catching every spark of fireball.
Flames burn the heart badly
Scars, last for many decades
Deforming and taking a new figure
Never completely forgotten.

Dripping into eternity.
Smashing the time
And collecting the seconds.
May 2015 · 7.1k
Blooming Black Rose
Kerli Tulva May 2015
The night-cold air embraces the soul
Drifting along, jumping over the imagination hole
Nothing seems reality. Where is the whole?

Stepping out into the bare world
Taking the melancholy along
Hovering around like an invisible bird.

Under the whopping sky
Standing in the middle of the universe
I rise my hands to pick a black rose
And let all the gleaming petals disperse.
May 2015 · 415
Wisdom of Love
Kerli Tulva May 2015
The river-clear poison
Tries to seize the mind.
I spread the wings wide apart
Before I cross the threshold, afar.

I feel only the warmth
Trying to see only the beauty
That is enough for me
To live in harmony.

I spread the wings, more and more
As my little soul is abel to reach
The happiness for me is here, in each
In the people's heart I live
I do not like to take, only give.

The poison is cold, yet it does not ****
There is nothing which can capture love
As it is the nectar and wisdom in all the hearts.
May 2015 · 552
Sunset Waves
Kerli Tulva May 2015
The waves talk to me
In the silky soft words
I feel you coming, your steps
Yet I see only footprints
And they do dissapear, soon.

The waves whisper to me
In the secret language
Of Latin or maybe Greek?
I can only make the difference
Between the words you tell me
Or make no difference at all.

The waves whisper
And you are gone.
Sad love poetry...something captures my soul in it..
Apr 2015 · 633
Kerli Tulva Apr 2015
Tender snowflakes shake down my world
As I sit by the fire in the late afternoon
The icy frosting around my heart does not
Melt yet. It is shattered down too soon.

I am sitting by the fire, thinking of you
As the flames sip up my flamboyant soul
Maybe I was too wrong to search for the truth.
The little vibration of subconscious. Does not soothe.

We were both aware of the nameless,
The little feeling which increases too swiftly
Nameless. As we didn't want to just call it
Love. Soon the fire sipped it up, too.
Mar 2015 · 1.1k
Velvet Cover
Kerli Tulva Mar 2015
The velvet cover of the book
Where I enclosed my soul
Entangled on the hard pages
I painted the lines
When the heart whispered.

I poured my soul
Like I poured honey in my tea
Yesterday evening.

It flew out and I closed the book
To hold it against my chest.
To immerse it with the teardrops.
To hate the lines and love the velvet.

There was no beginning
And the end had not even started.
But I had so much to say
I could not keep it this way.

There was love in too many lines
The aim of the world
And the sugar of the universe.
When I heard the whisper of my heart.

I put off the candle
To see the stars in my soul.
And search for the love
Between the Betelgeuse and Bellatrix.
Mar 2015 · 507
Kerli Tulva Mar 2015
One day. One night.
Pass by like the Northern Lights
One breath you take
Mesmerized by that mystic scatter.

One breath again
While tears fall in that abyss.
Why it is so dark down there?

The harmony of a violin
Is spreading its fair sound
Suddenly there is silence
And a snap of a broken string.

Yet nobody asked, how does it feel
When the strings of the soul cease.
Mar 2015 · 704
Garden of Truth
Kerli Tulva Mar 2015
Where is the truth in this world?
Does it knock on the door,
When it feels ready to enter
Or does it sneak into the heart
When it is ready to reveal?

Truth, so utopic
As it is to reach the farthest stars.
It overcomes the multiple bars
Seems as yet too metaphoric

Behind the garden of truth
You stand and watch the flowers bloom
But cannot open the floodlit door
Though the heart is seeking for the key
While truth remains still in the mystic breez.
Mar 2015 · 4.2k
Trust is an Ice Flower
Kerli Tulva Mar 2015
Trust is fragile
Trust is made from the finest glass
Crocheted from the Ice Flowers
Pieced together with hundred hours.

Trust is tender
Trust has the wings of a butterfly
Blessed with the heart of a hummingbird
Invisibly, with delicacy, Trust is dispersed.

When Trust shatters
The sharp pieces stream together in your heart
As it will take hundred more hours
To find every fragment, yet hundred more days
To make up the Ice Flower with hardest ways.
Mar 2015 · 448
Fairy Song
Kerli Tulva Mar 2015
The blessing Sun
Sets behind the horizon
The high call of a swallow
Keeps the secrets of the skies
Down there is a windy forest
The perfect shadow for lost souls
Through the spring crops
Arranging the steps
Or hovering in dreams
The slender trees bend closer
To welcome the stranger
Another lost soul
Looking for the door
Of Purgatory?
Who brought you here?
At the door of Fairy Woods
The sweetest symphony
Lies within
You hear the songs of love
You hear the songs of beauty.
Before you stand again
In front of the rising Sun
And down there is a forest
So calm and silent
Perfect tranquility and peace
But still a fairy song in your ears
Echoes far, or in your mind.
Mar 2015 · 582
Kerli Tulva Mar 2015
I asked Life to dance with me
And He brought me to the hardest steps
The turns and twists I never expected
The severest discipline and arduous regime.

Life told me to be careful and precise
To not step on others feet and to keep
My own pace and rhythm to decide.
I was astounded how difficult it is
To really dance with Life and not to weep.

There were so many techniques to study
And sure I was, it will take the whole of my life
To learn to dance with the best slenderness
Flying along with Life, as it is Him who always
Takes the lead and steers you along your path.

But Life was so eager to take me to dance
So I went along and learned the lessons
The wondrous steps I will always remember
And yet I have so many to learn.
Greatly inspired by one of my favorite Estonian poet- Doris Kareva
Feb 2015 · 1.1k
Kerli Tulva Feb 2015
Under those far-reached specks
Of joyful glittering stars
Steps a thoughtful wanderer
Like a philosopher in a hazy road of night.

In his wrinkled long lived hands
He holds the book of his soul
Where every word is written
With precision, passion and vision.

The worn-out crinkly papers
Store the wise thoughts and feelings
Which get a complement fillings.
In an every new place of wonder.

For him the adventure and life
Is the most captivating matter
To discover the goodness of people
And write the wise words of jewel.
Kerli Tulva Jan 2015
The slenderness of the delicate letters
The softness of the deep-meaning words
Painted on a snow white paper.
The Silver Poet sits under the dim light
Of the mystic star-knitted universe.

Closing the eyes he feels a crystal tear
Rolling down like a raindrop on the glass
Falling into eternity, dropping on the snowy paper.
The Silver Poet is shivering but has no fear.

The words he limns flow like a pure river
Down the mountain slopes leaving its path
An everlasting mark which will never vanish
The poem comes alive when the Silver Poet breathes.

He takes out his Golden Heart to accomplish the poem
And gives his wondrous soul for the sake of the rhythm.

The poem is ready to become another bright star
Knitted carefully around the Silver Poet's Golden Heart.
Jan 2015 · 1.8k
The Fear
Kerli Tulva Jan 2015
Why do we possess
Such an intrusive feeling
Which crawls in our veins?
Too many deeds it constrains.

It stares behind the wall
Like a vigilant, wakeful cat
Who has spot its unaware prey.

Suddenly it streams and stays,
Paralysing its cosy habitat.
The Fear has conquered you and mauled.
Jan 2015 · 4.7k
Sailing Deep
Kerli Tulva Jan 2015
Sailing in my thoughts
            Like a ship in the ocean
Swaying up and down
               On the poetical waves.

Thoughts are the waves
                     Poetic and creative
Painful and joyous
                        Stormy and calm.

They hit unexpected
             Leaving a mark behind
Like love leaves a scar
           Thoughts leave a notion.

Poets are in need of them
         The ideas of stormy waves
Their mind is able to create
         After a thriving earthquake
Which brings about the storm
                       In the creative days.
Jan 2015 · 36.8k
Waterfall of Love
Kerli Tulva Jan 2015
Gentle drops of Love
Slide down my heart
The foggy waterfall grows
When the drops gather in one.

The reflection
Of the crystal clear lake
Which resides at the bottom
Of the heart in tears
Is formed in the retina
Of the lucid eyes.

The lake is icy and cold
When the drops are frozen
To melt again in the warmth
Under the tears of Love.
Inspired by Vangelis.
Jan 2015 · 895
Kerli Tulva Jan 2015
The reflection of the soul
Is seen within the silver glass
In your eyes where the treasure is hold.
Jan 2015 · 861
You Once Were
Kerli Tulva Jan 2015
The night is slowly falling
Behind the shadow cast trees
To hear the majestic owl´s mystic calling
Soul darkness is the only thing I see

Somewhere deep hidden in the woods
Is the invisible delicate love I once lost
Those wondrous days in the late childhood
Now I can only bear the feeling of the frost

Searching for the love under the wicked night
Which is like a treasure thrown into the sea
I know I cannot achieve to find it, I can only write
About that drastic dream and that perfect symphony.

You once were in my life.
Jan 2015 · 392
Veiled Secret
Kerli Tulva Jan 2015
The rigorous sublime waves
Bring ashore the lost memories
The emotions are yet in rage
When the heart demands
What the eye barely sees.

The blessed Sun is sinking into the sea
To recover again its surpassing charm
The wild thoughts in all those tainted schemes
Do not allow the sombre waves to calm.

I gather my memories all in one grasp
And place them behind the silver door
I would promise, that picture is the last
I must paint of you, the one that I adore.
Dec 2014 · 509
The Sound of Silence
Kerli Tulva Dec 2014
The paradoxical thoughts
Which slip through my mind
Occasionally when I sit
Behind my table and look
At the words scribbled on the paper.
The words which do not
Make sense anymore
The words which drain my soul
The words which make me feel
Like I am a black hole
Amidst the gigantic universe.
These are the apothegem of Love
Which I wrote on the paper
Just to burn them again in the stove
And burn the memories of you
As if it was ever possible.
Dec 2014 · 469
To Understand a Poet
Kerli Tulva Dec 2014
Sometimes it is hard
To understand a poet
The depth of his soul
To his heart.
The attempt to impel the thoughts
To take the form of the letters
Melting into words for lines
Which he can paint on the paper
And try to make sense
Of his smoldering feelings
Which are too complex
Even for his sophisticated nature
To make them intelligible.
Sometimes you have to decipher
The code of the hidden sensations
And liberate the poet to understand.
Dec 2014 · 861
Kerli Tulva Dec 2014
The contradiction
Inside your mind
Cannot form a sentence
From these tangled words.
You make up an idea
But then tear it apart
Where does it all start?
It is a conflict
Between you and your mind,
Now in daylight you struggle
To reache the core
Of the sweet compromise
And the peace of mind.
Dec 2014 · 710
Under the Sea
Kerli Tulva Dec 2014
I can never wash away
The image of you
Nor the memory of you
But I can paint it on paper
And throw it into the sea,
So the water will wash it away
And carry it into the world
Of underwater, so Poseidon
Will keep the eye on you
And let you dance with Thetis.
Dec 2014 · 514
Kerli Tulva Dec 2014
I followed your path
Through the winter wind
I stepped so bravely
Even if anymore I could not find.
I searched for the hint,
I waited in the blizzard storm,
I just begged you to inform,
That maybe it was not as I thought.
Now those days I spend sitting
On the windowsill and follow
The only shadow outside
Which is the Shadow of You.
Dec 2014 · 658
The Glass of Stars
Kerli Tulva Dec 2014
On a secret starry night
I was glad to be by myself
Just like walking on glass
I marched under the starlight
The pieces were beaming
Under my feet, and tinkling
To open my eyes under the sky
I saw the stars were falling
The pieces of glass were the stars
Where I could see my reflection
And glance into my soul to tell
I am made of these elements
Which are out there, so far
But yet they are so close
That I can feel them moving
In the life which has ignited in me
I realise- that is what the stars will show.
Nov 2014 · 1.5k
Kerli Tulva Nov 2014
The sweet sound
Of a softly played harp
Caresses my ears
In the warm night breez
I hear the steps of an angel
That is all like a dream
In a fairy tale movie
Where love lasts endlessly
And the sound of the harp
Stops only to start again.

When I am awake
Where is the harp
Of the sweetest sound?
When I flash my eyes
Through the surroundings
Where is the angel gone?
It is just a strike through the heart
That the love is still not endless.
Nov 2014 · 314
Some Time
Kerli Tulva Nov 2014
It´s always we say
That we have lack
Of Time
But Time never has
Lack of anything
It flows in a continuous line
Not even knowing
That somebody
Will say to others
I do not have time
You can not acquire Time
As Time acquires us.
Nov 2014 · 449
The Bridge
Kerli Tulva Nov 2014
I have to build a bridge
To reach from my heart
To yours.
But I'm not an engineer
Neither I'm an architect
That does not mean
I cannot do that.
Because I can build a bridge
As I have love
And I have power
And this bridge will never corrode
Neither it will never tremble
As love is greater
Than all the projects ever born.
Nov 2014 · 296
Kerli Tulva Nov 2014
The outer silence is broken
By the inner discussion of my
Thoughts and pictures
From the past, present and future.
Oct 2014 · 682
Power of Love
Kerli Tulva Oct 2014
Oh, the most precious gift
To my tender heart and soul
The most valued feeling
Which spikes through the heart
Like swallow dashes through the air.
So kind and warm I do feel
I keep it locked, dare not to liberate.
But whoever comes to me
Could feel that power of love
I cannot keep it for long
As my heart will set on fire.
The need to spread is strong
To those who feel cold
Can feel warm instead,
And for the most beloved soul,
I would give my love
Along with my smouldering heart.
Oct 2014 · 2.1k
Ocean in Your Eyes
Kerli Tulva Oct 2014
Your eyes are like ocean
So deep blue and clear
They hold such a treasure
Yet it is all deep inside.
The ocean is calm, no wind blows
Over its divine serenity
The warmth of it is worth to dive in
And discover yet what is undiscovered
So your eyes tell me to do
I know the ocean is calm
When your heart is peaceful.
Yet sometimes I see grey
Cumulonimbus clouds have covered
The deep blue ocean and the wind
It is strong and severe I feel
The foamy tender waves have grown
And hit ashore, they do come fast
The ocean rises and some of its water
Pours out and falls down on your cheeks.
Not often is the ocean so sad
The sun is keeping it merry and blue
It can be wonder to see
When the stars come down from sky
And take a bath in the blue water
It is so bright and glittery
I can see all the radiance
Just by looking in your deep blue ocean eyes.
Oct 2014 · 273
Kerli Tulva Oct 2014
The whispers of time
The echoes of eternity
They touch my soul
When they pass by me
The time is a whisper
The eternity is an echo
The soul is a clear glass
Which reflects the infinity.
Oct 2014 · 351
Kerli Tulva Oct 2014
Poets live in their dreams
In the far away worlds
Where everything is possible
They live in the beauty of the day
Where all the dark fades in their way.
But some poets live in the dark
The sadness has taken their burning heart
And they lighten their burden
By composing a poem.
Yet the dreams of those poets
Will not be dark and hopeless
Phantasies are the most valued for them
Helping to escape and reform
This gift is fair and everlasting
What the dreams bestow.
Oct 2014 · 495
Hidden Treasures
Kerli Tulva Oct 2014
One night when being in a dream so sweet,
I heard my mind to call me visit,
I opened the door of my deep subconscious,
To catch the hidden love and beauty.
Oh what I saw and what I heard,
The masterpieces and lovely words,
They stood there sparkling, crystallised
Like pure diamonds on the door of Paradise.
So stunned and proud I digged more deep
Wordless beauty and shining rooms,
It came to me and astounded I was,
Oh, this precious Paradise lives in my senses.
There is so much unknown in the depth of life,
And yet every creature acquires that art in mind.
Do find the hidden treasures of love and beauty,
They will be there behind the valued door,
Waiting on the quiet till you reach the entrance,
And create a masterpiece which will live in history.
Oct 2014 · 738
Red Poems
Kerli Tulva Oct 2014
Those crystal eyes in my face,
When the True Light hits my mind,
I write in those whispers of night,
I pour my soul in the empty paper.
Then I do colour the paper in red;
The poems I write will be red, my dear,
As the last drip of my glowing blood,
Will be shed down amidst my heart.
Oct 2014 · 606
Define the Undefined
Kerli Tulva Oct 2014
Generated by a swirl of streaming emotions,
The captive feeling which will never vanish,
And the start of nameless pure devotion.
The creative mind you unawares establish,
All those mighty creatures with great power,
Why are you trying to define the undefined?
Alas, it is just one petite everlasting flower,
Having smell of divinity and leaving you blind.
By the greatest gods it is named the wildest woe,
Yet it is the sweetest joy that confines your mind,
It will never be stopped as it will always overflow.
Love and nothing more.
Oct 2014 · 436
Little Wonders
Kerli Tulva Oct 2014
Thought after thought
Striving through madness
Whisper of a night angel
Somewhere deep gladness
Gathering the unstable pieces
Of my enigmatic soul
Trying to fit the wonder puzzle
Such an insane parole
All those little memories
Coming like a series of film
Nothing will be lost in mind
There will be remedies
When the heart is longing
The time will be standing
Love is what heart strives
Because that is its belonging.
Lets type in the parole
And solve the enigmatic puzzle
There is just too much to wonder
Though all in the world is a whole.
Oct 2014 · 2.8k
Kerli Tulva Oct 2014
Whopping blue sky
Rises above my eyes
Something nostalgic
Pervades my mind

The Yellow Eye observes
And gives light in that blue
Ocean with air for its water
And flimsy clouds for its foam

Swallows one by one
Trigger through the air
Plunge into the clouds
Come out to follow the
Track to their tiny prey

So lovely are those swallows for me
The special birds with magic in the heart.
Sep 2014 · 329
Kerli Tulva Sep 2014
Waiting for luck
Living in day
Hoping for best
I have found my way.

Soothing my soul
Smiling in pain
Longing to say
I have lost my way.

Looking for bliss
Coming out of grey
Finding my love
I have conquered my way.
Sep 2014 · 9.5k
Chemistry of Time
Kerli Tulva Sep 2014
You want to know what's the time
So bewildered, the time will hide
It will never show up, it will just fly
Like a dragonfly it passes by
Shall it stop, once in a while
You will never know the chemistry of time
Because time is just a word
Which we have made up in our world.
Sep 2014 · 2.4k
Forgotten world
Kerli Tulva Sep 2014
Sitting on an ancient bench
In the doleful forgotten world.
Some cratures pensively rush by
No words no sole glimpse
Do they even know
Where they are
Or where they go?
I am being in the moment
Hearing the nature's whisper
It's a blessing moment for all
But those hasty creatures
Just slow for a moment
And turn your ears to this call
You live in a forgotten world
If you forget what is around you
And you didn't even know
Why you only just pass through?
Sep 2014 · 937
Spectrum and Love
Kerli Tulva Sep 2014
Shine through the glass
Like shines the wobbly sunray
It can penetrate the mirror
In an easy way.
Form the magic spectrum
Of those visible colours
Like forms the clear diamond
When sun has kissed
Its sides with honour.
Fall down like a tender snowflake
So that your Lover
Can catch you and hold
But stay, do not melt away, do not fade
So you do not regret the beautiful dream
Once you are awake.
Sep 2014 · 351
Kerli Tulva Sep 2014
Walking on the autumn leaves
The colors around me so blended
The fresh mist so humbly retrives
The memories which never ended.
Sep 2014 · 361
Outside The Sky
Kerli Tulva Sep 2014
Silver white stars
Glinting in blackness
Moving feebly
Back and forth

Do you hear the silence?
The blackness is
Suffocating the sounds
But the stars are still alive
Twinkling and illuminating
Giving the blackness
Millions of small specks
In the infinite universe.

There are no sounds out there
But there is light
Because there are stars
Which shine whether it is day or night.
Aug 2014 · 1.1k
Kerli Tulva Aug 2014
The deepest philosophy
Is your autobiography.
It is written in calligraphy
And captured in photography.

What is your ideology
Is all your psychology
Stored subconciously
Creating your biology.
Aug 2014 · 5.6k
Night Rainbow
Kerli Tulva Aug 2014
The evening light is glowing
Scattering shadows behind

Drizzling down the sky
The rain composes a night rainbow.

Under the moonlight.
Aug 2014 · 690
Kerli Tulva Aug 2014
When the moon sings its lullaby
In the mystic universe
It is a recreation for the ears.
What I see is not what you see
But I love you still so deep.
I know you don't hear the moon
I know thay you don't see its mystery
But I do not care
I would still love you
Even if the moon was not there.
Aug 2014 · 436
My Love For Thee
Kerli Tulva Aug 2014
O do say my love what shall I do without you,
How will I bare that agony once you are gone,
So as long as my eyes behold that gilding image
Of you being here. So long I want you to stay herein.
What shall I say without you as all my words
Become stuck in my heart, my quiet mouth
Would not let them out as it is too much in greif.
Do say my love, what becomes of me when you depart
Till that you should thoroughly consider my feelings
Before you do turn your back towards me. And pierce
My heart with your injurious parting. So wrecked
I would be, I still would have my love for thee.
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