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Apr 2018 · 554
Love in moonlight
Meera Apr 2018
Slowly, the curtains approved
And the moonlight entered serenely
Lightning up my soul
And solemnizing my heart
Insentient of my surroundings
But cognizant of the newborn love
Your advent giving a face to my darkness
Your devils meeting mine
Just how two strangers meet
By coincidence......
Apr 2018 · 7.6k
Our last meeting
Meera Apr 2018
Do you remember our last meeting?
The last time we saw each other before separating our ways
The last time you looked deep into my eyes
The last time I held your hand
The last time I listened to your heart beats and breaths
The last time I brushed your hairs with my fingers
The last time I saw you smile
The last time you saw me cry
The last time I felt the warmth of your arms around me
And the last time we were so close that there wasn't enough space for air to pass through.
Do you still remember anything ?
Cause I have forgotten nothing
Apr 2018 · 601
Something for an old friend
Meera Apr 2018
While every other woman lusts over gold and diamonds, the only piece of jewelry she owns is her grandma’s silver anklets.
Though everyone has labeled cooking as a tedious job, she still loves to prepare the Sunday brunch for her family.
While all her friends are busy clicking selfies for instagram, she sits in the corner embracing her books.

Unlike those youngsters who love swaying to EDM, she seeks solace in Mohd. Rafi songs.
As crazy and old-fashioned as it may sound but I have seen her wishing on lady birds
. Whenever she feels lonely and desolate she talks to the daffodils she has planted in her garden.
Instead of facebooking all the mishappenings of her life, she shares them with an old diary.
In the age of breakups, patchups and one-night stands, she is still waiting for her soul mate.

On your birthday she won’t post those cheesy birthday wishes on your time line, instead she’ll surprise you with a delicious birthday cake.  
While, everyone else gets offended over the stupidest of things, she still believes in the magic of thankyou’s and sorries.
The world has been cold and bitter towards her but she has been spreading the warmth of her love wherever she goes.

‘Use and throw’ is the modus operandi of our generation but she believes in mending broken things
Because the hardships of her life has taught her what does it mean to be broken.
Whenever I  wonder about the emptiness of this world, her kind words are enough to restore my faith in humanity.
She is a bit cautious while making friends but she stands by them in their good or bad times.

She is not weird or crazy; she just belongs to a different time zone. In this ultra-modern world, she is still an old soul
Yeah it's a bit lengthy and doesn't look like a poem either but I don't think I could express it in fewer words
Apr 2018 · 320
In your eyes
Meera Apr 2018
In your eyes
I can see both courage and frailty
And I just wonder what'd you show when I'd expect you to fight for our love
Will you be my knight in shining armour
Or will you let me down like you always have
Apr 2018 · 239
What's love?
Meera Apr 2018
It's hell and heaven rolled into one
Apr 2018 · 9.6k
As I write it down
Meera Apr 2018
My pen bleeds
As its ink seeps
My words cry
The seer weeps
I keep scrawling
Until my pain recedes
Walking on my way
Where my lament leads
Crumbling to bones
Changing to fit the needs
My frailty drives me
As nothingness breeds
In madness I did
Those fearful deeds
Now I'll have to pay
The price of my greed
Making me suffer
My demons succeed
In the garden of love
I feel like a ****
I am looking for my way
To the flowery meads
Where the chains will be shattered
And then I will be freed
Sometimes you just feel lost and there seems no way out
Apr 2018 · 470
Lost childhood
Meera Apr 2018
Have all the school buildings collapsed in an earthquake?
Has someone stolen all the footballs and cricket bats?
Have the backyards and playgrounds disappeared suddenly?
Has anyone put all the storybooks to fire?
Has some evil spirit cursed the joy of childhood?
If nothing of this sort has happened
Then why is that eight years old kid washing glasses at the tea stall?
Apr 2018 · 344
You're Beautiful
Meera Apr 2018
You have dark circles under your sunken eyes
You’re beautiful
You have pimples on your face
You’re beautiful
You are black, brown or white
You’re beautiful
You have scars on your body
You are beautiful
You have chapped and dry lips
You’re beautiful
You have overgrown eyebrows
You’re beautiful
The shape of your nose isn’t perfect
You’re beautiful
You have chubby cheeks and love handle
You’re beautiful
You ain’t beautiful
Despite of your flaws
But you’re beautiful
Because of them
Perfect with your imperfections
You’re beautiful
know how obsessed we women're about looking prim and proper before leaving the house, sitting for hours in front of the mirror applying those silly beauty products in order to hide our flaws. We truly believe that it can fix all our insecurities. Even I have to wipe make up from my mom's face whenever she overdoes it and trust me I just love doing that though it annoys her a bit. Little does she know how beautiful she looks even without her foundation or mascara
Thankfully I never got into that stuff
Mar 2018 · 473
Meera Mar 2018
Just another drag of cigarette
Just one more swig of your favorite scotch
Just a little more bagginess under your eyes
And some more chaps on your lips
Just a few more scars on your soul
And a bit more pain in your heart
Just another sleepless night
Away from the felicity of world
Is all it’ll take to turn you
From an ordinary work of art to a ‘masterpiece’
Mar 2018 · 1.3k
Meera Mar 2018
When I was trembling
You held me
When I was falling
You supported me
When I was crying
You wiped my tears
When I was scared
You shared my fears
When I was low
You held me high
When I was lying
Flat on ground
You raised me up
To the level of sky
You stood for me
When no one else did
You cuddled me
As if I were a kid
When nights were dark
And the days were tough
To strengthen me
Your support was enough
But I forgot you
When the days were brighter
My selfishness made
Our friendship lighter
I feel so sorry
For letting you go
I am such a hog
Still forgive me though

You are the one with the bigger heart
Now please come back and hug me again
I have had my share of misery
And no more I can handle this pain

I beg your forgiveness
I cry in repentance
Please return my friend
And end my sentence
Mar 2018 · 364
Meera Mar 2018
I wish to be colorful and bright
Everyone would be pleased at my sight

I  desire to be touched by delicate hands
Little kids would be my friends

For once, I wish to be tied by a string
Giving me a sense of belonging

And when they'd let me free
I would sing a Carol of glee

Losing the control of my mind
I'd drift freely with the wind

High above the world I'd fly
And float between the layers of sky

When drained of all my energy
As tired as  I'll ever be

I'd lay flat on the ground
There I'd have a sleep profound

And when the stress would be too much
I'd have the luxury to burst

To fly too high and to be shattered too soon
In nutshell I wish to be  a balloon
Ever since I was a kid, I always wanted to be a balloon. So here I am penning my dream
Meera Mar 2018
As I put the cigarette between these lips of mine
Just one match and it came alive
The first puff burnt all my worries down
With the second one I got rid of my frown
The third drag made me feel your arms around me
With the fourth one I started feeling free
The fifth puff was warm against the cold air
The sixth one made my vision clear
With the seventh, I could see my spirit dancing in smoke
The last one left me wanting for more
Cigarette smoking is injurious to
Mar 2018 · 786
Love with a devil
Meera Mar 2018
The affection that you showed
Was a bait to trap me
Behind your angelic face
Were fangs I couldn’t see
You broke my heart ant ripped my soul
Until there was nothing left in me
******* in bondages
I tried but couldn’t flee
The temptation to be loved made me fall for a devil
The devil that were you
And by the time I emerged from your hell
I was all black and blue
You stood there smiling
Watching me while I bled
Now I’ll make you pay
For every single tear I shed
Go run away from me
But I gonna chase you down
You’ll lie there repenting for your sins
While I’ll straighten my crown
Mar 2018 · 383
Weak Glue
Meera Mar 2018
Your parents screaming on the top of their voices
Hurling insults, complaints and abuses
Their relationship on the verge of breaking
Cause now they're tired of faking
You little girl, as delicate as feather
Acting like glue, trying to hold them together
Weak glue
   Poor you......
Children soak up everything they see, feel, and hear.When parents argue excessively and for too long, it can leave children feeling insecure and fearful.
Mar 2018 · 1.6k
Just let me be
Meera Mar 2018
I don't have the strength of durga
Neither I have the wealth of lakshmi
Nor the purity of parvati
I ain't selfless like sita
I don't have the heart to love like radha
Don't expect me to be a saviour like savitri
Cause am weak
I am poor
I am impure
I have scars
I am flawed
I am selfish
I am imperfect
I am just an ordinary woman
Don't worship me
Just let me be
Durga, lakhshmi, parvati, sita, radha and savitri are the characters of hindu mythology known for their strength, wealth, wisdom, loyalty, love, selflessness, loyalty and purity. Women in India are often considered as the incarnations of these characters.
Mar 2018 · 408
We women
Meera Mar 2018
We women
Have our brains inside our knees
Are crazy about shopping
Talk too much
Cry without any reason
Break everyone’s heart
Are weak, dumb
And yes mean and rude
Never accept our fault
Treat our husbands like slaves
Don’t get sarcasm
Get offended too easily
Are dotty about wealth
And are gold diggers by nature
Is there anything left?
In your long list of misogynist ****
Do tell me
So we can finish it one go
I mean what’s the point in repeating
The same lame jokes everyday
Just tired of those lame jokes
Feb 2018 · 780
Meera Feb 2018
I love the candor
Of a mirror
It never fibs
Even when it’s broken
My messy hair
My chapped lips
My pale face
My sunken eyes
My dark circles
My tears
My fears
And my fake smile
It reflects, reveal
And unmask them all
Without pretenses
Prejudices or Delusions
Feb 2018 · 627
An angel of light
Meera Feb 2018
An angel of light
With dark wings
Wanderings in catacombs
Flying through springs
Tied to hell
With golden strings
A siren she is
Her beauty stings
Luring emperors
Temptings kings
Like a triumphant song
The Satan sings
Her lyrics echo
Her music rings
Feb 2018 · 594
Sick of being a woman
Meera Feb 2018
I am sick of the stares that follow me everywhere
And of the letches I find on the street
I am sick of being catcalled on roads
And  then asked to be silent about it
I am sick of the curfews that my parents impose on me
And their fears about my safety which it reflects
I am sick of the **** cases I hear about everyday
And the threat that i might be its victim too
I am sick of acid attacks
And of one-sided lovers whose love isn’t actually love
I am sick of listening about dowry victims
And of how people burn their brides for money
I am sick about not being treated equally as men
And the discrimination I see everywhere
I am sick of being judged by my clothes
As if they aren’t my clothes but my character
Yes I am a woman
And trust me I am sick of it
Having undergone inexplicable misery being a woman in a place where women were placed on an elevated level in the past, the present commotion
of a world with annihilated human sensibility seems to have made life of women  a terrible experience in diurnal move in every day life forcing live in misery and pain.
Feb 2018 · 472
For my love
Meera Feb 2018
In the scorching heat of desert
Amidst the burning sand
Love blooms like a daisy
Whenever you hold my hand

Others ruined my life
Like a sabotage
And the happiness I saw
Was just a mirage

The creeks ran dry
And water was scarce
Thirst was all I know
The pain was fierce

You blew like a breeze
You poured like rain
The beauty of your love
Ended all my pain

In the heat of desert
You are my oasis
In the moments of sorrow
You- my eternal bliss

The life is more beautiful
When we are together
The world may perish some day
But our love will last forever
Dec 2017 · 318
Friend Zone
Meera Dec 2017
You aren't the luxury of a seven star hotel
You aren't the fun of a pub or disco
But you are the comfort of my old childhood house
You are the one i call home

You aren't the perfection of a well fitted suit
You aren't the glamour of a short dress
But you are that blue grandma's sweater
Which keeps me warm when the nights are cold

You aren' the playfullness of sneakers
Neither you are the beauty of high heels
But you are those old shabby flipflops
Whose flat sole keeps me closer to the floor

You aren't the cool friend i party with
You aren't that hot colleague in the office
But you are the the only one i talk to
Whenever this whole world makes me feel alone

You aren't that lipstick which makes me look bold
You aren't the lip gloss which allures everyone
But you are the lip balm i use every night
To heal the cracks of life,my love

You aren't the passionate kisses of love
You aren't the make out sessions at night
But you are the one whose arms i run to
When all the pleasure of love is gone

You aren't my highschool or college boyfriend
You aren't the love of my life
But you are the one who matters the most
While the stupid world calls it friend zone

— The End —