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Connor Jul 2015
Trees, houses, Treehouses,
                ­                 still
                                 appear the same as summer
but the sky's gone
                                  (Clouds and clouds, some much            
                                    larger than others, sometimes just one big cloud  
                                   mapped out between            
                                   us and rest of universe to the cascade horizon)

All the pets can tread cement
worry of burns and the two hundred calamities
of July are over.
                              Replaced with
                              rain and bums escaping to the
                              soup kitchens and
                                  (East side Vancouver, Pandora Victoria,  
                                                 astreet in a city astray)
Ashtrays freckled in the evening drizzle

My hands are held by gloves and
                                 fingertips from half of
my lips are kissed by the                          comet
beauty mark on right side
                                                (Though this universe is attending
                                                  unive­rsity in a distant city
                                                  while I hold my own
                                                  practicing the Dharma,
                                                 or MAYBE none of this will happen!)
Everything is in its place
as it always was-
though circumstance has tried to
teach us otherwise the                        
                                     ­                            Blackbox
                                      made of star-rubber S T R E T C H I N G

Hasn't the concept
of          calendars or
                             Jesus or
                                medicine cabinets
                                                         Dentists and
                                                             ­               Saints.
Everything is in its place
as it will always be
        as it has never been...
                         Gliding thr-
                                          -ough matter.
What does it all matter anyway?
There's                    loving
and                    ­     experiencing,
That        no-no           of making
A falsity!
**** up

In blissful circles
to the         SOUND
                    OF SNOW
on streetlamps front of my
                                (A very silent orchestra performing
                                 Before collision and like dog whistles
                                 It's a sound we cannot hear.
                                The peoples got their poetry and
                                cognitive thought so the other
                                Animals get the REAL sensory
                                Inconceivables to write about
                                But the ******* can't)
In that
basement house

Where the Van Gogh
                   Velvet Underground sit
on the wood-c
    ­                       v
                             e walls.
I'm in unfolding daydream
predating my
Thanking the
                              Beats and the Dadaists
                           and Buddhists and
                     ­ Post-modernists
            FOR BEING.

Really, they aided
Me off
  the ^ ground
eight month unemployment induced depression where
I felt disassociated with myself
and the dynamo                                                       outside the front door..
Glowing via
         sunlight in the day window and
            headlights in the night window.
Either way
I filled up with
                                   (((Purposeless cynicism)))
The world bulb clicked ON
With/without me           there,
None of the corner stores
Or      airports
Or      hospitals
          courts and
gave a rat's ***
what woes I be asphyxiated by
or that                 Farmquiet two lane
                                 tarnished path
In the country                       (in May)
      seemed fine a place as any
to     step a few feet to the          

of me and
by death traffic
old Buick polish
(Tragedy they'd say!)

While there midway in the firing line
I felt like
the wackos in      l o o s e
stone COLISEUM daisy cages
               Empty lots,
       Place where the beast of
  Emptiness cuffs to your sleeve
             and weeps
                      All over itself
                      that Sarte was right all along!
(No Exit! No exit!)

Autumn quartz moonlight                        O
Illuminated headstone repetition
circling musk fields.
  Skeleton wings
Of preceded seasons' timbers
Caught muttering the
as the               tumblecar
trembling             hot in
                           Music sauna HUM
Approaches life,
to the
                       paralyzed November air
Coffin bodies insulated
By roots N' six feet of terrestrial barrier.

Faces disappearing now
to Heavenly chandeliers of time
offering distant light future
and above my ponderous skull presently
                 dancing riverside to situations
                                                  and newness
                  enigmatic spiral
  every                 color             every
every                rainbow          or
                      non-rainbow chromatically
                           webbed in Attic
                                          of secluded
                                Quantum Dimensions-

The big blue doors are opening to cosmic entirety,
cats everywhere are purring in their sleep,
somebody reads                          Murakami,
   ­                                                   W.C Williams,
                                                      B­erryman & Brainard too.
Big blue doors, rites of passage,
Aarti Varanasi twenty-seventeen,
             joyride to San Francisco (I wrote a poem on that once!)
Continuing self-exploration,
            reminding that soul to stay awake,
            the search for love-
Warmth when the year is
metamorphosed to cardinal leaves
       Sunset Summer!
      Autumnal transfiguration
      Rearrangement of the concurrent reality!

I turn 19 in October and
a procession of kind-eyed children
will be born in the moments
I blow the cake candles.
Light goes out!
light comes in!
Hanoi expects me still.
Seán Mac Falls Dec 2015
Dirtbag Republicans

Mud slings podiums
On national stage what disgrace
They all stoop so low

Scary Buffoons

Republican Song
Bigots and cowards d'baiting
Sing: 'send in the clowns'

Conservative Budget Logic

Food stamp program bad
Trillion dollar wars so good
No child left a dime

CON-servative Wackos

All crazy on stage
None flew over cuckoo's nest
Wait till one holds office
Martin Narrod Nov 2017
She’s a dimple and a drag, corner of Worth and Magpie, French Vogue idioms and her mother’s red flowery hoop earrings. Aloha! Aloha! Oopty-oops in contract loot thru streets and backyard parties, concrete larders, her eyes lie like presidential promises, a slipknot of licorice around her neckline to keep her rising tide from the Menarche Moon.

Anything to keep the little penny featherweight dancer from slipping. Her siblings poke fun at her funny way of speaking, her bath tub is just an excuse for chiseling at her innards, taking a drag at her lungs and punching her duck-billed platypus in the kidneys; a heavy-weight champion of the worm.

That until all the saints come writhing off the fishing lines. Until the ballerina’s edema coexists with Tokyo extremists, serial killer behemoths that keep body parts and *** toys in the freezer. Here, here! Wrath goes to the fella with the wicked demeanor. In an area of limited sight, this country, it’s people are sickened at the sights of themselves, and the wackos are coming out in large swaths, minerals and dimples strapped to their waist belts in the throes of a menopausal demagogue heaving OxyContin down El Camino Real.
Bob B Aug 2020
There always have been wacky people
Looking for an eager ear
To listen to their way-out theories.
Move over, wackos: QAnon's here.

So you thought flat-earthers were crazy
Who have no shame in taking a risk
In saying that the shape of the earth
Resembles NOT a sphere but a disc.

QAnon is way out there.
Conspiracy theories are their lot:
Like ***-trafficking Satan-worshiping
Pedophiles in a government plot.

That Trump was chosen to save us all
Is part of the total insanity--
As though the man hasn't done more
To hurt--not help--humanity.

Desperate people use desperate measures.
Trump called a QAnon member a "star."
(When it comes to overall standards,
He knows how to lower the bar.)

It's hard to imagine how QAnon
Theories could generate such an appeal.
For people to be so out of touch
With reality is a scary deal.

-by Bob B (8-22-20)
duane hall Apr 2019
I once  met me a woman, she put me in my place
She said I was a chauvinist, an absolute disgrace
I'm one hundred percent male, I readily  admit
But just because it's true you shouldn't throw a fit
She reached into her purse, pulled out a can of mace
She put her finger on the trigger and shoved it in my face
My reflexes got the best of her, her aim was high and wide
She scared the hell right out of me to that I will confide
I love the female intellect to that I won't deny
I love the female form in every shape and size
If that makes me a pervert I'll wear the badge with pride
We'll leave it to the jury, it's their case to decide
You see  them all around you, there's wackos everywhere
The madness on the street is way beyond compare
The inmates run the asylum, I'm really not amused
Must be the golden age of the utterly confused.
Suzanne Penn Feb 2021
My older eyes
have been searching lately
through the crowds of people tearing up
My city

I understand
I have protested a bit myself

I understand...
pushing hard
I hate to be ignored

I myself have experienced
quite a bit of
prejudice myself
most of my life

And before anyone pops off
and tries to tell. me thats its different
and trivializes
my experiences

Consider this...
I identify as a an old (60)
Fat (long before it was trendy)
Gay (came out same year as AIDS)

My whole life has centered around
alternative lifestyles
that have not r will or ethical

I have never been able to blend
keep any kind of filter on my opinions
nor conform to authorities
just because...

All that being said...
you should also know
That I am loyal to a fault
and a fixer, maker, creator...

My belief system
is simple
I believe in Good and Bad
and Right and Wrong

occasionally, it becomes necessary
to cross over to the Bad and Wrong side
but as soon as possible return
to where you belong

I believe we are all born
knowing the difference
and how a person handles that
defines them

I have spent most of my life
helping those
who were considered "less than"
by the powers that be

my first real epiphany in life
taught me that fear
was the greatest motivating factor
in most peoples bad behaviour

my second one taught me
that manners , wit, persistence and patience
could head off 95% of those behaviours

my third was a difficult one
it made me quit using the wrongs done to me
as excuses for milking a situation
instead of processing thro them

When I gave birth
I knew innately
that my child was my one chance
to build a person as I believed they should be

That last thing I was going to do
was install "untruths"
pertaining to our behaviors
or perceived inherent rights

You see, moving so much taught me
that facts can change
but truth  is always the same
Yet, perspective is everything  

Now as I was saying
my old eyes
have been searchin the crowds...
And listening to the storylines

the majority are near misses
right ideas
wrong techniques

For instance...
how does one bring about
equality and inclusion
by separating and  blaming

I understand the anger
remember Gay bashing
was (is) a daily danger
yes Black lives matter
but so do all the others

I love my hometown Portland
a beautiful diverse conglomeration
of geeks, tweeks and freaks
with a sprinkling of weirdos ,wackos
and tightly wound wikinuts
add to that a high tolerance
for  the" to each his own"
school of thought

Micro beers and green ****
have fueled grand discussions
and deep conspiracy theories
but we haven"t decided yet

So  if you have the wear with all
to riot violently and demand attention
why is it that when you finally do
have the  worlds attention
why do you not make your point?

And clean up after your selves!
you trashed my home town
and scared the locals into submission
just to say nothing ,
walk away undramatically
and leave my home trashed in your wake

I've thought long and hard
and watched in the wings
for the golden hour to emerge
and have concluded this:

The time is right
The issues are right
The places are right
the leaders have yet to fully develop

it not enough
to see the problems
we must be able to visualize the solutions
and put down  the need to be right
while picking up the need to do right

Take the descriptive language
out of the for front
quit insisting we revisit old wounds
let them heal
All lives matter...period

Also make the rules
we are expected to abide be universal
in no ones world should it be ok
to **** some one because they don"t stop
when you tell them to and if you do **** someone
expect to pay dearly for it,

Just like when we were kids...
just because you can beat someone
doesn"t make you right
it makes you a bully

And finally one last item..
equalize leadership ideals!
Money does not make a hero
courage to stand up for rights does

Re-think our priorities... please!
Quit instilling  $$$$ as a value or ethic
it is merely a vehicle in which we travel
the actual destination is the goal
(ps)-( hint) it's much less fun alone

Keep in mind ... your manners
will get you further
than your mouth ever will
but what we need to be thinking about is  when the dust settles and we arrived at our destination
will we like  the place and people that are here too?

One last epiphany to mention
remember the pendulum
once things are stirred up and more easily rearranged
clean up the mess and set things down in a place that allows them to become common place.
because really our ultimate goal is to become a non-issue
Only when the issues are not even brought up
will it be successful
he"s not a gay man across the street
he just a man
only when we become willing
to be bland and "just another"
will we approach  balance
and  ultimate nirvana
Just an old gals personal opinion after a lifetime of fighting the good fight
Thomas W Case Feb 2021
How do people do it?
How do people smile, drive cars,
buy loaves of bread,
read the paper, go to school,
go to jobs, go to church,
eat sushi, talk on cell phones,
drink coffee?

How do they ****,
**** and *****?
How do they
get their
shoes shined,
stand in line,
comb their hair,
brush their teeth,
go to the theatre,  
the circus, the carnival?

How do they do
these things and  
so much more when
babies, innocent- beautiful
babies, are born into this
brutal world,
where parents die,
where feral cats carry off
little birds that fall from  
the nest,
where best friends die,
O.D, get hit by cars
drowned or
die from some
strange brain thing.

How do we eat
chocolate, watch football,
and build snowmen?
How do we
visit the zoo,
go to the moon
******* and
when hearts still
Sweet Jane dies.
The walk on the
wild side ends,
and the letters we
send get returned?

How do they do it ,
dogs get hit by  
****** roam the bars,
the Dodo’s extinct and
wackos still brutalize
How do people do it?
How do they carry on?
Check out my you tube channel where I read poetry from book, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems.
Benson Jun 2017
broken bass
into heels.
out of
burnt out
for mercy.
Bliss in
baked *******
from below.
wins wars
between worlds.
The band
bones, bends
backwards, bleeds
****** noses
blow blow
speed slow
Heavy metal
holy words
into a bucket.
We've come to
have your
deep ditches
deities of
Hacked off
Head hung
Hooked &
Thumping bibles
God will
Where is he now,
I don't see him either.
listening to this new rap
makes me wanna take a nap
I wish I could slap
all these mumble rappers
backwards act awkward
cuz my guns call
out cowards
soon to get showered
by my bullets no protection
ya stiff as an *******
teaching lessons
hidden like a blessing
for those who guessin?
step back before. ya get hit
like a lumberjack
split ya like a crack
yea it's yosef
on a sneak attack
black in effect reject
what society sets
jet like a ski getting busy as a bee
I know ya don't like me
but I gives a ****
competition fronting
be prepare for the slam summer jam
at the bayou classic
spittin flawless with my magic
got ya stunned as voodoo who crew ?
could do what we do?
stay fry or better yet high
just giving up the real
knocking empire down
for mass appeal

prepare for the Armageddon
no more letting
up as I bruise up
the corrupt
makin slices
like cold cuts
like jelly in the ****
naw I ain't trying
to diss the ladies
but the ladies be playing games
with ya mind g
in society
I rep the **** and the **** I rep
watch my steps
so I don't fall
victim to the game or the system
hit em with a rhytmn
that they can't deny
got ya knot like in ties word to the wise
like smoke on the rise
ya know the degrees
getting hotter and hotter
smooth as Sinatra
break em off proper
once the keys tease
to ya mind I please .with these
lyrics hard for ya to clear it
once I steer it
in ya direction make a selection
who ya choosin
them wackos
or the true rap impresario intellectual
cuz I'm keepin' it real real
knockin flakes out
claimin they got mass appeal
GENIE Jun 2020
I see them and I feel
Like am one of them
When people look they see
Torn barefoot battered people
When I look I see
Resilience,strength and determination
To be absolutely free
They are called different names
Coz they are the different ones
But deep inside you something echoes
All this could have been avoided
If only someone cared enough
Once upon a time they were well
With no one to tell
Their struggles and hell
And cos no one cares enough
They were consumed by that hell
If only someone cared enough
I see them and I see no condemnation
But I feel an obligation
Like an alpha to his pack of rabid wolves
To seek their redemption
perhaps if I cared enough
if I loved them enough
There can still be redemption
Albert Einstein said"there is no genius without a hint of madness"
So if someone had cared
All madmen could have been
"Mental  geniuses"
I see them and I see hope
It's about time someone cares
Away with the "I'm fine" template"
Show real care
Bob B Sep 2019
Mind power! That's what she says:
Mind power. Understand?
That's what made Hurricane
Dorian turn away from the land,

According to Marianne Williamson,
Candidate for the presidency,
Which makes one wonder whether she's gone
Bonkers with a capital "B."

After the hurricane devastated
The Bahamas with a deadly force,
Williamson claims that mind power
Was able to change the huge storm's course.

Mind power kept the storm
From hammering Florida's coast.
That is why the winds and rain
Inflicted minor damage at most.

But if the mind's that powerful,
What happened to mind power when
The storm headed toward the Bahamas?
It didn’t seem to help much then.

How often has the mind altered
Storms? Hmmm. Check the stats.
I guess this shows that there are wackos
Even among the Democrats!

-by Bob B (9-4-19)
Bob B Jul 2023
One thing that's hard to escape from
Is social media trends.
People encounter them daily
And then share the posts with their friends.

The false information spreads quickly.
The internet boosts it along.
Many susceptible victims
Don't care if the info is wrong.

Quacks and unscrupulous people
Everywhere are to be found
Constantly looking for someone
With whom they can find common ground.

If you're in the market for snake oil
To grow some hair on your head,
You would be much better off
If you saved your money instead.

After the outbreak of COVID
From out of the woodwork we saw
Wackos appear with their cure-alls.
We could see flaw after flaw.

You can find charlatans selling
Cures for cancer and shirk
Any responsible notion,
For all those quick fixes don't work.

A new trend is spreading on TikTok:
Try drinking borax, they say.
Sprinkle a tad in your water;
Your joint pain will then go away!

Borax, a household cleaner,
Has other uses, you see.
Ingest it and you could have rashes
And seizures. No, that's not for me!

Dangerous health fads are out there.
Listen to experts who know
How to avoid falling victim
To someone who causes great woe.

Whatever you do, don't fall victim
To those who can cause you great woe.

-by Bob B (7-22-23)
Cedric McClester Jan 2022
By: Cedric McClester

For 187 minutes of
The Capitol attack
The President of the United States
Simply sat back
And watched the action unfold
Act by act
And this is not hyperbole
It’s a salient fact

For 187 minutes of
The insurrection
The President of the United States
Offered no protection
For those trapped in the Capitol
Which was stormed at his direction
Cos violence is something for which
He’s shown a predilection

For 187 minutes of
A national disgrace
Where wackos and the misguided
Ran all over the place
The President of the United States
Refused to show his face
Although he was implored to
In any case

For 187 minute of
Our nation’s history
A President of the United States’
Inaction was a mystery
As things got outta hand
And frankly more blistery
The question that it posed was
How the hell could this be?

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2022.  All rights reserved.
Yenson Aug 2022
The divisive dividers are frothing their froths

in decisive dichotomies  they ladle  the broth

in paddle for the muddle and regressing forth

the arrogance of the ignorant wraiths' wraths

hubris of vacuous ivories stating twaddle and puff

roasted snowflakes wackos desperate and in huffs

aggrandised dimwits shadow-boxing with their doubts
Bob B Nov 2024
Thanks to people who didn't vote
For putting us all in the mess we're in.
Thanks to those who were uninformed
For making sure that Trump would win.

A number of voters who took to the polls
Did us all a disservice because,
For one thing, a lot of them didn't
Even know what a tariff was.

For some, the word "autocrat"
Was not in their vocabulary.
A lot of those people voted for Trump.
Frankly, that is downright scary.

And even though in history classes
We have studied the past, it seems
That many people have forgotten
Or still don’t know what “fascism” means.

There were voters who said they'd never
Vote for a woman, and so they chose
To cast their vote for Donald Trump
To be a part of the party of bros.

To voters who cast a protest vote,
Now are you satisfied?
Do you see what happens when
Common sense and anger collide?

Of course, some just like the man.
They like Trump for his tough guy stance.
Watch as he and Elon Musk
Carry out their bro-romance.

A lot of people were clueless about
How the Biden administration
Played a substantial role in helping
Americans across our nation.

And so, we are stuck with a man
Who'll do his best to cater to
Extremists and wackos everywhere.
The damage will be hard to undo.

-by Bob B (11-18-24)

— The End —