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irinia May 2014
ask your blood
your limbs, your breathing feet
what Poetry is -
a phylogenetic anomaly
in light’s discontinuity

or just…
the strange yearning of hematopoiesis

ask the silence in your lungs
the bursting DNA, reinterpreted
how it allures memory inside your bones
how it treads conventions of sleep
with the weight of a sigh

if you ask me
what Poetry is
I’d say: breath calligraphy
a winged dream of depth
on enchanted retina
the bitter-sweet art of airy harmony

ask your hands
what Poetry is
perhaps they’ll take a moment
to bloom
Sally A Bayan Mar 2017
Dinner is done
everyone's settled
the the full...
the weight of the night has itself eased into mine,
my expected moment of distraught...
the Heavens are purpled
twilight drapes have fallen,
winds of March...bellow pillows
..............are hollowed my elbows a distant rooster crows........
i lie on my abdomen...legs swing back and forth,
catching inspiration, a word, a daydream...a thought,
i grab a pen falling, i grasp a journal, a book,
...............everything is within reach
but, not...the....long..................stretch
of hours....of a sleepless night...whence
....spiced...spiked...and sugared memories...
..........accompany me...and sail with me i cruise along this lethargic sea
'neath a silent dark, where aches are loudest
.........domed, by an unworded loneliness,
i am wearied by a flow, that is endless,
.....this minute...imagination is ceaseless
........i reach for my mug....but, it's empty
.........................i hear no liquid seething
this moment,  a dark sea, should be brewing....
this hour, verses must be a river, overflowing,
...enfolding, this cool and starry, starry evening...
.......i am caffeinated....even without coffee....


Copyright March 23, 2017
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
(a nonsense poem, most of you might say
...... a new coffee poem...spun today...)
I am not particularly good with words

Sure I write them
Recite them
Treasure them

Display them for all to see
Hide them within lines of steno pads
Describe them with colorful phrases

Empathize with the power of each of them
Sympathize the relative terms as they form

Sentences dancing around the ideas of them

When they stand alone they mean something
Not all though just a few stand alone in meaning
Some terms of endearment others in disgruntled behavior

Sure I may be able to twist them
Play with them
Portray them

Written word upon yellow sheets lined with hidden truths
Seek within them
Find them
Use them

Take them as your own
Live them
Feel them

Show them the meaning
As you produce them into written form
Perhaps in poetry or in novels

Speak them
Deliver speeches with them
Never misuse misspell misguide them
Foolishly divide them

So mark my word, I know not how to use them
Just spill them
Paint with them

Love them as my own lexicon of expression
Most importantly be true to them
Tie a gold ribbon around them
Inspire them
Teach them

Most importantly let them be used properly
A proper use of them goes a long way
Translate them into powerful vocalizations
So I know not how to use them!
©Aiden L K Riverstone
ryn Apr 2016
Like the beach,
sparkling with radiance.
Openly welcoming the soothing
caress of the waves.
Allowing them to
playfully tug
at her toes
before retreating back
into the ocean tide.

Like the leaf,
that shines amber
in the autumn sun.
Silently inviting the wind
to sweep it off the threats
of the brittle twig.
Trusting the breeze to set it aloft,
in a whimsical spiral
before releasing it gently
into the safety of the ground below.

Like you and I.
As we confidently
match each other's
gait in a display
of song and dance.
Though our exchange
remains unworded,
the promise of love
rings clear within
the clasp of your
willing hands
in mine.
Stevie Baty Nov 2012
She will tame me, she cant blame me, when I put a smile upon her face.
He will paw me, he will claw me, but there's still an empty space.
Slow haunting whispers, I can feel her on my ear.
His breath, his warmth, the ever growing fear.

...Like a simpson, I change colour
The ink seeps on to the floor.

Do I stay and feel heart ache?
Or open that cage door?

He comes closer, puts his head against my heart,
A gentle pur, a silent thump, a misfit in the dark.
I reach out, then pull back, scared of his loathsome bite,
Not for lust, or need, or want, but an unworded fight.

It grows within me, like the locks on his mane,
Entwining round, engulfing me; is this what you call sane?
He bares his teeth, but not in anger, a gentle, sweet, supression,
Our eyes will lock, a growl will pass...

A fiery-tempered tension


Credit to Sarah Larking, who wrote this with me.
ryn Dec 2021

If one could dive
into the depths,
swim through
and prevail against
the currents
set within
the irises of eyes…

The delicacies
and intricacies
of every tapestry
that is everyone’s lives
and stories
would be heard…

Even when no words
were uttered.

Mike Essig Apr 2015
A cold has put me on the fritz, said Eugene O'Neill,
how can I forget certain things?
Now I have thirteen bottles of red wine
where once I had over a thousand.
I know where they went but why should I tell?
Every day I feed the dogs and birds.
The yard is littered with bones and seed husks.
Hearts spend their entire lives in the dark,
but the dogs and birds are fond of me.
I take a shower frequently but still
women are not drawn to me in large numbers.
Perhaps they know I'm happily married
and why exhaust themselves vainly to ****** me?
I loaned hundreds of thousands of dollars
and was paid back only by two Indians.
If I had known history it was never otherwise.
This is the song of the cold when people
are themselves but less so, people
who haven't listened to my unworded advice.
I was once described as "immortal"
but this didn't include my mother who recently died.
And why go to New York after the asteroid
and the floods of polar waters, the crumbling
buildings, when you're the only one there
in 2050? Come back to earth.
Blow your nose and dwell on the shortness of life.
Lift up your dark heart and sing a song about
how time drifts past you like the gentlest, almost
imperceptible breeze.
Elemenohp Nov 2016
The unworded truth lay twisted,
Where teething creatures stir.
Caught in the cobs of forgotten crevasse,
The doomed but dormant menace.

Thy beast shall be relieved of such burden,
Set free to light all darkness in flame
To extinguish all, til no brightness remains.

Putrid air from foul corpses, permeate the living.
Forsaking unfit, weak forces; creating a race of productive courses.
Shasta Lee Feb 2011
My breath is powdered with regret;
coated in the sugar I never said.
Though it was never spoken,
you could sense.
Imagine what vocal upset!
Imagine what we could have been!
Now we separate,
our passion empty and dead.
My tongue still tempting
that unworded perfect.
Some poems are better not birthed
be locked with the key never found
their scripts be seen by no eyes on earth
like the sigh’s dewy tears on the ground!

Some poems are better not carved on papyrus
be hidden in the deepest nook
unworded pains nurtured in hush
flowing within like a brook!

Some poems are better not shown daylight
be buried neath sorrow’s growing pile
unvoiced aches lost in the night
dawning in the morn as a smile!

Some poems are better not ever revealed
be breathed on the lonely walkway
living in heart feeling fulfilled
dying when the days die away!
D S Caillte Dec 2010
It may seem peculiar indeed
To have not paid homage
To this Nightguard of Poetry
But claim me for society's victim
For upon gazing at her ether-omniscient--
White curves encase the infertile desert
As, if you'll recall, her ancient patroness
Her consorts are of far greater interest
(A weak word hiding unspoken depth)
Unique in their millions
And, I find, quite indescribable
Except appropriate to represent that mystery
(It resides among the ugly, fragrant shelves)
Unworded but for breezes and shadows and eternity-swirls
Her mysteries were long drained from that pale, gaping face
And of no great interest.
And somehow I am writing.
Ida Blue Jan 2012
I’m trying to find the right words for you.
Since my voice is silenced when you raise yours,
Let me clarify the unworded thoughts in my head,

I crave you at all hours of the day,
You are my time and my love.
I found a life with you and without you,
It’s like a heart without a beat

When I wait for you, I grow older,
A little more stressed,
A little more bitter because
I’m holding my hand out for you,
Waiting for you to take it.
Itching for you to take it,
Hurting with every moment that passes,
Yet you tease me.
Yet here I am,
Arm getting heavier,
Shaking with fatigue and anticipation,
Just take it.
irinia May 2014
She sits there
expert in silence
She listens
to my oceans
She unknots
daily tribulations
practice the art of patience
in undisguised grace
worded and unworded

She's the forgiver of darkness
simple in compassion
hearted in experience of
giving, waiting, wondering,
musing and learning
side by side

And I just love
her trainers
by the willow trees
the blue T-shirts
the yellow smile
matching the light
in her eyes

I love her like a mother
like a brother
like another human being
I just love
who she is.
To a special lady for me, Happy Birthday!
Seema Aug 2017
My heart is humming a song
While sorting the things that went wrong
He was part of my unworded song
And I kept going on for long
Now, the storm has started within
Drops of tears cast as rain
My face, it's always been
While my heart sang in rhythmic vain
My lips won't utter a word out
Thou my wounded soul gave a silent shout
The stubborn mind played my ego beats
Pushing me a few steps down
Remembering all the missful treats
Of how lifes been a ridiculous clown
Once was a fragranced flower bloom
Now, am a paper cut flower, laying in my room
Hoping to hear from him, one last time
To ****** my feelings again and accept his crime
But wrong was I, he worded my song
And sang it right all the way long
He kissed my hand and romantically apologized
For all the wrongs, he finally realized
Our love is strong, till to date
Wedding bells on, just few days is a wait...

This is a fictional daydream write.
Fay Slimm Oct 2016
Molder of thought,
Reliever of rank need,
Drip into my silent moments your sweet waters.

Give me heed,
Your support restores,
Buoys with constructive boldness efforts to feed.

Muse, use me.
Poems will then come forth.
Unworded creations will give birth as they ought.
niann smith Apr 2021
, I taste the totality of her

the variety of textures that create the world of her body

the thin and thick of her skin the varying degrees of responsiveness when kissed

the layers deep, the tender shallows the arid, the lush the drenched

I speak in tongues to penetrate, lubricate stimulate and invigorate

blessing this ritual with enigmatic fervor

unworded                 unguided                                immersed
Bryce Jul 2018
And I have seen paradise before
It was a heaven of ideological
on the junction
of childhood and interstates
of man and youth, with marble floors
and distant speakers echoing drops off of
cell phone booths
and older people
selling things for us to buy
to find ourselves happy in the moment
deep cascading waterfalls

Is this heaven?

When a child it's all you see
the white and pedicured purity
of a waxed granite floor,
the impersonal monotony
feeling a soul in a world unknown
the closest thing to dreaming
Old T.Vs selling like hotcakes
buy it while it's new!

Gameboy games, pokemon on the tele
silent in the face of some strange musician
playing unworded tunes you'll recognize later
their focus-grouped chords left somewhere in your mind
for you to hum when bored

Everything was perfect, then?
was it?

Those same malls don't sparkle
no more

maybe it's just the grime of life
blocking the mirrored measure of my childhood soul
lost amidst the echoes
the sweet music of truth
bouncing off of the uncolored walls
a send-off of my youth

Maybe when we go back, one day
the walls won't be quite so grey
they'll be power-washed with light,
shine better than ever before,
nothing to buy but our happiness
somewhere in those hallowed halls
searching those windows into other lives
hoping to find the key to our soul
to leave this silly Sphere and
our boat back out the sliding door
back out into the real world,
no longer dreaming.
MavericksDivine Oct 2019
The unworded truth lay twisted,
Where teething creatures stir.
Caught in the cobs of forgotten crevasse,
The doomed but dormant menace.

Thy beast shall be relieved of such burden,
Set free to light all darkness in flame
To extinguish all, til no brightness remains.

Putrid air from foul corpses, permeate the living.
Forsaking unfit, weak forces; creating a race of productive courses.
Kyrie Hajashi May 2021
A thousand eyes east
hidden between nectars and bees,
a poet's skull.

A thousand light down
The floor tastes of salt and words
Of poems unworded

— The End —