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Dominique Simeus Nov 2018
Day versus night and hope versus despair
Born to live, live to die, die to relive
Came from the last, fear not this world of care
While striving towards the life yet unlive’

Autumn leaves must fall, undone is the past
Unfading scents, frozen hearts come to life
Hope’s ocean turns the tide of love to last
Be the heroes of time as in the strife

Fate has no beginning and yet no end
But still the souls heedlessly await her
Behind the curtain haze sets to descend
A sweet thereafter or endless torture

Time stops at nothing, but it dies for love
And memories forever share thereof
Bunhead17 Dec 2015
skipping stones across the water
walking beside the ocean's daughter
listening to nature as she sings
taking in the rapture that living brings
Thoughts that she
cannot unthink;
a life that she
cannot unlive.

Dreams she has yet to live
and a soul full of fire
looking under every stone
seeking her heart's desire
Afraid to see whats underneath.
We stay to the surface
afraid of the ghostly deep,
for there are shipwrecks

What lurks beneath at fathoms deep
will not disturb a good nights sleep
for as long as we can stay afloat
courage shall be our own lifeboat
But skipping stones eventually fall
To depths they haven't ventured yet
but, that's when life begins to be lived
when we reach deeper depth

Skipping stones across my mind
like those lucid dreams we hope to find
but in the end we are not alone
having reached the shore with that lucky stone*
Happiness is a skipping stone
Copyright 2015
Z Jan 2019
The biggest fear in life is when you see the whites of your eyes in the mirror,
And you thought the vision of your life would be a little clearer.
When your life is broken into pieces and your trying to find Jesus,
Your vision of morality increases, but your will power decreases.

Bipolar and addicted, mind is conflicted, afflicted, and your breath constricted,
Its hard to feel alive, when every day feels like a ten-thousand-foot sky dive to your death.
Day by day we try to survive, minds on overdrive, through each other’s experiences we strive,
To live, we try to give, and the next day we grapple with the life we are trying to unlive.

Don’t judge me fool, you know nothing about this demented dual,
A twisted and demented world a little like high school,
The place where everyone thought they knew you,
Instagram famous, thousands of followers people thought you were  cool.
But deep down you knew who was the tool!
There is some of us who live in the darkness were drowning in a black pool.
This **** isn’t my fault that my brain is misguided by a genetically controlled molecule.

Who are you to talk about me and my life,
Im 7 years in about to call this girl my wife,
It took me 3 close encounters with a blade of a knife,
To get past the strife of my past and realize I have the right to life.

I have to say im sorry, I caused a lot of pain,
Never put a needle in my vein, or did *******, but I lived my life in the fast lane,
Drank my life away, a one way ticket to death on the devils freight train,
Im proud to say today that I chose to abstain,
From the molecule that dissolved my brain and made me inhumane,
That alcohol is a solvent it dissolves the membrane,
Turned my life into a hurricane, give me the cellophane,
Choke me out and stop the oxygen to my brain.

For a longtime I wasn’t happy with myself,
My mistake is I was never true to myself.

I learned the value of wealth,
It wasn’t by increasing the quantity of items on my bookshelf,
It was as simple as learning that #1 was myself.

They say love is selfless, That’s true if you want a mess,
Love yourself first and life will take care of the rest.
I write to share my experience strength and hope.
In recovery from bipolar mental health and suicide.
In recovery from addiction
gabrielle Jan 2019
helpful yet harmful
to end and to be contented
to escape the reality
then meet heavens, that is fantasy

to unlive and to leave
to unlive your life but to leave me hanging on you tight
to help and to harm
help yourself vanish, harm everyone else in anguish
the use of rope in 'that' way
A W Bullen May 2016
I have to unhand her, unhold her,
spell a widdershins wander
to unpick the stitches of time
sewn together.

I have to unlive her, unlove her,
-muster a fiction, a line of defence,
a charm of protection, a cobbled pretence
to convince that I'm better without her,

- but to court a dementia
that summons a shade
to centre upon the mistakes
that we made-
is, itself, a deceit.

For there were such pleasures
embossed on the soul
to remain in forevers
that cannot be changed.
Victoria Feb 2018
I couldn't find a song
The music didn't fit
No lyrics could describe
The wall the we hit
The pain
Our lies
You leaving so abruptly
Looking back at it now
It all sounds so funny
You learn to forgive
But its hard to forget
We'll always have a connection
That we can never unlive
So you showed me in songs
Just how you feel
I'll tell you in word
So you know that its real
We had a good run
We loved
And we lost
I forgive you for alot
As long as you forgive me
For calling the cops
There will always be a place
Right in my heart
And I hope every night
You don't fall apart
old prayers scuttle,

amen themselves

still the air

and to this quiet place

the unquiet come

those who fall

for they are cursed

who bright their coffins here

and follow water

to its pure black fountain

appear like bats

charred black pages

from a burnt book

darken the twilight sky

they embrace

turning light to darkness




Wilkes Arnold Jan 2022
Have you ever been to Nomansland?
It's full of smiles, laughter, dread and dearth
Of any repercussions
If you're Russian or a serf
On a wave that leads to everything
Tho nothing you want first.
Come on down to Nomansland
And quench your nagging thirst

Tired of your burden, want to rest your restless mind?
We have trenches, dumps, and valleys
To poor thoughts of every kind
Relax, space out, while those thoughts race away
That's right
Shut up
Sit down
You have no choice but to stay!

Forget your problems
Lose your worries
Ignore your friends
And family too!
Let your pain slip away
With your ecstasy in suit!
Look at everything, see nothing, through your eyes of faded hue!
That's right
Little lost soul ...
...there is no real you.

Once, in a stupor,
Long ago, through the grime,
Another came knocking here
Searching for their mind.
They were blissful,
A customer served full,
But for one little thought
That rattled round their skull

"I want... it... back."
They must have lost their head!!!
We examined it extensively:
It was perfectly braindead
Everything in order, we couldn't figure out
Where the clanging came from
When we jiggled them about

No matter, don't worry
It's of no concern to you,
We're usually successful
When we stir brains into stew.
Just relax to the ditty of our unlive band
I'm Noman by the way,
Welcome to my land!
Mark Oct 2019
My love would frown, if could, about this stone;
For grey had never pleased her fashioned eye
And Times Old Roman carved for older throne-
Not beauty, youth, no mason knew could die.
Would they, as I, denounce that fair be bones?
Thereby no empty tomb would need a cross,
Engravings spared from eyes of teary loans:
That borrows from a grave's imprint of loss.
But plainly there invokes her name in etch:
Confronting on my dreams that have her live-
As vividly as breath, her beauty's sketch,
Yet sight to stone cannot in death unlive.

Upon then mason grave this line 'neath hers:
'If here resides, then here too mine refers'
Mark Oct 2019

My love would frown, if could, about this stone;
For grey had never pleased her fashioned eye
And Times Old Roman carved for older throne-
Not beauty, youth, no mason knew could die.
Would they, as I, denounce that fair be bones?
Thereby no empty tomb would need a cross,
Engravings spared from eyes of teary loans:
That borrows from a grave's imprint of loss.
But plainly here invokes her name in etch:
Confronting on my dreams that have her live-
As vividly as breath, her beauty's sketch,
Yet sight to stone cannot in death unlive.

Upon then mason grave this line 'neath hers:
'If here resides, then here too mine refers'


But when I part her grave, part follows me;
Unseen but seen behind my weary lids;
At best when closed does darkness gift her be
Into the light methought that death forbids.
Yet do I mourn with force to self deceive?
Defying state that time shall be my own,
Lest have me too immortal death receive
And dwell between where mind and spirit roam?
No! Gone my love to where all beauty flies!
Where havens still her grace as when had left,
I bound her not to ducts where beauty cries
Tho' I despair by depths at mine bereft.

Goodbye my dear, may essence seize the skies!
But be nearby, when near your body lies.


That I converse with you on matters new;
That matters old do not befall on you,
Could you forgive if by the winds so blew
A leaf upon my love that grows anew?
Know that they grow to not conceal your mound
Nor dig you deeper than by sorrow dug;
Think no mistake that 'neath my heart's not bound;
But love's bereft have none a better drug.
Yet if by sign out from your spirit's world;
By sparrows, storms, or ominous displayed:
Have by the skies 'alone' the word you hurled
Then shall it be that love is ours replayed.

Should graciousness so follow where you are
Then you would know you're not replaced, by far.
gravelbar Aug 2019
Under the pretty lights tonight
again and again
Under the canopy, green and screaming
give us rain
Simple beast has found his fragility
incarcerate my soul
A blank spot in the road, driving
manic teleportation
At new station biting at broke ends
good friends lost
Texas late winter frost, gutters breathing
constrict and confuse
The men in silk shoes are climbing the ravines
little shaded souls
So many names forgotten to time
why keep track
Lost sideways in the skylarking way
train track trek
I been and I slept
on to many **** rocks
Brothers lost, like clockwork
fighting overseas, forgotten
I cannot unlive this, unsee
my comrades leave me
like empty pitchers
in the night
morning mourning
sandra wyllie Dec 2021
once you’ve left
the safety of the ledge
you can’t climb back
to the landing –
the place you were standing

You can’t uncook
the meat in the frying pan
once it hits the heat
it’ll not be raw again

You can’t unsay
the words you’ve said
once they slip pass the lips
they’re lost in the abyss

You can’t undo
the thing you’ve done
like a knot tied in a rope
once you slide down
the slippery *****

You can't untangle
the mess you're in
like snarls in hair
you can't brush out
the strands matted
and clumped together
like hair down the drain
you can't sew it on
the head
like crusts cut off
a piece of bread

You can’t unlive
this life you have
you can’t go back
in a time machine
and live the dream

— The End —