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Nissa Arsenic Dec 2012
The walls speak to her.
They are so ugly and bare. And thats how she feels, ugly and bare.
She have no wounds to show, only wounds to tell.
And they become more and more of tales to tell,
surrounded by undistorted walls.
How does she not know these are not hers and they belong to someone else's?
How does she not know she was created and injected memories?
That sick little girl is no longer her,
and she is not and never was that sick little girl.
trinity Apr 2018
but eventually, all the metaphors fall apart
and come to nothing
like paper dissolving in water
fanciful words dissolving with it
and without romanticized phrases
and rose-tinted writings
there is only unembellished truth
needs some work, but just some thoughts i had tonight
The Noose Nov 2013
I admit
I am pathetically in love with you
Frightful it might be irrevocable
Girl pining away for someone whom she's invisible to
The oldest story in the book

I pale in comparison to all the others
I know, I get it
Not aesthetically gifted
Perhaps if you had taken a peek into my soul
You'd have found how stunning it is

I grow more delusional by the day
envisioning how your hazels would sparkle
When halation encircles you in auroras fluorescence

I am wrecking my brain
Trying to sound profound
Words splattered on a page are all I have to offer sometimes
Verbalisation fails me
I suppose I'll have to be content with this unembellished declaration
( which you will never see)
It feels organic anyway
I am plucking all this from the bottom of my heart

As I force these feelings to wither away
I attempt to convince myself that this was just perhaps an inflated crush
I am saddened by thoughts of what could have been
It burns
The catalyst I need to move on is my acceptance of the fact that even though we live under the same sun
the problem is, it doesn't cast the same shadow
Debra A Baugh Jun 2012
in silence I stand
unadorned, but,
awakened in a
demure frame of

thoughts color
my cheeks, hues
paint my soul;
as I stand alone

purity trickles
upon reddened
cheeks; chastity
leaves me clothed
and untainted as I
smile upon life

sensuality of me
blossoms in tinted
arrays; as sunlight
bounces off the
prism of mind
yet, still unpainted
upon life's canvas

tentatively, I blink
eying my reflection
in the mirror; devoid
of a painted mask
cocooning my essence
as I evolve into
a white butterfly

finding myself
unpainted in familiar
surroundings; barefaced
but, acknowledging
true colors; strength,
faith, decorum, self-esteem,
respect and confidence
unpainted like my canvas;
but, evident in all that I do

hung upon the wall of
an internal gallery;
posing in full glory
poised royally, in an
unpainted portrait
portraying me
Written by: NVMeeks aka Goddess of Sensuality aka Debra A Baugh
Praggya Joshi Mar 2018
My days crawl in a vapid succession
My eyes fixated upon the inscrutable way
In which pastel days fade into pallid nights
Languid sunrise dwindles into dreary sunsets
As I wander in between listlessly
Gathering it's dusty remnants
And threading them together
In unembellished phrases
Hackneyed to death
As the first weary ray of dawn
Ruffles through my hair
I yawn, sigh
and repeat again
pistachio Feb 2020
The sky is austere
No glinting embroidery
Guess she became all jaded
Wearing that pearl-beaded shawl
A sight he took for granted.
A tanka poem for the times we took the breathtaking night sky's availability for granted. Just some thoughts for the times we feel chagrined towards the undecorated dark canopy without thinking what the night sky could be going through in times they are gloomy and dreary. Hope you'll have a good read! :)
Brea Brea May 2013
The real question I am asking here
up and over the stillness of cold water, I cry out into this vast world
Will your amiability bid you dance with a skeleton?

or throw her into the *** of the sea
given she trust herself enough to divulge herself in meeting thee

and from the waters you hoisted my unembellished identity with your feeble hands

I have shown you my true self as hard and ridgid
as coarse as sand
wont you display, your darkest primordial wishes
or does it manifest as all that I see you for now?

with insights into mortality will you spare just a tear
in sight of your own morality
for your wounds

it will kindle in me a thirst I've not yet quenched
even as the rolling ocean was wrenched from inside me

perhaps I'm offered this gift, I may very well present a gift for you
You lacked the experience to meet me fully through...
Wordsmith Nov 2019
The whistle sounded, the train chugged
The journey began as many unplugged
Fates were rested on solid tracks
Scraps of iron responsible for their backs

Compartmentalised boxes carried varying stories
Some call it a divide, others settle for categories
Some boxes resplendent with ornaments and gilding
Others modest with unembellished finishings

Whatever the setting, the views didn't discriminate
One only had to look out if one had to rejuvenate
The landscapes never spoke, but the passengers listened
As if nature's lyrics were intently written

Each swayed by the drama of their lives
On a journey assumed with predestined stops
No one saw an impending halt
On unfinished tracks and an unexpected drop

If unspoken words were to be exchanged,
What would they have been
If unasked questions were to be answered,
Would they have freed one from within
How would we live if we had to treat every breath like our last?
Lucca Roberto Aug 2017
I remember being on the red thin line
Becoming & epitomizing Destitute
Blessed it too that I found myself wanting
to break from the clenches that bound any exemption, and sought after a new means of
Achieving ultimate ecstasy in a world purged of natural euphoria and anything besides the contemptuous judgment that is almost granted and given at the onset of life in a place that taxes one from the unembellished pleasures a life should often always experience
Slur pee May 2016
I don't know where I am anymore,
Your arms are wrapped around me
I can feel you softly snore;
Breath quiet, warm, and slow
Dancing on my forehead.
This is all that I have left,
These disgusting, precious moments
That I'll never forget.

You transport me to this place
Whenever we're alone.
You rip me out of our space
When I'm thinking-
With eyes closed;
And you're sleeping,
In this bed of time-machinery.
Ripping me through threads,
Forcing me to relive
When we were alright.
When everything seemed bright
But I was lost in the shadows,
Projected by your lies.

And sickly, I smile
As my brain travels miles
To reach destinations,
I haven't been to in a while.

Like that lonesome beach
Where I surrendered myself.
Giving you all that I had,
In our moment on the sand.
I thought you'd never reach
For my unembellished shell,
But you held me in your hand,
Taking all that you could grasp.

Or those tender, treasured seconds
Where you'd cradle my heart in heaven.
Rocking it in your cloudy arms,
While delicate fingers traced coarse scars.

I'm reminded of happier times,
That felt like dancing in sunshine.
Now we keep behind black clouds
To never come back out.

So please,
Just stay there sleeping.
You're happier in your dreams,
That will never include me.

Your soul I never could appease.

I'll lie here with my mind
As it retells these
Fantastical stories,
Of a make believe boy
Who found something beautiful
In something boring.

Sona Lachina Sep 2019
I have been warned
Not to make my mouth
A funeral for the truth

But how dull
        the unembellished life
A birth          A death
And time's pranks between
What is left when the lies
        are struck?
Lethal mediocrity
SNair Nov 2024
she was salt
the mariners ally
flew before the mast of every big ship
treading carefully
caressing pennants , the flowing reds and pinks
and sometimes when the skies are blue
and the winds are shifting
carrying the scents of jasmine from a faraway land
that she could never visit ,
She would sit next to the figurehead
viewing the world before ,
the chaos , the love , the dance of disarray , the sad and happy tears
of everyone who ever lived .

She was salt
an escaped soul from the briny bed rocks that clinged to the memories of the deep
she was creation before creation
she was art before art
she was destruction before destruction,
Or so the many fables painted her as ...

And she fell asleep
a sleep so deep ,
neither light nor time reached the depths of the slumber ,
neither music nor poetry pierced the dormant armour ,
A sleep so deep , she forgot how  to breathe , to continue
to remember memories of the past
A rest so profound that creation ceased to exist
until the Night

The Girl was a nuisance
to the townspeople  , to the unsupple ideas that were music to most
She had plain air , unembellished eyes
A salty smell blew everytime she walked across the citadel
"a witch , she could be "
"chanting the unknown"
"preaches the unwanted "
"a curse "
"a wretched sorceress"
The whispers gained favours
found new strength from lands unknown .
"The Girl should Die "
And so it went

One Faithful night
when the air was warm and the moon was bright
Their voices grew strong and their hatred gained might
"The Girl was The Sacrifice
A means to end this Game of mice
Her blood shall Cleanse
Her flesh shall feed
A fated offering to the gods We plead "
the words of the leader rang loud and clear
And the confused soul heeded the Seer
Dressed in White with  Her hair bleeding to the night
The Girl stood , Dried salty tattoos coating her face
Wide eyed and trembling , She stood before the Seas
with the Seer , the sharp knives and the gravel behind her
She walked , hands tied , bloodied
To the seas , Wailing a silent song

THE CRY went pass the waters through time and light
through past and future
through the cries of up and below
Reaching the Deep
Bleu Mar 2019
I grew a little white daisy
In between my palms
Simple and solitary
But they gave it a glance
And decided it was too bland

I grew a little white daisy
In between my palms
Delicate and humble
But they looked dismissive
And very much offended

I grew a little white daisy
In between my palms
Unembellished and exquisite
But they thought it needed
Mending and perfecting

I grew a little white daisy
In between my palms
They asked me where
The bright splendid colours were
And why it did not have
Any sweet fragrance at all

I grew a little white daisy
In between my palms
They wanted to see
Only the famous crimson red rose
But I thought my daisy
Was beautiful the way it was
Travis Green Aug 2021
It seemed like I had known him forever
The strong beats dancing wildly on his tongue
The slick brick diction etched
On his magnifantastic, mellow yellow flesh
Dark, delighting eyes that made me so blissafied
As I wanted to wander into his dopetabulous world

See the beloved untamed river, the kinetic
Knowledge rippling in the clear, pure water
Highly effusive poems infused within the essence
Of his soul, incessant quiescent, radtabulous masculinity
An expressive vision of unembellished dreams
My thunder driving rider, my dopenificent allure

Soaring into airy passion, amazalicious, hazel eyes
So fire-amplified, light, sightly brightness
Everything that makes me long to lay on him
Glide in his genius being as I go into dope attack
So enchanted by the unbounded power of his masculinity

— The End —