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Nikunj Dec 2012
out from school we came to jmc,
to become what our parents wanted us to be.
with NC we enjoyed harrapan and vedic civilization,
Ashima mam taught us Transition ( paleo to noelithic).
writing 10 sides answer seemed IMPOSSIBLE,
15/25 only left us numb.
coming for hindi at 8:30 was really irritating,
mam's msg of cancelling the class was even m
ore *******.
Tues and wed 8:30 were scolding days,
since frustated JS splited her anger on us.( though i like her lot)
om sai ram and gandhi was KN's department,
though antique, she was another inspiration.
enjoyed Montage for the first time,
Chronicle was the accomplishment for the lifetime.
first year ended so rapidly,
90%ees were satisfied with 60s.
then we met the iron lady of our department (chaddha mam)
she asked questions after every second point.
RS Sharma got replaced by sultans of delhi and Satish Chandra,
every notebook had words like sufi, bhakti and Iqta.
transition frm feudalism to capitalism muddled our heads,
Dobb and Sweezy never left us till the end.( remember jha's ******* :P)
enjoyed boston tea party and civil war in States,
though never understood out of khiljis and tuglaqs- who is great?
****** taught us stress, depression and suicide,
we almost got killed by Bronte's Wuthering Heights!
Orcha trip was another milestone,
Khajurao sculptures turned all of us on :P
pool party with "tinku jiya" was superfun,
each one of us made good connections.
Second year also got over and we entered in our own little world- T9.
everything was new to us,
future tension always bothered us!
Journey to China and Japan with Chakko was great,
though we never grew intellectually and understood decline of Shogunate.
Gazala mam introduced us to napoleon and bismarc,
became our friend. guide and mentor.
Chadda mam took us to royal court of mughals and rajputs,
but Iqta and jagir still confuses us!
Sleeping time came with menon's class,
18th cent and 1857 always bored us. (though i admit she is a great scholar)
we stopped studying and started enjoying life to the fullest,
since history taught us no matter what Peasant is the one who will be suppressed!
Montage 2012 rocked,
DJ Aqeel's ferrari left us in shock!
Postponing and preponing the classes was 3rd year's trait,
petty fights over it were always great.
Since first year we all wanted this day to come,
to wear saree and have FUN.
the Farewell day has passed :(
From now onwards... NO cancelling or preponing classes, no prof to scold us, no NSS hours to complete, no deadlines of tuts, no canteen's samosas and macroni, no diwali mela, no Montage and Chronicle, no Ashok bhaiya, no ******* and commenting and last but not the least NO HISTORY HONS 3rd YEARS (2009-2012)
No one realised how these beautiful 3 years passed away.our eyes are wet but heart is content.
just wanted to tell everyone that i will miss you all. though i may have not interacted much with everyone, but I wish you all the very best for your future...

So superseniors,
leave all grudges behind and enjoy the last week of your college life at JMC to the fullest
these days
looking around the globe
one might believe that we are travelling in time

just in the wrong direction

regression as progress
seems to be
the dominant notion of the day
creating wannabees in various disguises
     populist czars, sultans, nationalists, dictators,
     assorted self-appointed snake-oil salesmen
     and saviors of their peoples’ wealth and health,
trumpeting fences, walls, tough immigration laws,
etc., etc.  
to keep out all those aliens

     who otherwise are welcome
     as our partners in the global trade
     that seems to dominate the world of greed

so we can all be ourselves

     whatever that might mean

claiming to solve the problems of tomorrow
     with romanticized memories of yesterday
is hopeless and quite dangerous

do you remember
what that glorified past
actually was?
ConnectHook Sep 2015

Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit,
according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world,
and not according to Christ.

Colossians 2:4-8 (NKJV)

His Nietzschean trip moved from Comic toward Tragic:
Deleuze’s delusions flew out the fenêtre
Airborne and ****** on philosphy’s magic
(the nihilist suicide’s raison d’être…)
Propelled from the window, transcending the Ontic,
his organless body in textual flight,
a schiz-flow beyond on a voyage turned frantic.
His thought – a nomadic adornment for speed,
multiplicitly viewing a thousand plateaux
was a force for unhinging the doorways of light
and a plea for postmodern decoding indeed.
His frame soon encountered pure striated space
in the form of the pavement caressing his face.

He joins other smokers of Gallic tabac,
other esotericians of cognitive frenzy
(those mullahs of madness, those sultans of Whack…)
Sorely missed by his victims, disciples and friends
he is mourned, misinterpreted, copied, dismissed
– but for semioticians he heads up the list.

Another brave Frenchman, some guy named Debord
a bespectacled Marxist (who missed all the marks)
made the mediums’ message a radical bore
dialectically fading the lights into darks.
Indirectly disrupting pop-culture with Punk
and other anarchic phenomena-junk,
he too chose to leave with a nihilist bang –
while we whimper and suffer down here with the gang.
The old situationist’s last situation:
an agit-prop funeral short on elation…

So to French de-constructor-philosopher-ravers
and all who rejoice while society wavers
I offer these lines, like a quick coup-de-grace
and be warned – they’re now viewing the Good Lord en face.
A schiz-flow elegy for Gilles Deleuze (1925–1995)
& Guy Debord (1931 – 1994)

Recommended a new paradigm
Think I maybe dying all the time
They say using building
blocks of creation to
dream with you?
Inherent and obvious danger
In that darling

Pray a little simple
prayer for all of us.
You must
We must
wait a while
language doesn't exist
Working on it.
Bards are here
We will babysit while...
They treat with Sultans of Song

The chemist,  chirugeon,
the watcher, the statesman
on the Bubbahub
Zee's the lynch pin

He's holding it down,
With a little buckdance
He knows what I mean
Different language

Cadence, ritmo
Seven sicilian sailors
Sailing the seven seas
Storm is passing
2013 Atalanta Undigested. All Rights Reserved.
when in the world’s leading democracy
a new president starts his office with

     making life more expensive for average home owners
     signing orders threatening the health of millions
     restricting the publications of researchers
     denying global warming
     encouraging coal and oil companies
     forbidding federal employees to talk to the media
     going on fantasy trips about “alternative facts"
          to justify his ridiculous lies
     blaming the media when asking questions and checking facts
     barring leading media companies from press conferences
     waffling about his Russian connections
     refusing to release his tax returns
     ordering to build walls to keep out all those aliens,
          like the old Chinese did, to little avail
     issuing poorly formulated presidential orders
          causing confusion and harm and even deaths
     banning even green card holders from entering the country
     filling his cabinet with all the alligators from the swamps
          he promised to clean during his campaign
          people who know how to avoid paying taxes and beating the     system
          but have no clue how to govern now that they ARE the system
          and think they can run the USA with its 350 million citizens
          as Trump&Cronies;, USA, Inc.,
          like their private family businesses, for profit
courting kings and monarchs & wannabe sultans in the near east
     'democratic dictators' in the far southeast
      and wannabe czars in russia
but hesitating to confirm ties to old allies
     in Europe, NATO, and the Far East
suggesting that having undeclared secret meetings
     is quite OK with his campaign team members
     his son and son-in-law

[ctd. fron line 2...] it is high time to seriously ask
what concept
    if any
of democracy he has in mind
In view of ongoing developments, this poem is a work in progress and will be updated whenever significant "presidential orders" or some such become public.
Phosphorimental Dec 2014
Hearts imbued with redolence
fill the garden with others sent…

…to pour their wine in waiting chalice
of servants drunk in sultans palace.

Fragrance comes before the rose,
then long after the petals close.

Following the scent of flower white
a nightingale came to rest one night.

Amongst the thorns she made her bed
there from her chest, the colors bled.

So the rose received its hue,
from the winged messenger of Allahu.
soul in torment Sep 2013
I caught the moon within my spoon
and hid beneath my bed
and by her light I read that night
Till all my books were read

Adventures bold and knights of old
and big and scary things
of foreign lands and burning sands
Of sultans szars and kings

Flew carpet rides and sailed the tides
Saw mermaids in the deep
moved back in time and solved a crime
and found a realm asleep

I met a bear with yellow hair
A *** stuck on his head
Whose closest friend was make pretend
or so my momma said

I saw a cat now fancy that
A cat whom wasn't there
he simply sneered and disappeared
With flourish and with flair

Saw walking trees and talking bees
and elephants that flew
Saw playing cards playing at guards
and mouse from teapot pour

All night I read filling my head
with fun and fantasy
until the moon escaped my spoon
and I slept happily
Ô temps miraculeux ! ô gaîtés homériques !
Ô rires de l'Europe et des deux Amériques !
Croûtes qui larmoyez ! bons dieux mal accrochés
Qui saignez dans vos coins ! madones qui louchez !
Phénomènes vivants ! ô choses inouïes !
Candeurs ! énormités au jour épanouies !
Le goudron déclaré fétide par le suif,
Judas flairant Shylock et criant : c'est un juif !
L'arsenic indigné dénonçant la morphine,
La hotte injuriant la borne, Messaline
Reprochant à Goton son regard effronté,
Et Dupin accusant Sauzet de lâcheté !

Oui, le vide-gousset flétrit le tire-laine,
Falstaff montre du doigt le ventre de Silène,
Lacenaire, pudique et de rougeur atteint,
Dit en baissant les yeux : J'ai vu passer Castaing !

Je contemple nos temps. J'en ai le droit, je pense.
Souffrir étant mon lot, rire est ma récompense.
Je ne sais pas comment cette pauvre Clio
Fera pour se tirer de cet imbroglio.
Ma rêverie au fond de ce règne pénètre,
Quand, ne pouvant dormir, la nuit, à ma fenêtre,
Je songe, et que là-bas, dans l'ombre, à travers l'eau,
Je vois briller le phare auprès de Saint-Malo.

Donc ce moment existe ! il est ! Stupeur risible !
On le voit ; c'est réel, et ce n'est pas possible.
L'empire est là, refait par quelques sacripants.
Bonaparte le Grand dormait. Quel guet-apens !
Il dormait dans sa tombe, absous par la patrie.
Tout à coup des brigands firent une tuerie
Qui dura tout un jour et du soir au matin ;
Napoléon le Nain en sortit. Le destin,
De l'expiation implacable ministre,
Dans tout ce sang versé trempa son doigt sinistre
Pour barbouiller, affront à la gloire en lambeau,
Cette caricature au mur de ce tombeau.

Ce monde-là prospère. Il prospère, vous dis-je !
Embonpoint de la honte ! époque callipyge !
Il trône, ce cokney d'Eglinton et d'Epsom,
Qui, la main sur son cœur, dit : Je mens, ergo sum.
Les jours, les mois, les ans passent ; ce flegmatique,
Ce somnambule obscur, brusquement frénétique,
Que Schœlcher a nommé le président Obus,
Règne, continuant ses crimes en abus.
Ô spectacle ! en plein jour, il marche et se promène,
Cet être horrible, insulte à la figure humaine !
Il s'étale effroyable, ayant tout un troupeau
De Suins et de Fortouls qui vivent sur sa peau,
Montrant ses nudités, cynique, infâme, indigne,
Sans mettre à son Baroche une feuille de vigne !
Il rit de voir à terre et montre à Machiavel
Sa parole d'honneur qu'il a tuée en duel.
Il sème l'or ; - venez ! - et sa largesse éclate.
Magnan ouvre sa griffe et Troplong tend sa patte.
Tout va. Les sous-coquins aident le drôle en chef.
Tout est beau, tout est bon, et tout est juste ; bref,
L'église le soutient, l'opéra le constate.
Il vola ! Te Deum. Il égorgea ! cantate.

Lois, mœurs, maître, valets, tout est à l'avenant.
C'est un bivouac de gueux, splendide et rayonnant.
Le mépris bat des mains, admire, et dit : courage !
C'est hideux. L'entouré ressemble à l'entourage.
Quelle collection ! quel choix ! quel Œil-de-boeuf !
L'un vient de Loyola, l'autre vient de Babeuf !
Jamais vénitiens, romains et bergamasques
N'ont sous plus de sifflets vu passer plus de masques.
La société va sans but, sans jour, sans droit,
Et l'envers de l'habit est devenu l'endroit.
L'immondice au sommet de l'état se déploie.
Les chiffonniers, la nuit, courbés, flairant leur proie,
Allongent leurs crochets du côté du sénat.
Voyez-moi ce coquin, normand, corse, auvergnat :
C'était fait pour vieillir bélître et mourir cuistre ;
C'est premier président, c'est préfet, c'est ministre.
Ce truand catholique au temps jadis vivait
Maigre, chez Flicoteaux plutôt que chez Chevet ;
Il habitait au fond d'un bouge à tabatière
Un lit fait et défait, hélas, par sa portière,
Et griffonnait dès l'aube, amer, affreux, souillé,
Exhalant dans son trou l'odeur d'un chien mouillé.
Il conseille l'état pour ving-cinq mille livres
Par an. Ce petit homme, étant teneur de livres
Dans la blonde Marseille, au pays du mistral,
Fit des faux. Le voici procureur général.
Celui-là, qui courait la foire avec un singe,
Est député ; cet autre, ayant fort peu de linge,
Sur la pointe du pied entrait dans les logis
Où bâillait quelque armoire aux tiroirs élargis,
Et du bourgeois absent empruntait la tunique
Nul mortel n'a jamais, de façon plus cynique,
Assouvi le désir des chemises d'autrui ;
Il était grinche hier, il est juge aujourd'hui.
Ceux-ci, quand il leur plaît, chapelains de la clique,
Au saint-père accroupi font pondre une encyclique ;
Ce sont des gazetiers fort puissants en haut lieu,
Car ils sont les amis particuliers de Dieu
Sachez que ces béats, quand ils parlent du temple
Comme de leur maison, n'ont pas tort ; par exemple,
J'ai toujours applaudi quand ils ont affecté
Avec les saints du ciel des airs d'intimité ;
Veuillot, certe, aurait pu vivre avec Saint-Antoine.
Cet autre est général comme on serait chanoine,
Parce qu'il est très gras et qu'il a trois mentons.
Cet autre fut escroc. Cet autre eut vingt bâtons
Cassés sur lui. Cet autre, admirable canaille,
Quand la bise, en janvier, nous pince et nous tenaille,
D'une savate oblique écrasant les talons,
Pour se garer du froid mettait deux pantalons
Dont les trous par bonheur n'étaient pas l'un sur l'autre.
Aujourd'hui, sénateur, dans l'empire il se vautre.
Je regrette le temps que c'était dans l'égout.
Ce ventre a nom d'Hautpoul, ce nez a nom d'Argout.
Ce prêtre, c'est la honte à l'état de prodige.
Passons vite. L'histoire abrège, elle rédige
Royer d'un coup de fouet, Mongis d'un coup de pied,
Et fuit. Royer se frotte et Mongis se rassied ;
Tout est dit. Que leur fait l'affront ? l'opprobre engraissé.
Quant au maître qui hait les curieux, la presse,
La tribune, et ne veut pour son règne éclatant
Ni regards, ni témoins, il doit être content
Il a plus de succès encor qu'il n'en exige ;
César, devant sa cour, son pouvoir, son quadrige,
Ses lois, ses serviteurs brodés et galonnés,
Veut qu'on ferme les veux : on se bouche le nez.

Prenez ce Beauharnais et prenez une loupe ;
Penchez-vous, regardez l'homme et scrutez la troupe.
Vous n'y trouverez pas l'ombre d'un bon instinct.
C'est vil et c'est féroce. En eux l'homme est éteint
Et ce qui plonge l'âme en des stupeurs profondes,
C'est la perfection de ces gredins immondes.

À ce ramas se joint un tas d'affreux poussahs,
Un tas de Triboulets et de Sancho Panças.
Sous vingt gouvernements ils ont palpé des sommes.
Aucune indignité ne manque à ces bonshommes ;
Rufins poussifs, Verrès goutteux, Séjans fourbus,
Selles à tout tyran, sénateurs omnibus.
On est l'ancien soudard, on est l'ancien bourgmestre ;
On tua Louis seize, on vote avec de Maistre ;
Ils ont eu leur fauteuil dans tous les Luxembourgs ;
Ayant vu les Maurys, ils sont faits aux Sibours ;
Ils sont gais, et, contant leurs antiques bamboches,
Branlent leurs vieux gazons sur leurs vieilles caboches.
Ayant été, du temps qu'ils avaient un cheveu,
Lâches sous l'oncle, ils sont abjects sous le neveu.
Gros mandarins chinois adorant le tartare,
Ils apportent leur cœur, leur vertu, leur catarrhe,
Et prosternent, cagneux, devant sa majesté
Leur bassesse avachie en imbécillité.

Cette bande s'embrasse et se livre à des joies.
Bon ménage touchant des vautours et des oies !

Noirs empereurs romains couchés dans les tombeaux,
Qui faisiez aux sénats discuter les turbots,
Toi, dernière Lagide, ô reine au cou de cygne,
Prêtre Alexandre six qui rêves dans ta vigne,
Despotes d'Allemagne éclos dans le Rœmer,
Nemrod qui hais le ciel, Xercès qui bats la mer,
Caïphe qui tressas la couronne d'épine,
Claude après Messaline épousant Agrippine,
Caïus qu'on fit césar, Commode qu'on fit dieu,
Iturbide, Rosas, Mazarin, Richelieu,
Moines qui chassez Dante et brisez Galilée,
Saint-office, conseil des dix, chambre étoilée,
Parlements tout noircis de décrets et d'olims,
Vous sultans, les Mourads, les Achmets, les Sélims,
Rois qu'on montre aux enfants dans tous les syllabaires,
Papes, ducs, empereurs, princes, tas de Tibères !
Bourreaux toujours sanglants, toujours divinisés,
Tyrans ! enseignez-moi, si vous le connaissez,
Enseignez-moi le lieu, le point, la borne où cesse
La lâcheté publique et l'humaine bassesse !

Et l'archet frémissant fait bondir tout cela !
Bal à l'hôtel de ville, au Luxembourg gala.
Allons, juges, dansez la danse de l'épée !
Gambade, ô Dombidau, pour l'onomatopée !
Polkez, Fould et Maupas, avec votre écriteau,
Toi, Persil-Guillotine, au profil de couteau !

Ours que Boustrapa montre et qu'il tient par la sangle,
Valsez, Billault, Parieu, Drouyn, Lebœuf, Delangle !
Danse, Dupin ! dansez, l'horrible et le bouffon !
Hyènes, loups, chacals, non prévus par Buffon,
Leroy, Forey, tueurs au fer rongé de rouilles,
Dansez ! dansez, Berger, d'Hautpoul, Murat, citrouilles !

Et l'on râle en exil, à Cayenne, à Blidah !
Et sur le Duguesclin, et sur le Canada,
Des enfants de dix ans, brigands qu'on extermine,
Agonisent, brûlés de fièvre et de vermine !
Et les mères, pleurant sous l'homme triomphant,
Ne savent même pas où se meurt leur enfant !
Et Samson reparaît, et sort de ses retraites !
Et, le soir, on entend, sur d'horribles charrettes
Qui traversent la ville et qu'on suit à pas lents,
Quelque chose sauter dans des paniers sanglants !
Oh ! laissez ! laissez-moi m'enfuir sur le rivage !
Laissez-moi respirer l'odeur du flot sauvage !
Jersey rit, terre libre, au sein des sombres mers ;
Les genêts sont en fleur, l'agneau paît les prés verts ;
L'écume jette aux rocs ses blanches mousselines ;
Par moments apparaît, au sommet des collines,
Livrant ses crins épars au vent âpre et joyeux,
Un cheval effaré qui hennit dans les cieux !

Jersey, le 24 mai 1853.
Chantres associés et paisibles rivaux,

Qui mettez en commun la gloire et les travaux,

Et qu'on voit partager sans trouble et sans orage

D'un laurier fraternel le pacifique ombrage ;

Lorsque de toutes parts le public empressé,

Chez l'heureux éditeur chaque jour entassé.

De vos vers en naissant devenus populaires

Se dispute à l'envi les dix-mille exemplaires,

Pardonnez, si je viens à vos nobles accents

Obscur admirateur, offrir ma part d'encens.

Sur les abus criants d'un odieux système,

Lorsque le peuple entier a lancé l'anathème,

Et contre ces vizirs honnis et détestés,

S'est levé comme un homme et les a rejetés ;

Du haro général organes satiriques,

Vos vers ont démasqué ces honteux empiriques ;

Votre muse, esquissant leurs grotesques portraits,

D'un ridicule amer assaisonnant ses traits

Contre chaque méfait, vedette en permanence.

Improvisait un chant, comme eux une ordonnance,

Combattait pour nos droits, et lavant nos affronts,

D'un iambe vainqueur stigmatisait leurs fronts.

Mais lorsqu'ils ont enfin, relégués dans leurs terres,

Amovibles tyrans, pleuré leurs ministères.

Votre muse, à leur fuite adressant ses adieux.

Dans une courte épitre a rendu grâce aux dieux.

Dédaignant d'accabler, tranquille et satisfaite.

Ces ignobles vaincus meurtris de leur défaite.

Lors il fallut trouver dans ce vaste univers

Un plus noble sujet qui méritât vos vers :

Et vous avez montré dans les champs d'Idumée

L'Orient en présence avec la grande Armée,

Le Nil soumis au joug et du vainqueur d'Eylau

Le portrait colossal dominant le tableau.

Et quel autre sujet pouvait, -plus poétique.

Présenter à vos yeux son prisme fantastique ?

Quel autre champ pouvait, de plus brillantes fleurs

Offrir à vos pinceaux les riantes couleurs ?

Une invisible main, sous le ciel de l'Asie,

A, comme les parfums, semé la poésie :

Ces peuples, qui, pliés au joug de leurs sultans,

Résistent, obstinés à la marche du temps ;

Ces costumes, ces mœurs, ce stupide courage

Qui semble appartenir aux hommes d'un autre âge,

Ces palais, ces tombeaux, cet antique Memnon

Qui de leurs fondateurs ont oublié le nom ;

Ce Nil, qui sur des monts égarés dans la nue,

Va cacher le secret de sa source inconnue ;

Tout inspire, tout charme ; et des siècles passés

Ranimant à nos yeux les récits effacés.

Donne à l'éclat récent de nos jours de victoire

La couleur des vieux temps et l'aspect de l'histoire.

Votre muse a saisi de ces tableaux épars

Les contrastes brillants offerts de toutes parts :

Elle peint, dans le choc de ces tribus errantes

Le cliquetis nouveau des armes différentes,

Les bonnets tout poudreux de nos républicains

Heurtant dans le combat les turbans africains.

Et, sous un ciel brûlant, la lutte poétique

De la France moderne et de l'Asie antique.

Temps fertile en héros ! glorieux souvenir !

Quand de Napoléon tout rempli d'avenir,

Sur le sol de l'Arabe encor muet de crainte,

La botte éperonnée a marqué son empreinte,

Et gravé sur les bords du Nil silencieux

L'ineffaçable sceau de l'envoyé des cieux !

Beaux jours ! où Bonaparte était jeune, où la France

D'un avenir meilleur embrassait l'espérance.

Souriait aux travaux de ses nobles enfants,

Et saluait de **** leurs drapeaux triomphants ;

Et ne prévoyait pas que ce chef militaire

Vers les degrés prochains d'un trône héréditaire

Marchait, tyran futur, à travers tant d'exploits ;

Et mettant son épée à la place des lois,

Fils de la liberté, préparait à sa mère

Le coup inespéré que recelait Brumaire !

Mais enfin ce fut l'heure : et les temps accomplis

Marquèrent leur limite à ses desseins remplis.

Abattu sous les coups d'une main vengeresse,

Il paya chèrement ces courts instants d'ivresse.

Comme j'aime ces vers où l'on voit à leur tour,

Les rois unis livrer sa pâture au vautour ;

Des pâles cabinets l'étroite politique

Le jeter palpitant au sein de l'Atlantique,

Et pour mieux lui fermer un périlleux chemin,

Du poids d'indignes fers déshonorer sa main.

Sa main ! dont ils ont su les étreintes fatales,

Qui data ses décrets de leurs vingt capitales.

Qui, des honneurs du camp, pour ses soldats titrés.

Après avoir enfin épuisé les degrés.

Et relevant pour eux les antiques pairies,

Sur les flancs de leurs chars semé les armoiries,

Pour mieux récompenser ces glorieux élus,

A de la royauté fait un grade de plus.

Et vous, qui poursuivant une noble pensée,

Aux travaux de nos preux fîtes une Odyssée,

Qui montrant à nos yeux sous un soleil lointain

Ces préludes brillants de l'homme du destin,

Avez placé vos chants sous l'ombre tutélaire

D'une gloire historique et déjà séculaire,

Mêlés dans les récits des âges à venir,

Vos vers auront leur part de ce grand souvenir :

Comme, sous Périclès, ce sculpteur de l'Attique

Dont la main enfanta le Jupiter antique,

Dans les siècles futurs associa son nom

A l'immortalité des Dieux du Parthénon.
Noah Ducane Sep 2016
Beginning in the evergreens,
Where the waters run sweet as wine,
The skies sing out shattering,
The ground spins down below
His marching feet.

One thousand and one years
Left him in the earth,
And raised up Typhon,
Come lightning staff,
Come thunder breath.

Moving through the mountains,
Purpled by the sun,
Floods cutting through the rock,
Come traveling through the caverns,
Through the cloud's rain that tear down.

Eagles eating gods,
And green, green trees stretching hands,
He stumbles through the paths,
Going all martyr in the shades.

Eventually, his progression meets the sun,
That scorches shadows from their place,
Plumes of fire preaching,
Here he finds the meadows,
Melting all gone in the red and stubborn sand.

Oh and there he fights the priests,
Oh and there he summons hell,
From the sun that never dies,
And the seasons never change.

There go I,
Through the paradises of elephants,
(White and rouge)
Palaces of sultans in the sultan shade.
Armageddon heavens twisting,
Where the spindle-bound spires raise.

There go I,
Vagrant feet forging,
The miles in meter
And the deserts in their damnation.

Eventually, the vagrant finds the rivers.
Eventually, there he claims all Moses,
Running wild through these waters,
Cutting heel into valleys pale and pink.

Golden Hordes, and god-kings,
And paisley patterns branded in the eye;
There are the journeys going unhindered,
Where the snow meets the soul.

The vagrant with his body,
Naked in the mind,
Storm by boat in the dead of winter,
Warmed by sails in the dead of spring.

The vagrant going east,
Then around again and west,
There shores of silver,
Horns of plenty fallen found.

One thousand and one years
Gilded in the green,
Fluorescent accents smiling,
Sounds smelting in the foreign forests.

The vagrant meets the sea
After his trials in their numbers,
Blankets thrown up,
White sheets waving,
Clairvoyance in antiquity.

The sea is blue and washing,
The vagrant's eyes are marbled,
As the notes progression goes
The water kisses the air.

Pillars taller than the stars
Stretch to heaven forgetting,
There oceans rising,
And the tranquil music dancing.

Tripped out not wanting,
Rise and risen,
The scavenger surface
And the molten mound.

Poor traveler,
In his vision where all eyes meet,
The savage and sacred nature,
The hurricanes and blissful storms.

Poor traveler,
Not meet your end,
One foot in the grave,
Where a million, million angels
Carry you down.

And poor traveler,
King in concert,
There hills and crevasses crawl to him,
Call to him,
Leave all their pasts searching.
Mateuš Conrad Oct 2015
they allowed you your civil war... allow them theirs! about 99% of you are not syrian civilians, and i couldn’t give a half baked cookie’s *** worth of having opinions about that conflict over wine at 5pm... but hey! newspapers sell with opinions about a civilian conflict over there and queries in the dilemma sections of our society: black or white ipod i6scheißex3?!*

atheism and capitalism will never work,
i know that atheism these days is cool,
but it’s signifying a singularity, and individuation process
which only ennobles individuals with their own
atheism only works in a collectivisation, a communism,
an ant colony, then every individual can exclude their own
theology, their own subjectivity, and become wholly objective...
how did atheism become so popular?
it flourished in a greenhouse effect, in required many
individuals not really caring for a categorisation as human,
which devolved evolution to a edenic stagnation
rather than provide the true basis of evolution - we, as one, did thus.
perhaps the problem is that we didn’t do things on repeat,
and this had to be penetrated by napoleons and kants,
men of individual significant will of exclusive atheism and inclusive humanism,
but the way it’s going, capitalism and atheism only work
in sketch comedy parodies, with the argument against its non-existence
being the most debased interpretation: parasites and insects,
never truer to rom coms or smoothies’ tastes of sultans and pistachios,
it’s always grime **** grime **** grime ****.
how can capitalism incorporate atheism with the endemic selfishness
when atheism is all about selfishness and exclusive collectivisation
of man against ant, lion... owl?
it’s the ordeal of origins having to accept other species as interactant
with me without having to collectively individuate myself with
mr. simon smith happily converting his garage with a loft extension...
atheism in capitalism is fake... what capitalists sermoning atheism
truly fear than the existence of god... is the sort of “non-existence”
of god of the slavic states post world war ii without the marshall plan,
working together... ***** take one step into syria with burger king...
***** take one step with that **** into syria... i swear i’ll rip you to shards
worth an artistic impression of shrapnel intestines and flesh on the cement!
remember how christina invaded england to **** cromwell and ensure peace?
well elizabeth is too old to **** al-assad, and christina never invaded a country in civil war...
who invaded? journalists... on paper... in english newspapers... high & mighty & touchy tough guys asking for “ink” from the innocents.
Austin Mosher Oct 2013
Exile me to the severed skies
On sanctuary walls,
Eyes bleed euphoric denials.
Lamp posts illuminate
Mile long, azure compromise.
The nyctophobic light bulb's
Light dwindles after a while.
Silk suit sultans stand single-
File beneath hemorrhaging tides.
Immutable cocoons wrap
Thighs around their sunken smiles.
these days
looking around the globe
one might believe that we are traveling in time

just in the wrong direction

regression as progress
seems to be
the dominant notion of the day
creating wannabes in various disguises
     populist czars, sultans, nationalists, dictators,
     assorted self-appointed saviors
     of their peoples’ wealth and health,
trumpeting fences, walls, tough immigration laws,
etc., etc.  
to keep out and silence all those aliens
     or invade their countries
      and eliminate them

     who otherwise are welcome
     as our partners in the global trade
     that seems to dominate the world of greed

so we can all be ourselves

     whatever that might mean

claiming to solve the problems of tomorrow
     with memories of yesterday
is not only hopeless but quite dangerous

do you remember
what that glorified past
actually was?
Apropos the current situation in the Ukraine this 2016 poem is reposted with two additional lines
Behold! Kneel before the Empire raised
From your Foundry placed Kingdoms on your Dive
Of Knights, Regents, Bishops and Orbs so Braised
As Sultans by Carriage offer does Live
So this Life you Wish coat with such Affairs
Expect your Honest Gratitudes approve
Yet the Nose - High to Un-Reachable Songs - spares
Merely Tiny Tidbits of your own Love
Not Ring, nor Dance, nor any Bed Post-Date
Would these Petitions their Good Voices own
Which - by Reason - your Happiness debate
Lift their Forked Lives re-phrased on your Bestow.
Including I - the Heretic in Full
Prostrate before this Emperor in Soul.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
when in the world’s (supposedly) leading democracy
a new president starts his office with

     making life more expensive for average home owners
     signing orders threatening the health of millions
     restricting the publications of researchers
     denying global warming
     encouraging coal and oil companies
     forbidding federal employees to talk to the media
     going on fantasy trips about “alternative facts"
          to justify his ridiculous lies
     blaming the media when asking questions and checking facts
     barring leading media companies from press conferences
     waffling about his Russian connections
     refusing to release his tax returns
     ordering to build walls to keep out all those aliens,
          like the old Chinese did, to little avail
     issuing poorly formulated presidential orders
          causing confusion and harm and even deaths
     banning even green card holders from entering the country
     filling his cabinet with all the alligators from the swamps
          he promised to clean during his campaign
          people who know how to avoid paying taxes and beating the     system
          but have no clue how to govern now that they ARE the system
          and think they can run the USA with its 350 million citizens
          as Trump&Cronies;, USA, Inc.,
          like their private family businesses, for profit
fraternizing with kings and monarchs & wannabe sultans in the near east
     'democratic dictators' in the far southeast
      and wannabe czars in russia
but hesitating to confirm ties to old allies
     in Europe, NATO, and the Far East
suggesting that having undeclared secret meetings
     is quite OK for his campaign team members
     his son and son-in-law & cetera
nominating well-known union busters
    into the Federal Office of Labor
    and a billionairess widely unaware
    of the existence of non-private schools
    as Secretary of Eduction
banning grandparents. grandchildren
     as well as aunts and uncles
     of gratuitously selected countries
     from joining their families in the USA
 believing that the US president & his cronies
     stand above the law 

[ctd. fron line 2...] THEN
it is high time to seriously ask
what concept
    if any
of democracy he has in mind
In view of ongoing developments, this poem is a work in progress and will be updated whenever significant "presidential orders" or some such become public.
Matt Jan 2015
You know if you tried to describe life
The last few hours
You wouldn't possible be able to describe went on

Well I went to the driving range
Then went for a walk at my old college
Then drove home

So much happened in that period

I hit it well
7 irons, wedges, hybrids, drivers
Behind, down and out to the target
Making that just short of 3/4 swing now
For accuracy
One must be accurate in golf

Sultans of swing was playing in the background
A guy hit on a different part of the range hit a ball
And it hit this metal bin
And the ball rolled right up to where I was hitting
Sweet an extra ball for me to hit now (lol)

I saw the older gentleman at the range
Who always works there
I hope he is well
He goes through the motions
Watering the plants
Puts the ***** into the machine
I see him hanging out with some of his friends there sometimes

So then I went into the car and turned on the radio
I arrived at my old campus just a 2 minute drive directly to the south
I had a great time walking around campus

I had my back brace  
My knee braces
Yes, one should brace oneself

I turned on Kashmir
By Led Zeppelin
As I walked through the parking lot

And its strange you know
I felt like I was walking on air

It really is a world of wonderful happenings
And its me
Its me that has to bring the joy
The love to all sentient beings
I must bring the love
I thought about that

I made my way to the library
Where I read an article
In Scientific American
About a pacemaker that contains a gear
That is used in a wristwatch
That is powered by the heartbeat

I saw a pretty woman
And thought it must be nice to have a friend to talk to
She would just be bothered if I went up to her

I walked around campus
This one girl was shocked to see a raccoon

I saw three of them once
All feeding from a trash bag
I took pictures

Then I walked to my car
And drove off listening to U2

From one time
To the next
The emptiness remains

Dream world

Row row row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream
« Je lui dis : La rose du jardin, comme tu sais, dure peu ;
Et la saison des roses est bien vite écoulée. »

Saadi (Gulistan ou Le jardin des roses.)

Quand l'Automne, abrégeant les jours qu'elle dévore,
Éteint leurs soirs de flamme et glace leur aurore,
Quand Novembre de brume inonde le ciel bleu,
Que le bois tourbillonne et qu'il neige des feuilles,
Ô ma muse ! en mon âme alors tu te recueilles,
Comme un enfant transi qui s'approche du feu.

Devant le sombre hiver de Paris qui bourdonne,
Ton soleil d'orient s'éclipse, et t'abandonne,
Ton beau rêve d'Asie avorte, et tu ne vois
Sous tes yeux que la rue au bruit accoutumée,
Brouillard à ta fenêtre, et longs flots de fumée
Qui baignent en fuyant l'angle noirci des toits.

Alors s'en vont en foule et sultans et sultanes,
Pyramides, palmiers, galères capitanes,
Et le tigre vorace et le chameau frugal,
Djinns au vol furieux, danses des bayadères,
L'Arabe qui se penche au cou des dromadaires,
Et la fauve girafe au galop inégal !

Alors, éléphants blancs chargés de femmes brunes,
Cités aux dômes d'or où les mois sont des lunes,
Imans de Mahomet, mages, prêtres de Bel,
Tout fuit, tout disparaît : - plus de minaret maure,
Plus de sérail fleuri, plus d'ardente Gomorrhe
Qui jette un reflet rouge au front noir de Babel !

C'est Paris, c'est l'hiver. - À ta chanson confuse
Odalisques, émirs, pachas, tout se refuse.
Dans ce vaste Paris le klephte est à l'étroit ;
Le Nil déborderait ; les roses du Bengale
Frissonnent dans ces champs où se tait la cigale ;
A ce soleil brumeux les Péris auraient froid.

Pleurant ton Orient, alors, muse ingénue,
Tu viens à moi, honteuse, et seule, et presque nue.
- N'as-tu pas, me dis-tu, dans ton coeur jeune encor
Quelque chose à chanter, ami ? car je m'ennuie
A voir ta blanche vitre où ruisselle la pluie,
Moi qui dans mes vitraux avais un soleil d'or !

Puis, tu prends mes deux mains dans tes mains diaphanes ;
Et nous nous asseyons, et, **** des yeux profanes,
Entre mes souvenirs je t'offre les plus doux,
Mon jeune âge, et ses jeux, et l'école mutine,
Et les serments sans fin de la vierge enfantine,
Aujourd'hui mère heureuse aux bras d'un autre époux.

Je te raconte aussi comment, aux Feuillantines,
Jadis tintaient pour moi les cloches argentines ;
Comment, jeune et sauvage, errait ma liberté,
Et qu'à dix ans, parfois, resté seul à la brune,
Rêveur, mes yeux cherchaient les deux yeux de la lune,
Comme la fleur qui s'ouvre aux tièdes nuits d'été.

Puis tu me vois du pied pressant l'escarpolette
Qui d'un vieux marronnier fait crier le squelette,
Et vole, de ma mère éternelle terreur !
Puis je te dis les noms de mes amis d'Espagne,
Madrid, et son collège où l'ennui t'accompagne,
Et nos combats d'enfants pour le grand Empereur !

Puis encor mon bon père, ou quelque jeune fille
Morte à quinze ans, à l'âge où l'oeil s'allume et brille.
Mais surtout tu te plais aux premières amours,
Frais papillons dont l'aile, en fuyant rajeunie,
Sous le doigt qui la fixe est si vite ternie,
Essaim doré qui n'a qu'un jour dans tous nos jours.

Le 15 novembre 1828.
martin challis Jan 2015
Domino’s as their fingers,
the numbers
eating from the menu,
squares and rounds
enjoined but not sequential

In the Jazzy Cat Café
(tail curled in my mouth)

You weren't there
The sun had dried all the tomato’s,
I was calling you unanswered
missing the rythmn of your character, and
how you reached me with each impulsive smile
remembering earlier how...

we’d climbed eleven steps to your apartment,
and entered not really sure of where to next...

In another room;
(wooden floored)
was stored a blackboard menu,
a hostess said her welcome
in the way that Sultans sometimes spin

I asked for panini without the mayo
the waiter stirred the perrier
the singer sang without destination
and implied no journey

I heard her song and
watched her lips
    all the ways

that you might sing

MChallis © 2015
jeffrey conyers Aug 2012
Black American.
I chosed not to be.
White American.
That still isn't me.
Just  An American.
Call me that will pride.
Because, I'm in the home of the free.

Sure, my country is deep in hostility.
Because all wants to claim their place.
But when it comes to being just one.
Then, being American bring that message home.

All nationality do exist here.
And we have a honorable slogan.
On the Statue of Liberty.

We might bleed red blood on the inside.
But we also bleed red, white and blue.
With patriotic pride.

Others might wants to attack us.
Just because they can.
Still, we Americans can state with truth.
That America's a free land.

No kings.
No Sultans or dictators in placed.
Just a president with his first lady by his side.
Guiding a great country down through the times.
With honorable troops.
Ready to defend us anytime.

And, we just Americans.
Living in a promising land.
Giving chances to others to come here and succeed.
Devin Ortiz Jul 2018
Alliteral allure.
Boundaries bottomless.
Controlled cantor.
Deities demonize,
Ethereal epiphanies.
Future forfeits,
Gravity's grandiose.
Humility heckles,
Indignant ideologies.
Jealousy's jungle,
Karated killers.
Lunacy's lovers,
Maddened martyrs.
Noise, never,
Only omens.
Purgatory persuasion,
Quintessential qualms.
Revenge, revenge.
Sultans suffer.
Tyrants terror.
Unilateral understanding.
Violent venom,
Worn wonderfully.
Xenogogue's xenial,
Youthful yearlings.
Zombie zealots.
Si j'étais la feuille que roule
L'aile tournoyante du vent,
Qui flotte sur l'eau qui s'écoule,
Et qu'on suit de l'oeil en rêvant ;

Je me livrerais, fraîche encore,
De la branche me détachant,
Au zéphyr qui souffle à l'aurore,
Au ruisseau qui vient du couchant.

Plus **** que le fleuve, qui gronde,
Plus **** que les vastes forêts,
Plus **** que la gorge profonde,
Je fuirais, je courrais, j'irais !

Plus **** que l'antre de la louve,
Plus **** que le bois des ramiers,
Plus **** que la plaine où l'on trouve
Une fontaine et trois palmiers ;

Par delà ces rocs qui répandent
L'orage en torrent dans les blés,
Par delà ce lac morne, où pendent
Tant de buissons échevelés ;

Plus **** que les terres arides
Du chef maure au large ataghan,
Dont le front pâle a plus de rides
Que la mer un jour d'ouragan.

Je franchirais comme la flèche
L'étang d'Arta, mouvant miroir,
Et le mont dont la cime empêche
Corinthe et Mykos de se voir.

Comme par un charme attirée,
Je m'arrêterais au matin
Sur Mykos, la ville carrée,
La ville aux coupoles d'étain.

J'irais chez la fille du prêtre,
Chez la blanche fille à l'oeil noir,
Qui le jour chante à sa fenêtre,
Et joue à sa porte le soir.

Enfin, pauvre feuille envolée,
Je viendrais, au gré de mes voeux,
Me poser sur son front, mêlée
Aux boucles de ses blonds cheveux ;

Comme une perruche au pied leste
Dans le blé jaune, ou bien encor
Comme, dans un jardin céleste,
Un fruit vert sur un arbre d'or.

Et là, sur sa tête qui penche,
Je serais, fût-ce peu d'instants,
Plus fière que l'aigrette blanche
Au front étoilé des sultans.
Gemini Jul 2018
Such a pretty young thing
And a personality like no other I’m shocked someone hasn’t raided your finger with a diamond so the insects called men can’t have a chance with you because of your bug repellent ring
It’s sad when you realize the person you thought was keeping you up instead was keeping you down
Your number 1 fan turned to your number 1 stan and now you realize that you’ve been the most realist person on your team that you’ve kept around
Girls be wanting Hakeems from the Bronx but want a wedding like Aladdin in the Sultans Palace
Stop getting married to temporary vibe boosters because once that high is over you’ll be out your wonderland and your name will no longer be Alice
Stop doing joint bank accounts with hopes of traveling the world together because only one of your passports will be the new portable atlas
My PhD in relationship longevity is telling me to diagnose you with takotsubo cardiomyopathy due to an unhealthy exposure to malice
We not together right now but I have faith it’s in gods plans
You falling for the wrong guy but I know you’ll land in gods hands
You should give me a call when your man playing child games
I won’t be your knight in shining armor but I’ll be the one to save you from your depression and suicidal claims
Thick girls don’t need to worry about losing weight
Guys like me love you the way you are and when we say you’ve been weighing heavy on our mind it means you hold weight
Trying to give change to a man who doesn’t know your worth when you’re the whole dollar but that’s for a different debate
Never let the public eye shape how you feel about yourself in your private eye
All those names they call you during the day wash away in the night time
And take my advice when I tell you eating your problems away doesn’t make the pain subside
I should be telling myself this advice but look in the mirror and when you smile at the reflection only then will you be able to go out in the world and have the biggest enemy called your conscience on your side
Follow my poetry instagram @GeminiTruesdale
Chandra S Feb 2020
The majestic days of Czars and Sultans
with their immaculate royalty

and those of Barons and Khans
brimming with stainless primacy

have long since gone.

All their embellished repositories
of capital, jewelry and gallant armies
stand looted, ravaged and plundered.

The struggling proletariat of those times
with their humdrum lives, rife with strife
have also bitten the dust

      expired, forgotten, crumbled

since days beyond recall.

Now we, the successors and heirlooms
live on with kindred joys and glooms

as communities, creeds and nationalities

recklessly defending close-held foxy illusions
of defunct oneness or mythical deities.

The more tolerant among us even feel dignity
in misplaced, romantic nationalism(s)
and mostly off-the-mark, drifting democracies.

But this time or that
summate a few more gimmicks or subtract,
all we have gifted ourselves
are some arbitrary lines on the map

slashing the earth to pieces
then claiming its wiggly, volcanic geographies
as slices of ever-dodging Elysium
enshrined in fragile master-bluffs
of precarious, cut-throat politics.
They said you get what you deserve
and I got you
something far, far better

so good for me
that it makes me thankful that all the rest left me alone
so you could find me

so that we could dance late at night to a guitar man playing Sultans of Swing on the side walk with a baby blue guitar and a small amp

You swung me out of your arms and back into them and I twirled you
Hannah Marr Jun 2018
i want to tear the breath from lords
to feel their pulse flutter and fade beneath my fingers

i want to rip kings from their thrones
to feel their bodies shatter beneath my hands

i want to parade on the bones of sultans
to feel a country's strength crumble beneath my feet

i want to pluck the wings off angels
to feel their burning, holy tears on my skin

i want to drink the blood of gods
to feel that bittersweet nectar dripping from my lips

i want to devour the universe whole
to feel that pulsing, raw power in my veins

Kurt Philip Behm Nov 2021
Opulent solitude,
how rich it becomes
alone in one’s shadow,
times riches in sum

To revel monastic
o’er sultans and earls,
whose joyous reflection
—your diamonds and pearls

(Dreamsleep: November, 2021)
Kurt Philip Behm Jun 2024
Mariah’s Return

Mistral wishes
blow hope
to tomorrow

most sacred
— ushering wind

(Dreamsleep: June, 2024)

Cupid’s Bow

and hatred
are blind
— but not love

(Dreamsleep: June, 2024)

Godot Waits

Minding his business
biding his time
Dodging the bullets
— fate preassigned

(Dreamsleep: June, 2024)

Divinity’s Wind

Masters of War
Victors of Time
Sultans of Glory
Martyrs Sublime

(Dreamsleep: June, 2024)
O steadfast ones in the heart of the battle,
Bow to the goddesses of beauty and to the kingdom,
Kingdoms of charm and beauties of the north,
Women of the frost and the treacherous sea,
Sultans of the south and the narrow paths,
Women of the sands and the enchanting beauty,
And the sacred lands in the crowded earth,
And the worshipers of normalization
with the foxes of the herd,
Occupiers of the lands and binders of hands,
Hands preventing ******,
Hands addicted to ******,
****** of the right of land ownership,
And the right of protecting honor,
The right of the land of peace,
Against the sellers of illusions,
And lovers of bedtime stories,
Stories of Kalila and Dimna,
And the piled-up books,
The sacred holy books,
And the stained treaties
with the blood of the innocent,
And the fabrication of news,
the forging of testimonies,
And the internal incidents,
And despair,
And despair,
And despair,
And the betrayal of humanity..

— The End —