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Poetic T Apr 2015
A cloud of black on a landscape
Of purity, raindrops of red
Falling staining the floor below.

They move collectively , but the
Seniority is but one. They sense
The shifting of light to dark as
The moon bathes upon their
Dark silhouette.

Singing upon the wind, to the
Sky, they call to their pack, as
The hunt begins, they guide,
Manoeuvre their intended
To that point of no return.

The white shaded with moments
That pass, the quarry is at that
Moment, where life becomes
Death, when last glimpses
Of white teeth tearing upon
Its delicate flesh.

A moment and then it's over
They howl upon the wind,
Hunger still cradles their
Insides. Baffled, puzzled, as
To what was done. It released
Itself to the wind, fell to the teeth
Of the cliff and then was gone.
Wolfs on the hunt, only to loose there prey to the teethes of the cliff, rather than be eaten..
In your Sillouette,
Painted Gold, against Magic Curtain.
This Oz Stage, Hiding our bodies.
I am lingering.

You are gilded beautiful
Bare ******* pointed at Chandeliers
****** Capstones sealing perfect Arches
I am a foot protruding from your sculpture
In mustard.
I am that blot behind your Hip Bone

Cold Draft from the window
Opened Opposite the Magic curtain
A breath of ocean waves
Our bodies casting illusions
In ripples of Moonlit fabric
Dancing around our sillouette.

Black Moss collects in the shape of your tattoos
Silk screen thighs,
Underbust Corset

where the breeze whispered

where my fingertips wrapped your hipbones.
growing where we Calloused
In our Roughs
In our trenches
Rubbing Leather against Silk

You invested in our common interest.
A mirror, Fastened to the Ceiling.
Reflecting Our Two Loudest Vices.
And your body.

I love the Chips in your paint.
I hate the man who painted you.

infected by Tunnel vision Voyeurism
Sick with a Spiderweb brain
Spinning from your imperfections.
You are so, perfect.

Artists come from all over
To watch the magic curtain.

Your Golden arching Back.
My Mustard Toes.

we all look at you,
even you look at you.
we do not Blink.
Just stare, position ourselves.
behind this curtain.

Our callouses grow like the black moss
bodies marble under ocean pressure
erode from the chill winds
Your archaic exhibitionism
Carved From Counting Gazes
Mustard eternally pondering
why our sillouettes, different colors
Drawn by the same moon,
Casted on the same cloth.
stardust style Oct 2013
i found out
another friend is
with a capital 's', with capital weight
heaviness, of a bomb dropped
into glowing memoriam
sorrys and thanks, in equal measures
the world is
a little off kilter, a little
the sky still disassociates with the earth, in the morning
a membrane of white
stitched by avian sillouettes
awhiles whittling into brittle tones
paneling the arching of our spines
the italicized whir points out the
jagged smoothness
of sighs
d k Sep 2012
Reflecting back in blur
Images with a recently forgotten destination
Sillouettes who once knew, but no more
What briefly seemed like pure light, to their eyes
Reciting with passion what was written in stone
Missed the signs to their own chisel
Thought they could already see Ithaca through the glass
Excited they were, although they'd heard it was of no importance
Sailing steady towards the future
Stumbling, but not looking back
Time has come that they can only wonder
How enchantingly those creatures could have ever sung?
First attempt to write. Would love some feedback. Thanks.
Devin Ortiz Mar 2019
Violent verdant windows of shattered glass,
Sharp walls of flesh illustrate the oozing of lust.
Beneath the anguish of sillouettes and glammer,
Lie the wolf’s gazing demand for power.

Crimson crowns carry the stench of death,
Flowing deep from within the cavern of man.
The belly of this beast utters Hell’s Horizon,
A howl of sadistic victory and damnation.
steel tulips Oct 2016
you let your body go  heavy,
you are draped over me.
your broad shoulders slightly rise and fall to the rhythm of your breath
bare skin to bare skin
the minuscule space between our sillouettes
radiates heat and energy
the moonlight shines in through the window
just enough to see the freckles sprinkled on your back
the sheets are tangled
at the tips of our toes
my little toes
and your larger ones
i drift in and out of sleep
each time remembering that i have you
and my lungs fill with satisfaction
and peace
you are slightly too heavy for me to sleep deeply
but i  never want the weight of you to leave my frame
Jack Smith Mar 2016
Love is not simple, love is not easy...
Emotions are frustrating and turn you crazy!
Love has many forms, there's more than one figure.
Love is intimate, a passion with a trigger.
Love is no tale, Princess to Queen.
So do not believe everything you have seen...

Love is no word for happiness make no mistake, but without it we are sillouettes, no emotions, so fake!

Love won't come easy, so try real hard...
Because losing your lover will shatter your heart to shards!
Don't think twice when making an effort.
For when you're on that knee and hoping for that yes, nothing will **** more than not have tried your best...

Love is a choice, a decision and answer!
Never be shy, become a chancer x
i love you x
Tonight seemed particularly vast,
Even the Shiva moon drifting
through star enchanted
Western horizon
got swallowed up
by this vastness

David and I
two tiny sillouettes
a lovely stroll along
the deserted, muted,
ebony roads
they also seemed to disappear
into the illumining largeness

I looked at my sleepy hubby
And whispered, "Tat Twam Asi"
"That Thou Art..."

And as if to confirm
this sacred truth...

The Vast Celestial Self
engulfing houses, trees, animals,
solar systems,
our microscopic planet
gazed down at us
with even Vaster Love
Poetic justice Jul 2020
All this hyped up glam and glitz
  giggly girls break down in fits
    these mascara clad boys devoid of wits
The shallower they go,  the deeper it gets

Sillouettes lacking inner angles and lines...
The substance goes absent when the light shines...
Plotless drama without direction, still winds
These tragically bad fads spread like vines

Overrun with Reality shows depicting what's REAL
  A mass zombie audience digesting their meal
Not In, but outside, this box they soften like veal
  Staring at a screen that numbs how they feel

When did the war on intelligence start?
  Losers not knowing that losing's not smart...
Cable providers gladly doing their part
  News channels selling half-truth ala carte

I will be a rebel and fight for your mind
Hiding remote-controls where they won't find
Trading entertainment for knowledge in kind
  Giving books out to the voluntarily blind

It's gonna be a BATTLE!!!  WHO'S COMING WITH  ME ?

— The End —