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John Velasco Jan 2013
It's still a secret
hidden in codes of winks and smiles
it bites sweetly
deep deep inside
no one knows
I'll plant her a rose
no one knows
we're in love
Ottar Jul 2013
voices in hushed tones,
sound like the wind, blowing
heard but not a scene,
not loud or mean,
delicate breath breathed,
secret shared sounds,
a hummingbird,
a dragonfly,
a conspirator,
a love,
listen and if you hear,
you might understand,
and if you do,
that changes everything,
a whisper,
is a power, an engine
of change,
or just plain rude!

Mateuš Conrad Oct 2018
****... the sunglasses...

double ****!

        dinner... making my father lunch...

triple hush hush ****** third....

  i might be a drunk...
              but i have my obligations;

the day doesn't begin
with or without a dosage
of sleep...

         i tango with a sputnik...

you know just your random ****...
sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet home

****... i misspelled Missishippi....
not exactly Family Guy funny,
but you know,
you spend a night with two Germans
tripping on mushrooms,
watching American dad...
with an Egyptian drinking *****,
all quest-west in Amsterdam...
and you're not seeking the company
of a Puerto Rican hubbly-n-bubbly...
touch of flesh...

   the night must be pretty entertaining...

so that's what you call exfoliating
when given into excess...
...      .... .... (the excess pause)...
and then shhhhhhhhhhhhhh
in a makeshift metaphysical library...
literary... yes... (burp)... literate...
the sunglasses are working
just fine...

                   the sun isn't...

why do i always sit through the vanilla
sky of a sunset, why?!

hush darling...
          Shakie Shtevens is going
to tell you  all about what gives him
the Shakes...
   shakes? if you drink... hot sweats...
one minor posit of a subverted

                  a slap, a punch, a slap
once more, oh look, i'm found and bound
to sober;
getting drunk,
and then returning to the leash:
    covert for: a pristine afternoon.


quasi-headbanging to a meat-head
  yeah.... Slipknot... what?!
no....   MC Hammer!
  i'm touching jack-****...
       look at me...
   touching... clapping using jazz hands.
Jonny Angel May 2015
L-shaped secrets
can deadly,
especially at night
when the villages
appear empty
& things
seem too quiet.
I am so tired of trying
I have no more strength
I have been beaten down
Do not have the energy to get back up

The black cloud has a hold on me
My thoughts are dark and scarey
The smile masks the terror
Must not let anyone see the fear

Sleep is the only relief I have
I close my eyes and tell the voices to quiet
Some listen and leave me at peace
Some just can not leave me alone

They need to have their say
Tell me there is only one way to quiet them
Close my eyes they say and never open them
I am trying not to listen but lately...
Robert Guerrero Apr 2013
Do you hear them?
There on the wind
Can you feel your blood curling?
Can you feel the chills crawl like spiders?
Can you taste the blood?
Can you taste the bitterness of horror?
Can you smell the decaying corpses?
Can you smell the fear present?
The screams of horror
Mutilation of the weak
The cries of help
Desecration of purity
Listen to them
Answer them
Because they are your own
Coming deep from within
Stalwart Dull Sep 2020
Each one of us are suspect
The trick is how are we going to connect
For which we aim victory and do teamwork
But betrayed by the low ping of network

Choose room if it is public or private
Use map for the ship to navigate
Impostors sneaked up on a vent
Took a moment to **** the innocent

It's where we learn to pretend
Laugh 'til the end,
Learn for yourself to defend
Be wise for which your victory depend

Call emergency meetings to discuss
One of us will be eliminated
Five, Four, Three, Two, One SHHHHHHH!
you disconnected
Delicacy8100 Sep 2021

Silence conveys

Society Plays'

Rebellious oppositions'
taking position.

Could you listen?

All the labels keep us
in moments of wonder for sure, a bit fazed.

Cured by clouds of HAZE
influenced by the world

At this moment
World- State is in order.
We the people of the world are gifted experiences mixed, matched.

No two thoughts the same,
(I love the rain)
similarity, insecurities?

Given a label.
Food, Water, Safety
to bring back sanity.

Greed brings swivers.
THEY say

Breaking down unity?

US rebellious share this unity along with a doobie.
New World Order
Look to humanity, the future is standing.


Good & Bad sometimes sad.
All in all
Together we stand.
Accessibility is Unification
**** Regulation
Angel Moore May 2013
HE said to write
{read my wordfs} dont be scared.
your m.ind will fill in the blanks

caps lock willl destroy. your muind.

....your story begins now.

Dont be afraid and read the wLls./
find a quiet place.
find a song.
feel it. taste iut. create a song......                                                       ­   

chapter two.
i went to ***...
      you came to me,
found me in a dark room....posted.      I cant read this he said disappoinbted. :( keep trying :)))

{hey there friendship, lets have a heart to heart....walk outside for chapter two..... i'll be there in the night. In the quiet. silence.

phone is dead :(((( who cares! party in the basement.

can you read this yet???
tgake me on a messy date.
i want to play in the sunshoine. heal my /adhd please
                                                   ((((adivan is gone :( who steals from a friend???

/where did Noelle leave her pants anyway

((((( chaptep two.
quit your mind. listen to the music..shhhhhhh////
read tyhisd 6omorrow...
caps lock are evilsssss.........
listenm tp the robots 2013......

find me in the dark writing rymes. changing soings. creating. , , , ,
authors. intillects.

cults are bad!!!!!!!! god is love. dont do drugs and go on adventires.

read the bible everyday. silence your heart. take a deep breath. no one cares. they will foind you again.

dont be scared...

quiet moments are the best. where did i put my cigarettes.                                  to be conyinued.
edit or no>>>>

bring back indie bands. then they become mainstream you know :( sad hipsters.
i just wanna play.
no one gets me.

pep talks and ****.
partys downstairs.
find me later when they go to bed.

go play.

you have nothing to do tomorrow.
its only 11????? i like numbers. i hate math.

i have to *** still.

waiting. who cares. go to sleep. i'll stay up all night and write poems...

i sleep in tuckers room when heres not here. i miss him so bad sometimes. i wonder what 6 year olds dream about, you know?

this is gunna be EPICCCC!!!! sermon on the becontinued. tweet me clues from the front porch.

i'lll be quiet. my phones dead anyway. oh well. phones are bad.

wheres the bathroom?

oh yeah. chapter two.
how long can i write this poem before they try and find me.

          the basement is to farrrr.....cigarettes on the front po
Two Dents Feb 2015
I'm tired and I can't sleep.
Tired of pretending I'm not weak
shhhhhhh.... do you hear that?
It's the tapping of my feet,
My fingertips on countertops, on glass,
The grinding of my teeth.
Do you hear my heart beat?
Do you hear the memories?
Dancing to their haunted melodies
shhhhhhh.... I'm tired and I can't sleep
I may come back to this and make it longer......
Kai Joy Jul 2015
Wandering tongues lynch themselves before thoughts can slip into words
pupils impregnated by motionless anticipation
and the fluttering of flies on the corpses of stomachs
don’t stutter
don’t stutter
don’t stutter
let glands spew waterfalls down brows
and browse for options yet remain still, remain silent
I was always taught to
retreat to familiarity, fermenting in the stagnation of bedrooms
and errant thoughts, and regrets, and remembering
I don’t think this is going to work out
I dont think this relationship is healthy for us
I think we should
close mouths so the belt welts bruise less
You are simply fleshwounds to blues and blacks  that bubble beneath skin
eyes low, chasmic, crimson, grin and giggle
follow footsteps to paper faced ledges and the defiant plume of burning leaves
Ive grown to love
Schwinns and wind, and ballooning confidence
headphones hugging haphazard hairs scent of remnant shampoo particles
and hungry breath, peppermint camouflage so lips can kiss scars
craving solid land while lost in waves of stone
distant skin and grin and eye contact
Ive grown tired of
winding car rides, surrounded by noise
playing the quiet game
Hopefully the refrain isn't too cliche, especially when not read aloud.
andy fardell Feb 2011
The shaken earth that so so stood shook against all thats good
people ran and hid for cover fearing life and soon to suffer
burried in a living grave we hope and pray that all will save

our mother earth shows many sides and cares not who is victimised
we bless each day its not our last and hope to see the fresh green grass
my thoughts go out to all thats hurt and pray that
mother is quiet .....Shhhhhhh!!!

Just a little thought to all the peeps in New Zealand **
nathanthepoet Mar 2013
as i type this keep in mind its **** near impossible for me to remain kind.
you nag and ***** plus whine all day surly trying to make me insane.
go do this go die on that why in the hell is there not anything i can find?
your just lucky ive said i do and theres nothing to do but stand in front of this train.
P.S. im alive and well in baja mexico shhhhhhh!
to my loving wife anne, you know i really love you .  really.
Lazarus Poole Feb 2013
I stare into your eyes and get hypontize,
and kiss you and you dont stop me, like i have told you no lies.
Aggressively I grab your womanly features;
and you close your eyes, even though I'm behaving like a creature.
Your heart speed up, even as you relax in my arms,
cause I'm bout lick, kiss, nibble, & bite without causing any ****** harm.
I've waited all day for an audience so I can preform.
Your body is a symphony and I the conductor,
so SHHHHHHH.... and let me conduct.
This is more complex than Beethoven or Mozart,
YOU are here.......... so you've done your part.
I have several conductor's baton like my tongue, fingers, lips for example;
kiss to the back of neck nice and slow and rubbing on your breast is a sample.
Your breathe getting heavy and body starting to get tense.
The air in the room is getting thick, it's starting to condense.
I grab your hand to let you know you're in good hands.
OUR phones are off, the door is locked, and there are no other plans.
I carry you to the bed still locked in on my work.
I start with ur shoes....and end with your skirt.
I take your ******* off with my teeth;
and admire at the prize thats lies beneath.
This number going to be tricky; I'm so anxious, but I know I have to take my time.
Kissing on your feet, nibbling on your calves, licking on your thighs; in the lower 48 this has to be a crime.
I feel you arching your back and grabbing the sheets; with "Seem Like You Ready!", playing in the background.
I have my face between you thighs like a blood hound.
You moan from sheer pleasure and you tell me to,"STOP, I CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE!"
I give you a devilish smile and continue to conduct, til you to escape and end up on the floor.
I get up and proceed to the door, i look back and wink;
We both know that we are 1 cause we have that perfect link.
Donall Dempsey May 2019

His hands(tobacco stained)    
twisted & gnarled

knotted like an alive piece of wood
scrawled gestures across my mind

as the sick calf bucked in his arms
& his quiet strength - calmed:

'Shhhhhh... shhhhhhh...****...****! '
he crooned

& the sound

And the veins(line vines)    
ran up & down his arms

pumping crude life like a sudden sketch
to suggest the gist of rather than

the meaning of things.

And he walked(& I ran)    
towards Granny's garden(like God tending Eden)    

& the gate(a little hoarse)sighed at his hand and

the leaves murmured
(like worshippers in a church congregation)    

& the sunlight genuflected through the trees
and the trees wore socks & apples.

A tablecloth was laid
on a loganberry bush.

And the young tree gave herself to him
broke tenderly in his hand

and, the knife whistled & whittled
& out of the branch came a man.

And he told me(& I believed him
'cos he was good as God & strong)    

that the little wooden man(the silent statue)    
had been waiting(all the time all ready made)    

waiting to be released
from his prison of wood.

'All things...'he whispered
'all things are waiting for you to call them.'

'Call them to come out...'
'Awake them...create them...! '

The rhododendrons were blue with amazement

-at this revelation
a dragonfly walked upon the water.

A butterfly became infatuated with a flower.


I watched as his hands talked...
...explaining things that could not be...said.

And he took my hand in his and I understood

flowed like a little stream
into his big river

felt God(close)    
near at hand

Donall Dempsey Aug 2016
( To G.M.H. my saviour )

by my curls

my face forced
into the toilet bowl

flushed with laughter they
with great glee

*** on me.

This the sacred ritual
of becoming

a First Year
in Secondary.

They hang me up
to dry on a coat rack.

I am an all akimbo
feeble bag of flesh and bones

defenceless nerd.

"Tuttuttut!" they tut
"Reading Hopkins at your age!"

I dangle hopelessly
a helpless broken puppet

their brute bullying
mastering me...Lord!

They tear The Windhover
by Christ...from the Anthology.

Scatter the precious words
in a confetti of hate.

I call on Father Hopkins
to come to my aid and

he gives me
his words.

I speak with all the authority
of his voice.

"I caught this morning morning’s minion, king-  
  dom of daylight’s dauphin, dapple-dawn-drawn Falcon, in his riding "

"Shhhhh....shushhhh!" they try to shush me
in case Br. Finbar storms out of his cell

like a soutane'd spider
to see such poetry

scrawled in a scream
upon the air.

But I am not for shushing!

"My heart in hiding  
Stirred for a bird,—the achieve of; the mastery of the thing!"  

"Shhhhhh.....SHHHHHHH!" they now plead.

  Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion
Times told lovelier, more dangerous, O my chevalier!"

"SHHHHHHH,,,,SGGGGGG!" they beg.

But there is now no
stopping me I

am charged with the grandeur
of Gerard Manley Hopkins.

See, they flee before the glory
of his words.

I fling phrase after phrase after them.
His words chasing them.

"No wonder of it:

shéer plód makes plough down sillion  
Shine, and blue-bleak embers, ah my dear,  
  Fall, gall themselves, and **** gold-vermillion."
Mile Conde Jan 2015
Anguish a and dread come into my system.  I can't breathe, my lungs are deprived of oxygen. I feel his hand slightly stretching and feeling my tight, and I resist the urge to scream and slap him hard across his face. I stay still, pretending I don't notice his finger tips touching well-known places once again. I cringe and his eyes find mine. He smiles wickedly and the lump in my throat tightens . His hand slips away from my upper leg and he takes it to his face in a smooth movement. He winks at me and I almost loose it, but I stay calm, trying not to let my disgust show. Poker faced, I stare at him, a loop-sided grin still playing in his lips. His fore finger touches that revolting mouth of his.


We are at work, and anybody could hear me if I shouted for help. But his oh-so-charming personality would make me look like a lunatic. Everyone loved him, and he loved everyone. He loved women in general a bit more than he should. Specially the pretty ones. He cherished them a bit too much. His enchanting face and easy talk made him get away from every awkward situation. And I wasn't going to be an exception.
He seemed to know where my thoughts were heading, because a look of superiority took over his fake, innocent expression.
He stood up and unzipped his low-hanging jeans, pulling his ******* free. I shuddered and instinctively took a step back, hitting the concrete wall behind me. I was trapped between him and the office's structure. I swallowed and looked straight into his eyes. He was definitely enjoying this. He stepped forward, getting me up against the wall. I desperately tried to find a way out of what was going to happen, but I couldn't find one. I closed my eyes as I felt his entire length easing through mi insides. He was smirking now. Minutes seemed to be hours. They were large and tortuous. I was numb. Every stroke was deeper and faster. His muffled moans were all I heard. I kept my eyelids shut tightly the hole time. He finally stiffened and let out a fairly loud sound of pleasure.   I cried softly as he stepped away from me and put his pants back on. He smiled one more time and left me there, feeling weak, shattered and covered in dirt that wouldn't come out of me, no matter how hard I scrubbed myself.
Trying to describe the pain of a **** victim.
I don't know how to go fast
because if I go fast it's
going to be bad

The bar is existant
but it's still blue
and I'm still crazy
but I HEAR you
and I remember this song
but I hate the melody
so stop frolicking your
voice over my brows
I don't want to look up
and I'll keep my head forward
because my eyes belong on
this side of my face
looking at somebody else,
so hush,
I don't care
This is beautiful
and soulful
and I don't care
I don't care
not at all

Go away.
Kim Love Dec 2012
Have you ever had a secret?
One you swore would destroy you
A secret that was deadly…

The ones that you kept it from
Would surely banish you forever…
If they ever knew the truth…

Have you ever felt your soul crack?
From the lies you’ve told
You wish you had a truckload of super foam
just To put out fires from the bridges you have burned…

Have you ever felt the loneliness?
Inside a crowded room
Wondered why you were crying
While all the others still smiled…

When the darkness takes over
Never does it matter where you are
A beautiful day becomes very bleak
The clouds they never part…

Have you ever wondered?
If your smile was gone forever
Will you always feel the ache
Of betraying your own heart…

You can never tell him
He must never know
Have you wonder if you will
Ever feel the smile again upon your face…

Have you ever wondered if you have to tell
Is it true in effort to fix your busted heart
Must you expose your soul
And break his apart
Just so you can lift the darkness
And mend the broken cracks…

I say its better
Just to keep it Shhhhhhh!!!
A Poem by KimLove "The Beautiful Butterfly"
"Secrets never told"
You are made of stone.
Like a two inch wide
twenty feet tall
sand castle on a raging shore.

I watch your sandy atoms scatter home
into the oneness of our infinite beachhahhhh

I forget you.

I watch the horizon brighten
And the ocean whisper
as I remember
You are everything.
You rise from the edge of the world
form the tide grabbing my ankles
You form the tide grabbing my ankles.
and in your rashness
you blur my past steps
so I have no path but forward.
No path but forward.
With the occasional glance side ways into your depths.
You swell beside me.
Sit inside me always
Shorely whispering surely everlasting songs of passion passing swift and splashing me in your inspiration.
Dawn of myself
exists in stationary
and centering my universe of me.
Seeking to know thee.
Thy thoughts lost to drink in the
The spacious...
Where my wishes fall from your body forming gracious
images I create from the ways you impress me.
my whirpool heart.
And still
I forget you.
But then you speak through
and I can't help listening.  

Your voice.
The faith with in
a choice to take part
and heal our separateness.

You whisper
I remember.

And as I see yours.
Our body's depth
I am terrified
or exhilarated by the weight of it.
Shake in the waves of it.
I have come home to stay.
You sit
within me no longer.
Yeah because where your songs once were
now you stir.
And sing endless shhhhhhh
SPT Jun 2014
You always listen to me
When I'm away
I only have
Breathing memories
Down my spine
Holding my hand
Like when you said
I need you
But I was too
To be true for you
Like slamming the brakes
When driving off
Instead of the gas
Creating writers block
Deep bass in my veins
I can't remember
Which one didn't say
Goodbye last
I guess we were
Suppose to return
To ash
as I
Drift into these pages
Like throwing rocks
At your windows
A shattered pain
Making you learn
To love again
Each time you drive
leaving me
At writers block
Donall Dempsey May 2017

Her mind could almost

the silence

like a small girl *******
an orange ice lolly

when the only future
was now

and the summer was
a forever.

The computer was stunned.
The telephone didn't know - what to say.
The television had a blank look on its 28 inch face.
The doorbell had its batteries forcibly removed.
The hoover had been ripped form its wall socket.

The silence seeped into

spreading over the
mechanical beings

that dominated
her day.

"But...but...but..!" they seemed to say.
"...we run this house...this life!"

"Shhhhhhh. . .shhhhhhh!"
she replied telepathically.

She held a shell
from a 1984 African holiday

to her left ear
and listened...listened

to an ocean
roaring within her.
UKUTHULA is of course the Zulu for silence.
Amy O Mar 2011
Always the other woman.

Not the reality.

The fantasy.

Maybe that’s what I want or subconsciously seek.

To be only that.  The fantasy of one (or many).

Maybe I’m scared

that I’m not worth the real trueness of deep,

selfless, intimate love…

but rather

the “go-to girl” for their passionate, heat-of-the-moment,

over-the-top-excitement and

momentary bliss.

Always adored.

Never treasured and truly


Not for one’s self entirely.

Always for a moment.

Never forever.

It’s always; “shhhhhhh… honey,

quiet your passion, I’ll call you later.”

It’s never now.

Always later.

A generously fulfilling future is always over the horizon.

I’m able to touch and feel it.

Just never hold it

or keep it

for my own.

Always the other woman…

The one that rescues you from yourself,

your miseries,

your lover or

lack thereof.

But who rescues me?

Who takes me in,

Like a bird with broken wings and

Keeps me?…

Tasting me on your lips

so sweet

The moment is always just that.

A moment.

I lose myself in them sometimes.

Thinking for a moment

That they could be mine.


Fooling myself in the “if only’s…”, just for that second.

Forgetting what some many others

Have forgotten.

It’s always a moment.

Quiet my passion now.

My innermost feelings.  Renounce them.

“Be happy with what I’ve been given.” I tell myself.

That piece of you.

That tiny fragment.

A miniscule facet of what lies within you.

Don’t ask for more

It doesn’t exist…

…but for a moment.
Things wait
To get better.
No telling when
But things are always ******
The delays
Non proper days.
Make sence of this.
I cant
Or start talking.
Which to that
I'll simply tell you to
Do not leave this behind.
This is the origins of
A new begining.
They'll tell you.
Let it happen.
Swirling blackness blurred everywhere.
In all the wrong ways.
Hit every day.
Taken to a strange place
All cut up
When does the madness end?
Is it okay to ask
Or is my answer
Delton Peele Nov 2023
Oo oo oooou
Here uhhh ah
Toooo oo a ooo
time to pay me whatcha owe me....
Don't act all surprised

Dropped a dime.....
Two tha tip toe
You Got ta to Go
Quick quick.....
Here come 5 0h
Out the window
Into the the shadows itsss.....
Run time .......
August Oct 2012
Pull me close to you
Toes touching toes
Nobody knows
How we feel
What is this feeling?
kayla morrison Apr 2017
The pan pops and sizzles
As I open the creaky wooden door.

The kitchen sink sings,
He washes a pepper covered cutting board.

The sounds never change,
The routine is always the same.

I count on,
"How was your day?"
And "what do you want to drink."

Dependability, stability.
One thing know at the end of the day.

The plates clink as they touch the table.
"Lets eat."
furies Aug 2014

To the roaring in your head.

Notice the chill.
The chill that comes with realizing how long it has been
since you stopped.

Do you remember?
When you were alone in the midst of society?
When you took a moment to listen to yourself?
When you gave in to the roaring behind your ears?

Sometimes all you need to do is
Donall Dempsey Jan 2018

the sea saw her first
"Oh!" said the sea
"Oh! said she

she chased after a wavelette
the wavelette
chased after her

" in in sea!"
sea puts an arm 'round her shoulder
smiles as the camera goes click

sick mummy
she brings her the sea to see
cupped in her tiny hands

the blue house
with the yellow door
patchwork quilt dancing on the line

waves shyly lick
between her toes
as if she's tamed an ocean

an ocean
like a genie let out of a bottle
walking beside my daughter

an ocean
smiling with all
its horizon

some scattered birds
like thoughts
the ocean has thought up

not willing to leave it
she cries to the sea
"Shhhhhhh....!" shushes the sea ". . .shhhhhhh!"
Donall Dempsey Mar 2022

the sea saw her first
"Oh!" said the sea
"Oh! said she

she chased after a wavelette
the wavelette
chased after her

" in in sea!"
sea puts an arm 'round her shoulder
smiles as the camera goes click

sick mummy
she brings her the sea to see
cupped in her tiny hands

the blue house
with the yellow door
patchwork quilt dancing on the line

waves shyly lick
between her toes
as if she's tamed an ocean

an ocean
like a genie let out of a bottle
walking beside my daughter

an ocean
smiling with all
its horizon

some scattered birds
like thoughts
the ocean has thought up

not willing to leave it
she cries to the sea
"Shhhhhhh....!" shushes the sea ". . .shhhhhhh!"
like or love, just know when you're around time stands still
heart wants
eyes feel
make the world go away
think about what you say
my world is caught up in your words
little things people left
little things planted grew
lost pain in my soul
why the long face love?
I thought pain was my home
a good man? maybe
his smile really gets in my head
his touch like the sun
on a cold day
old dark thoughts
remember girl he only wants your body
dark thoughts cloud up my mind
they are the ties that forever bind me
keep me lost, cold, alone, and broken
there's a happy moment
a glimmer of hope
hard to leave the past
I'm trying-finally feeling strong
slowly trying to find a new place
a good man-beautiful dark skin
wanted, needed, loved, beautiful-maybe
you touch me and I will forget
let go with every breath you breathe on my body
falling, falling, falling
god there's a  happy moment I want to believe
I don't have to fight anymore-you gave me a reason to dance
a good man-maybe just maybe
shhhhhhh....don't wake me let me sleep-snuggled safe in my dreams
looked at the words on this sight and let go
Donall Dempsey Sep 2017

His hands
(tobacco stained)

twisted & gnarled

knotted like an alive
piece of wood

scrawled gestures
across my mind

as the sick calf
bucked in his arms
& his quiet strength

- calmed:

'Shhhhhh... shhhhhhh...****...****! '
he crooned

& the sound

And the veins
(like vines)

ran up & down
his arms
pumping crude life

like a sudden sketch
to suggest the gist of
rather than the meaning of things.

And he walked
(& I ran)

towards Granny's garden
(like God tending Eden)

& the gate(a little hoarse)
sighed at his hand and

the leaves murmured
(like worshippers in a church congregation)

& the sunlight
genuflected through the trees

and the trees wore socks & apples.

A tablecloth was laid
on a logan berry bush.

And the young tree
gave herself to him

broke tenderly in his hand
and, the knife whistled &
out of the branch came a man.

And he told me
(& I believed him
'cos he was good as God & strong)

that the little wooden man
(the silent statue)

had been waiting
(all the time all ready made)

waiting to be released
from his prison of wood.

'All things...'
he whispered
'all things are
waiting for you
to call them.'

'Call them to come out...'

'Awake them...'

'Create them...! '

The rhododendrons
were blue with amazement

- at this revelation -

a dragonfly walked
upon the water.

A butterfly became
infatuated with a flower.


I watched
as his hands

...explaining things that
could not be...said.

And he took
my hand in his

and I understood


like a little stream

into his big river

felt God
near at hand


— The End —