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Chris Thomas May 2022
I have found the most elusive peace I have ever known
All it took was the shatter of every bone
But maybe,
It means I won't have to die alone
Xilhouette Jan 2011
On a tall glass
In quite a generous mass
Cold and fluffy,
Yet  somehow warm and puffy
Some praline, and nuts
With fresh banana cuts

Sensationally sweet,
Capable of a marvelous feat
of filling a stranger full
Otherwise, he won't be in a mull
Or in a daze
Just take a look at him in that sugared haze

Whether it's strawberry or mango
Or an orange doing the tango
I'd just like to add
That we like to go mad
Or we'd go for a scream
Over something cold, called: ice cream
Xilhouette © 2011
Dead Rose One Feb 2015
"montana-says-yoga-pants-illegal" Look up on Yahoo

we got quite the stash,
under the illegal grass,
in our hidden home,
bring 'em out when
it's just the two of us,
looking to get exercised

o'course we have secret codes,
(yogurt slackers)
never call 'em by their real name
in public,
lest we get sent by drone
to the new
orange and black jail

when we be feeling
under our coats
we wear 'em semi-publicly,
but to blend in,
we only buy black,
seeing as we live
in new york seeity,
where we reside,
black be the only
legal color for approved
illegal street walking

never when we travel domestically
in case we get busted,
don't want to face
federal interstate charges
of inciting others to riot sensationally!

this land is not my land,
maybe it is yours,
but if you come alooking
for us, we got a cabin
in the deep words,
where we practice
dress code freedom,
no ties, shirts untucked,
navel (oranges) fully exposed,
button down shirts always  unbuttoned,
(my high school days
revolutionary first strike)
hoping to escape
the idiots we
place above us
to "govern"
Marigolds Fever Sep 2018
Ruby red love
She didn’t give it a shove
With delicate diamonds just above
A love to find
Not the gaudy kind
Purposely shaped heart
In search of where to start
Placed upon a tiny finger
To make one stop and linger
A Ruby shine
With Red glare so clear
So much so
That one could begin to fear
What would happen if they
Tried to disappear
Runaway they might
With just cause
Of too much fright
Would bring her to shed a tear
That Red ruby so clear
Reminds her of the cheer
And the time he spilled his beer
Red ruby dazzling bright
If only see the light
Whats its symbolize
Character or compromise
She was utterly surprised
That tiny clear red ruby
A reminder
Love is never like that movie
Ruby red love
Unmistakable beauty
Recalling a late summer sunset
A clear preset
With its curves
Upon that finger
Can be a deep stinger
If not preserved
Prompts the feeling
Sensationally deserved
Cunning Linguist Jan 2014
I can't quite wrap it around my head
**** polishing hobgoblin
Gobbling hot fudge banana split sundaes
topped with ***** cherry toppings
What I'm looking for
Just on the tip of my tongue
Just the tip
I can almost put my finger in it
*On it
A slip of the lips
Verbally retching
Wretched word *****
Armed with an armada of double entendres
Sensationally double penetrating your ear canals!
Bianca J Walker Sep 2010
I want you…
I want you instinctually and primitively.
Spiritually and physically.

I want to give you portions of me that I’ve never shown anybody; that will become distinctively yours - recognizable only to you and you alone.

I want to submerge you in a realm of ******* gentleness that perpetuates an aggressive kindness, that stimulates, and soothes every aching, yearning, desire that flows through your body.

I’m telling you what you already knew, that I will always be there for you, and you will never again feel alone or abandoned.
I  want to give you complete and total satisfaction.

I want you and every little idiosyncrasy that makes you unique, that others have critiqued, because they didn’t understand.

I want to show you that I can…

I want to dwell in the depths of your being. I want to unravel your complexity.

I want to give you vibrations in the form of a currant that arouses sensationally, at a frequency that makes you hum melodies of ecstasy uncontrollably as you call out for me.

I want to initiate an explosion of soft convulsions from the warmth of my mouth penetrating every inch of your body rhythmically.

I want the waters from the spring of your masculinity to drown me, and then I want you to save me.

I want to embrace you each night and wrap you in between soft warm thighs, and welcoming arms under moonlight, until your torso is wet, drenched with sweat, until each kiss drips from the tip of your lips, and I caress your back with my fingertips.

I want to make love to you the way an angel would if she could.
I want to show you heaven and ethereal visions without limita-tions or specifications.

  I want to give you happiness and pleasure unparallel, unlike any-thing either of us has ever felt, seen, or could create in our dreams.

I want to protect you from harm beneath my wings. I want you to believe in me…

I want you to come into my life.
2010 The **** of the ****** Mind: a journey of words & poetry
VG E Bacungan Aug 2014
The karvings of this awe-full fantasy amplifies,
the throbbing of my freezing heart.
The shapelessness of the kloud whispers,
wonderful mysteries in inaudible murmurs.

The blue-orange painted kanvas above.
The silhouette of the mountains that hide,
behind the undaunted smokes that forms.
The opening that the heavens made,  
to show the earth its dazzling threshold.
Approaching the land with unfathomable ardor.

Devout of the seamless tenuous night,
Gangas klangs echoes through the cold.
Lumps of land deprive the moment of silence,
as the people sing to the gods with reverence.

Heareth me, O goddess of the krops!
O god o'er all the mountains come see;
How gracefully she stood before me.
While the pyre gives emphasis to her figure.

Kurves of the kreseant resembles her smile;
edges of her lips sink.
Beautiful exkavation mark on her left cheek,

all in perfekt symmetry; perfektion in all she is.

"Saya Suka Awak" I told her.
that very moment:
Sparkling of the stars devoured our eyes.
Sweetest morose partings seeped in voiceless lullabies;
in unison with symphonic notes lulling unsaid goodbyes.
Through the last movement of vagueness the moment subsides.

For the love that profess fades,
with the chilly thin air it travels;
back to the heart of the other.
Oceans apart they were,
yet atop the mountains. . .
love blossomed.
This poem was made during my stay at Bauko, Mt. Province, Philippines for the first ever SEED Program Philippines hosted by San Beda College. I was lucky enough to be one of the nationa delegates for the event. There I was able to meet people from other ASEAN countries and of course the local folks of the place. In that event I saw too many yet wrote so less; perhaps because I was so busy. But, I was able to write this.. Inspired by the panoramic mountain view, chilly weather and someone from the delegates, this poem was born. #SEEDProgram2014 #SayaSukaAwak. <3 ^_^
Mark Jun 2020
From the 7th diary entry of Stewy Lemmon's childhood adventures.    
WOW, it was already Christmas Eve. It goes to show, 'time flies when you're having fun', for winter was amongst us again. This year's weather was awfully cold, with the temperature dropping to only two degrees, it was freezing outside. I said, to my parents, 'it seems to be a silly shkeason for this time of year, and without any real good reason'.    
My dad, had gathered some wood for the open fireplace, that he had made for us inside. We then all sang songs and ate our multi coloured marshmallows, straight off the wooden sticks, to make us feel yummy, once inside our tummy.    
My mum Flo, said, with her cheeks as red as a rose, from the heat of the fire, which was making her cheeks glow. 'Do you want to go to the snow, for a couple of days'? We could have so much fun, in the white, cold snow'?    
So, the next morning, Dad packed up the car, with ski's, gloves, boots, jackets and even some ski chains for the slippery wet road tar.    
Mum, packed some food, drinks, our tooth brushes and even a hair brush and a comb. Then we hopped into the overloaded car, and headed off west in search of the white, cold snow.    
We finally arrived at the Shivermetimbers Ski Lodge, and the manager Monty Lopez, was there to greet us, and gave us the keys to our regular ski lodge. It's a funny job, by the way, for a bloke that can't even ski, due to vertigo, unbalanced and all.    
Once inside our weekend ski lodge, we quickly lit the enormous fireplace, which was built, smack in the middle of the very large lounge room.    
Mum and Dad had their own bedroom, my two much older, identical twin sisters, Emma and Jemma, had the ski loft, while my little brother Lemmy, Smoochy and I had the fold-out bed, that popped out from under the couch.    
Early next morning, we all ate bacon and eggs and drank hot chocolate, except for dad, who preferred his hot cup of tea.    
After breakfast, the manager Monty Lopez, told my Mum, Flo and my two, identical twin sisters, that they can have, free ski lessons down the back tracks, for an hour or so.    
But after only about, ten or fifteen minutes, with the, Shivermetimbers ski instructor, Stefan Pettersson, who was from North Poland, they just simply gave up.    
Not just because, every time they tried to stand up, all three of them kept falling flat on their backs. But, because Stefan Pettersson, could not speak a word of English, unlike his distant English speaking cousins in South Poland.    
I'm sure he was a great ski teacher, but maybe, needed to learn the language of the South as well. Then he could explain to the tourists, from English speaking countries, what he needed them to do, to stay on their feet.    
Meanwhile my Dad, along with his old and very funny friend, Trevor Thomas Timberlake, whom Dad has always called Triple T for short, were hiding in the retreat's garage, making another Christmas surprise.    
While Smoochy, Lemmy and I were trying to peek in and see what they were doing, we heard loud noises like, Boom, Buzz, Bang, Clunk, Clink, Clank, Smack, Swat, Slap and even Heave-**.We couldn't wait to see what they had made for us, after all of that noise.    
As we were walking back to grab a soft drink and bite to eat, BANG the garage doors opened, and that's when we saw our Christmas surprise.    
For it was Trevor Thomas Timberlake, dressed up in a very colourful Santa outfit. But, if you think that was funny, 'who do you think was pulling Santa's even more colourful sleigh'?    
It was the manager Monty Lopez's, eight very small pet Chiqaua's. They didn't look like they were that strong, to pull Santa's sleigh and Dad's old and very funny friend, Triple T.    
All of the kids and I were so pleased. I even noticed Smoochy, with a bit of a glee. Santa Trevor and his chosen helpers, my two, identical twin sisters Emma and Jemma, gave out the presents, to all of the children that were staying at the,'Shivermetimbers Ski Lodge'.    
Later that afternoon, my mum, had made a big barrel of fruit snacks for everyone to share. We were all about to start to eat, when all of sudden, we heard an almighty big crash.    
For Monty's eight very small pet Chiqaua's, were spooked by my grouse new pet mouse named, Smoochy. He had startled them all and made Triple T's Santa Sleigh, stack right into the table. With the fruit barrel sitting on top, the big crash had tossed the barrel of fruit, onto the ground and it rolled down the slippery snow ski slopes.    
Everybody rushed over to see all of the mess. But it actually turned out to be quite good looking, more or less. Because, Mum's fruit snack, had all spilled out and had created a really cool, very cold and quite a colourful, rainbow snack in the snow.    
I named that accidental creation of a mess, 'The Sensationally Spilt Rainbow Snow Snack on the Slippery Ski *****'.    
We had all decided to head back to our family's very large shack and have chicken nuggets with tomato sauce of course, instead of Mum's colourful fruit snack.    
In the morning, we went and saw the mess from the night before. My Dad and Triple T had come up with a clever idea, They had made some square wooden boxes, in such quick style.    
We gathered up all of the mess and packed it all into the wooden boxes. Then we made some very cool, fruit coloured, solid snow bricks. We were going to make some igloos out of the colourful bricks, and try and spend a whole night sleeping inside them.    
It wouldn't be that cold inside an igloo, we thought. Eskimo's do it all of the time, and they don't seem to catch that many colds.    
When morning had come, we had awoken to find the very cool, fruit coloured, solid snow bricks, had all melted away and we were lying in, not so very cool, fruit coloured, soggy, snow slush.    
We laughed and cried and hurried inside to get ourselves dried. I called that creation, 'The very cool, fruit coloured bricks, that just didn't stick'.    
Mum said, gather up all of that, not so very cool, fruit coloured, soggy, snow slush, and I will create you a new all time favourite, colourful fruit creation.    
She had put the slush and the fruit into several ice trays, and had placed solid sticks over each block and made them stick out a bit, from each of their ends. She then, cut holes in the middle of some plastic cups and placed the cups, on one of the ends.    
After a while, our very cool, frozen fruit delight, was ready to bite. We all had one, and yelled out yum, good on ya Mum. For, not only did the cup catch the melting ice, it also caught any fruit that fell off the side.    
I named that creation, 'Colourful Ice-Drips & Fruit-Drops in a Cup'. That's my Mum for you, always likes a good clean mess.    
Dad said, what a great idea, and that we should all listen more often to our Mums. Then, my Mum joked, 'if only your dad would listen to me more often'.    
That night, I was back in my fold-out bed, that popped out from the couch, I slept like a bug in a rug. Even Smoochy, crawled into bed, and gave me, an ever so tight hug, on our very last night, of our silly season, ski holiday trip.
© Fetchitnow
20 October 2019.
This children’s fun adventure book series, is only for children from ages, 1-100. So please enjoy.
Note: Please read these in order, from diary entry 1-12, to get the vibe of all of the characters and the colourful sense of this crazy mess.
Donall Dempsey Dec 2015

You step forth
from your bath

as if you were
a Bonard

come alive

spread yourself
across crisp cool sheets

as sensationally

as a Modigliani

or a Noguchi

Here, you

if only
for a brief

moment now so

Now so
playfully Picasso...ish!

I smile
as you Vermeer!

"Come here
& kiss me!"

You my Magritte!

You my Dali!

You my laughing walking talking
'art gallery!
k Oct 2013
you used to be inspirational,
sensationally inspirational
in fact quite incredibly
the perfect source of
my originality
my imagination
you made words spew out
and run wild across
page after page of
and intensity
mixed beautifully
in our perpetually
corrupted perfection.
but you've lost
your magic
your ability to make my
fingers scatter across
page after page
you've begun to
stifle and
simply ******* the life
out of my
and intensity
destroyed and crumbling
into bland pieces
of unoriginally
Danielle Rose Dec 2012
I'm planting seeds in December
I planted One for love
Two for peace
Three for every moment I felt the breath of eternity
slipping through your lips as I brushed mine across your flesh
gracefully grazing with my fingers
the curve in your back
Healing the strain and tension that your work had let in
I held my left hand above your skin
and prayed the pain that had sunk in
would flow into me
I drew it out persistently
I took it all in a heart beat
and I watched as your mind drifted off quitely
Hoping it would lead you into serenity
With my right hand I projected
all the beauty I had collected
while watching the sun decend sleepily into the sea
and I witnessed you exhale all the trials you faced recently
My hands now taking you into a vast journey
Your conscious mind lulled into sleep
and I talked with you telepathically
Tracing the points sensationally
Touching upon subjects that needed to be
Soulfully blessing the night with a gift of insight
My love I felt everything
Unthawing the earth with the spark of spiritual empathy
I planted four seeds for always
and five for our hopes
The six I had left I repeated the first three
and I watched them grow
Two bonded effortlessly
into One being
Forget-me-nots began flourishing
Ken Pepiton Jul 2021
If Dexter's Parents had not divorced and he had not moved away with his mother,
Who was beautiful as I recall, today would have played out or worked out or turned out
Differently. Very differently, considering that little twist in my six-degrees of separation base pattern
Hapt seventy-years ago, or so,
Watch starlings, if you have starlings, or watch congregations of kippers on Netflix.
Their steering is on auto. Do you agree? Then we are in Agreement, which is an odd place to find one's self in the midst of so great a cloud of witnesses.
'e goes a gain a ginning, grinning all the while
Aye, and radioman turned on just
Now listen -Radio Mumbai

I meant, you and I agree schools of sardines and flocks of gulls are all on auto-pilot-propulsion-maintenance programs,
I thought so. The code in a gnat must be so much more elegant than the vast terabytes of programming in the GPS constrained self-drivers evolving on earth. Gnats never collide and are nearly impossible to hit, unless you have bat tools, which you don't. Nobody wrote that gnat code, right?
Of course not, evidence of programming only appears to be programming, evidence of design only looks like design it's not design. Right? So says Carl Sagan, Richard Dawkins, and all the people so called to win the battle for the minds of **** Sapiens Augmentatious, lest, as the confusion of Babel subsides, those minds should begin to reason together more clearly in light left after the lies standing on men's minds are revealed inferior to what our senses sensationally acknowledge. Whew. Long thought.

I meander, but you do as well. That is how things flow.
Not over immovable objections, around.

One life that was connected to mine in boyhood friendship was severed about half-way through my sixteenth year.
He died. I don't remember how. Alcohol-related, I can imagine. I did not attend the funeral, though some acquaintances did; one of whom was later my lover. She is dead now as well, too late to tell me anything. She had a baby less than a year after I returned from Vietnam, more than nine months later. That is a heavy thought, but not one I think does much good now.

So little of history is noted. So few lives function to trigger generational unctions that devolve into wars against imbalance, iniquity, slavery and death.
Fraternity, Egality, ******* *** the mob all riled-up, burn , baby, burn.
Whole people die in history's whims,
If whims they were.


Watch the starlings steer through 4-d patterns eternally random,
fueled by bugs they convert to food for the soil itself.
Their life is their work and they do it beautifully. As one.

Can Boeing-Raytheon-L3 et al build a self-propelled, self-refueling drone that can fly at top-speed, maneuvering millimeters in each direction from other self-propelled, self-refueling drones while dropping their payloads without a single friendly-fire crash, ever?

Starlings don't **** on each other.

If war-profiteers could build such things, would you watch such things perform and wonder at the minds that built them, or deny such minds played any role from concept to creation, and ask who authorized development and deployment of such an expensive fertilizer distribution system that fertilizes wild weeds as well as gentled weeds?
Which would you say: "Wow, how did those get made, who paid?" or "Wow, look what billions of years and energy alone can do against absolutely insurmountable odds and impossible physics, with chaos and corruption always on the job?" Holy entropic bad moon.

Are ye not more precious than starlings, or sardines, or gnats. Would a sense pertaining to immediate locational proximity, evident in birds and fish and bugs, not be apparent in Adamkind, at least as a metaphor regarding benefits gained in knowing where you are relative to your own environment, regardless of any sense of personal purpose?

I can see it in the fact that we can agree, for good or ill.

As generations mature and regenerate, might there be patterns in the tumbling of the powerful and the powerless populations. Patterns depicting group or herd preservation by fully mentally equipped populations of mature and maturing Adamkind are detectable. Facts now overflow the cup of knowns. These are those days when knowledge is increasing and increasing and increasing to the point of being a destructive force in tightly closed minds.

Name dropping, rather than restating, Helen Arendt, "The Origins of Totalitarianism"(1966), Bertrand Russell, "The Problems with Philosophy"(1912), Pankaj Mishra, "The Age of Anger"(2017).

These three books and some browsing of names and titles the authors drop, have spurred me over the top of a rise I had not seen coming. My path had become gradually uphill without my noticing. I was interested in other things and ignoring notices from my body that oxygen stores were being depleted more rapidly than current inventory of red blood cells and nurse lymphocyte-bots can recycle the quadra-monthly disassembly turnover, H2O stores for sweat heat-dispersal systems and plasma regeneration and digestion of what little remains to be digested are now at "caution, think about stopping" levels. But I saw that from the top I might see to the top of the next rise before I chose the downhill part of my path. The down hill path determines the uphill path.
In the desert, you can see trails marked in many ways, mosses grow in least-heat zones created by angular location relationships with the sun. Breezes whisper into shade puddles by ever slow slight temperature inequilibria shifting some heat to the triggering of my sweat system.

If you were compelled to reason about every step you take in life as if it were your responsibility to regulate and control every function of your flesh vehicle in which you abide in relationship to all around you that you could harm or that could harm you, you would be mad. {mad?} illusion of reality

assumes reality is friendly here. I'm okeh
with that improbability aside,

implied as self explicatory and unfolding life…
for what its worth in words redeemed may be,
in the future, when this is what they thought,
you think, and I say know,
I thought this,
on a bet. Or an oath, depends on the fret.

Crazy mad, but angry auch. That would be unfair, because you don't know how to do what you are being compelled to do. Reports of persons who can control ****** functions not commonly consciously controlled are easily found. Such persons spend their time so countering the rolling rhythms beat by heart doors slamming shut and swooshing open in response to electricity, that, we, Adamkind, have yet to truly understand. We've no need, that which concerns us was
to be perfected, not by us.

If my use of Adamkind offends you, the reality of my benefits, wrought from my comprehension of my relation to Adam, will likely make me your enemy, in your own mind, not mine.
Ax'em, do they love po' o'hate rich?

Believe one chance in practically infinity of current evolutionary-nontheistic thought being the way things must be, then multiply the number of times you make that bet by the number of insects on earth or even by the number of mitochondria in your kidneys.

Ignoring life's delicate imbalances in light of what can be known today, breaks our minds's ability to agree perfectly. The social dichotomy that seems to arrange adamkind's affairs over eons and eras: rich and poor, have and have not, mean and meek, is ego-driven, self-benefit seeking and not part of the original program.

Contemplate the sweet influences of Pliades, silently questing the truth of hope and matter. There is more power in this stream.

Chapter end.
The future is in BASIC ATTENTION TOKENS. Mental fodder content creators can share in any ads that pay for the attention paid to your work. It is in a neotny of adaptive evolution -- if you pay attention it pays you back for letting AI know what helps more than hurts. Check it out, ats.
A group of black clouds
they had come to be together -
for the blue sky, had sadly,
just passed away,

The Sun
switched its warm,
radiant, bright light off -
paying respect to the memory
of another lost,
perfect Summer's day.

Heaven's gates stood
with arms wide open,
flooded the grounds
with heavy,
warm tears of rain,

Upon these warm tears stopping,
A delightful,
sensationally bright,
glowing rainbow
miraculously came forth -
A sign
that Summer's rain—Heaven's warm tears,
were not, at all, in vain.

By Lady R.F ©2016
Donall Dempsey Dec 2018

You step forth
from your bath

as if you were
a Bonard

come alive

spread yourself
across crisp cool sheets

as sensationally

as a Modigliani

or a Noguchi

Here, you

if only
for a brief

moment now so

Now so
playfully Picasso...ish!

I smile
as you Vermeer!

"Come here
& kiss me!"

You my Magritte!

You my Dali!

You my laughing walking talking
'art gallery!
Travis Green Feb 2021
I want to be sheathed in your sweetness,
feel your musical muscles comforting my flesh,
your shimmery golden physique
so breathtakingly rich and smooth,
an intriguing man, so flavory and fragrant,
a sensationally seasoned man, everything that I needed.
brandon nagley May 2015
Such unreasonable false treaties bypass these gated bricks,
Wherein cats roam,
Unseen mobile phones turn everyday fighters to mothers *****!!!

Cross/tempered alleys lighten the communistic terrace where every buehler to every faris antagonizes the badged bringers of fear!!!!

Stignitized stipends are exposed to logged whittled suspense!!!
Weirdness is accompanied by thy ebony tops,
Wherein freedoms lost,
In places unsatisfied by man!!!!

Fire and water are trend,
Visionaries cometh from friends made from newspaper stands!!!!

****** theocratic, overhead sensationally leaks to moderned society!!!
Where choosing priority currupts our fatal flaws!!!

Art thou better or worse after all!??!

Accessing emotions,
Acclaimers fight explosion,
Befuddlers make merry their richeous belated stay!!!!

Tenaciously we compile thine world sent knowledge,
Where cargo is astounding with thou junk we all keep!!!

Clean thy face,
Wipe thy feet,
For you are generation number one!!!!

You liberated statue ,
You image to gods son!!!!!!!!!
Chandra S Nov 2019
A crushed Shah Jahan said:
When you behold the memorial,
a sight so masterly, yet sorrowful;
you will inevitably admit
an aching little bisecting wish
that adorns your yearning lips....
And from the world's lid,
the luminaries too
would sob and drip.


He could well have been talking
about my beloved's words ; utterly breathtaking
that a sigh poignantly quivers
in my dithering being.

Her words meander.
It is no wonder:
for all of us saunter
in thought and speech
one time or the other.

At times her words are poised and easy.....,
wonderfully jolly, sensationally starry:
They shimmer like the four minarets (1)
on the full moon night;

Then they taper from the dome
and stop halfway between the tomb
and the solemn reflecting pool:
They are calmer, sober,
and you know,
a little factual;
...what they call discriminating
intellectual, rational......

Soon the words leave charbagh (2)
and hit the red sandstone walls (3)
crenellated with flawless wisdom;
spotlessly beautiful
like the lifeless marble
that proudly commemorates
Mr. Shah Jahan's love
in grim, cold blooded grace.

We talk about
riders and scruples,
kith and kin,
restraints and constraints,
fidelity and modesty.......
....and I can not help
but to sadly agree
to the placid logic
in our impeccable scripts.


Logic is a wonderful remedy
for the radical and foolhardy
but for every cure,
there is a spin-off.
Deep somewhere,
a delicate,
two-cent sentiment
collapses into atrophy
another part of me
becomes a
meek monument
of disposable history.


(1) The four minarets of the Taj Mahal

(2) The garden that starts from the end of the main gateway and ends near the squared base of the mausoleum is an integral part of the Taj Mahal structure.

(3) The building material used is brick-in-lime mortar veneered with red sandstone and marble and inlay work of precious/semi precious stones. The mosque and the guest house in the Taj Mahal complex are built of red sandstone in contrast to the marble tomb in the center.
Inspired by: The typical victory of logic and rationality over emotion and sentiment. A parallel is drawn between the irrefutable beauty, yet the apathy of logic and the Tajmahal, which is elegant and yet a symbol of sorrow and loss.
Propitious clouds fill the horizon, blocking cosmic rays
Emanating from a lingering celestial beast.
On these grounds of substance, humanity subsists with a curiosity
Unquenchable mouths and minds
-- we begin a rampant search for meaning.
The vibrations of our search loosen the crust, exposing the fleeting nature of being
Bewildered by this discovery we blind ourselves with faith, as if we deserve more

Unable to see, we flee in a direction unknown for the chance that it may remedy our pleas. A shadowy remembrance of these requests ripple across arid aspect. Heedlessly stumbling upon past, present, and future, we careen towards the eminence of death. Desires fumes overwhelm, collapsing beneath these earthly plumes. Our last breathe exclaims,”Life is pain, for we are submersed in the mundane!”

Sensationally-- as our hearts begin to tread their last beats
Droplets of clarity deluge our dire thirst
-- propitious clouds that once smothered the horizon
Bequeath themselves of all significance, affixed at high noon

Exposing anew the celestial beast that emanates a sanguine gleam
Reflecting in the pools that surround our pulpy minds
Arfah Afaqi Zia May 2017
A sedation that leaves only thirst for more
a desire unsaid of love and wreck
a mixture of two odds
sinful, yet irresistible

A bond of two
sensationally and physically tied
strengthened by a charismatic bond
so involved, so intimate

A journey to depths
in a state of euphoria
existing in a place like utopia
where there's only passion for more and more

A craving for you to come close
a relentless yearn of not letting go
such little time but such long distances
leaving behind everything and going faraway

A feeling of emptiness on the skin
tears involuntarily stream down touching the corners of the lips
'tis the last time in a long time that we meet
'twas the departing of the lips that silently whispered, 'Until next time'!
Impatiently waiting for your return </3
Moonsocket Aug 2017
I came here with a handful of obscurity

Shall we map the systems that provokes such absurd musings?

Shall I speak into a seamless glitch now subjected to frantic stitching?

I assemble dispersive prisms to offset the mindset that all scenes remain black and white

Common courtesy was not an invitation for empathy

These conclusions full of color are not the product of serendipity

Flash fuzzy for a brain full of huddles

Deflect another reject with a space full of  arrangements

Misconstrued some mutiny and provoke a bystander into pieces

Second hand clockwork will never ease anticipation

Fine tuned nights clarify a need for self destruction

Blue moons sensationally sidetracked by habitual disconnection

I am exhausted

I close my eyes to negate surprise but my blinks always come too late

Farewell to the freak show I never knew your trajectory

I only observed when that final nerve fell into animosity

how primitive is a derivative of life?

how potent is a notion full of strife?

I am an advocate of strange

I am a pocket full of loose change

I am a crutch for nothing

I only have a pull cord and a body full of stuffing

All I know comes from sidetracked spirals full of feeling

All I know is the abstract remains king
The Fire Burns Oct 2016
Darkness drips in dollops
spreading behind things
stretching out long
as sun light gets short

Crickets and poor will
hold the suns hand
and sing
it's nightly exit song

Moon rise casts another kind
black as pitch
but with silvery edges
sensationally ominous

Accompanied by the sound
of a lone coyotes
mournful drawn out

Motion now
quick movements
so fast you question
whether you see anything

Pulsating shadows
creep eerily
as the moon
transits the sky

Stars twinkle happily
in stark contrast
to the fear
of the night

Transforming shadows
in the minds eye
to bony hands
and apparitions of a dangerous man
Travis Green Dec 2022
Your magically charismatic powers of attraction
Reel me into your supple seductive thugness
Make me wanna vibe with your divineness
Feel how your virileness runs through my mind
Got me highly excited and mesmerized

Thoughts of climbing your mountainous profoundness
Become lost in your top-drawer rock-hard sauce
Cleave to your slickness to feel your ****** healing
To lapse into your magnetically aesthetic and fresh finesse
Feel on your super strong and suave body

To feel your charming prominent pecs
Your enrapturing flex-worthy biceps
Your desirably brown and shining abs
I wanna be close to your machoness
Let you be my ****-hot special delivery

Serve me your long chocolate lob
Taste your top-notch stalwart ****
Merge with my thirsty tongue
Make rare unparalleled magic
With your hairy masculine bush

Take it in like wicked killer kush
Give me indescribable feel-good vibes
While I get high on your hardness
Lick your glowing toes
Show you how freaky I can be
When I eat your banging hole

Slap your bright, tight *** cheeks
Devour your wholeness
From your head to your toes
I wanna be all up in your heart and soul
Exercise my mouth and throat

Feel your temperature go sky-high
The more I climb your monolithic tree
Commune with your stupid hot rudeness
Dance wildly with your handsomeness
Settle down with your manliness

Let you put your game on me
Make my feelings grow stronger for thee
See me on my knees smoking your ferocious sausage
Sink deep into your hyper-heated heavenliness
Lose myself to your majesticness
Your effortless infectious stellarness

I wanna be your vibrant reverent bombshell
Let your stretch out my mouth
Cause me to gasp as you smash my attractiveness
Take it slow and fast
Work my throat

Tell me to stroke harder
As you ****** my honey-soft, plump pumpkins
Give my slick wet tips magical, compassionate kisses
Make me fall deep into your poetically pleasing
And transfixing deliciousness

Swathe me with your oozing pulchritudinous chocolateness
Let me feel your luscious muscled thunder
Taste you as you navigate through my creamy inner space
Give you more of my throat
Smoke me like the swiftest ocean-going boat

I wanna feel your enchanting melanin tarantulas
All over my sweaty ****** flesh
Feel you invade my vessel
With your lush, fluid smoothness
Cause my homoness to throb

Cause me to drift away
Into my own ****** thoughts
Twist me into your thrillingly prodigious
And sickalicious unforgettableness
Let me feel my way in your blazing-hot maze
Of unadulterated breathtaking ecstasy

Caress your tumescence against my heavy heavenly specials
Be committed to your delicious gripping litness
Lost in your sloppy, saucy hotness
The way your sensationally made manfulness
Feels swirling in my mouth

Fill me up, render me lovestruck
Go deep in my throat
Tell me to work my hands
Open my ******* mouth
Swing it in my softly attractive face

Call me a nasty *****
While your crunk pump handle
Disappears in my hungry succulent doughnut hole
I wanna worship your top-quality toned up marvelocity
Feel the hunky monstrous beat within you
Command and entrance my feminineness
Fill my cakehole up with your scrumptious bubbly nut
Harriet Shea Feb 2021
Thinking promises, leaving glances unsure that clouds are blue, through the thickness of forest green with misty fields, filling each thought with a smile, a soft kiss from my angel, flying through the purple-covered violets so beautiful, touching across my mind, in perfect Time.

Lingering along with glasses so rosy, they brought many days of pleasant dreams thrilling, I hang on, with happiness, my reality.

Thinking promises, watching roses die I see clouds over the swaying trees, days filled with angels, of Mother Earth, and her sweet creations.

A moment, a calm breeze whispers by, reminding me of when oceans were bluish-green and his eyes staring past mine, in glowing wonder, now they pass so softly across the mind touching heart, with peace dreaming in comfort, hearing beats of my heart, in a rose garden that'll remain wondrous forever.

Caressing tightly life's treasures, growing sensationally happy, thoughts playing tunes echoing across the valley, touching down one more time before darkness appears with memories golden, bringing me my garden of love, promises, to be found in this adventure of growth, our garden flourishes, deeply found only in the soul.

((Our Rose Garden Sleeps Softly In Our Own Soul))

© DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Donall Dempsey Dec 2019

You step forth
from your bath

as if you were
a Bonard

come alive

spread yourself
across crisp cool sheets

as sensationally

as a Modigliani

or a Noguchi

Here, you

if only
for a brief

moment now so

Now so
playfully Picasso...ish!

I smile
as you Vermeer!

"Come here
& kiss me!"

You my Magritte!

You my Dali!

You my laughing walking talking
'art gallery!
Travis Green Mar 2023
His magical and hazardous attraction is
So dangerous and exicting, so awe-striking and mind-blowing
My ****** glossy marvel, such a madly passionate smash
My freshalicious sexalicious heavy-hitter
I wanna bask in the shining and towering sunshine of his entireness

Float in his potent triumphant smoke
Let him grab hold of my cosmic cannon *****
Rock and spark my perky pointers
Stir my world, render me delirious
In complete awe over his awesome sauce

He paints his vivid blissful dreams
All over my sultry, voluptuous frame
Pay attention to detail and amaze my gayness
Showcase his innovative artistic creativity
Makes me so hung up and hot-blooded

My lurid immortal *******
He carries me into the charming
And rewarding symphony of his flaming spontaneous dreaminess
Has me pining to dive into his topflight high-octane domain
To witness the power of his galvanizing gangbuster game

Feel his mouth breathing into mine
Evoking ******, dominant emotions within my homoness
Caress my quintessential sensual feminineness
Treasure the mellowness and softness
Of my sensationally slammin’ shapeliness

Enhance and enchant my senses
Leave me lovestruck and caught up
In his magnetically mysterious spectacularity
Feel his unmanageable electricity surge through my existence
Entangle me in his mind-boggling raw hotness

Venerate the exhilarating taste of his fearless sturdy peerlessness
The way he appeals to my inner space
My hypnotically eye-popping top shotta
He pumps up my hunger
Makes me wanna lick his hunkiness

Breathe in his poetically gripping and pleasing brilliantness
Let his amazingness engage me
Make my headspace spin
Make me feel the boldness of his showstopping dopeness
Allow him to drive his hands
All around my steamy gleaming skin

Reach every ardent part of me
Command me with his intense sensual grip
Make me get lost in his unrivaled prize-winning winsomeness
His slick-*** chillin’ energy
Such a badass tatted jack beyond compare

I am so addicted to his mad lit riveting masculineness
He seduces me, gives me a sweet tooth
I call him my brutal bang-up boo
I visualize perusing the smoothness
Of his splashy anatomy to bask in his passionate
Action-packed bedazzlement

Let him prey on my gayness, dominate my brain cells
Affect me with his hella **** finesse
Be my strapping crackerjack captain
Carry me to a perfect sparkling paradise
Leave me all cheesin’ and ****
Tweakin’ and feelin’ so sweet on
His unstoppable astonishing tsunami of mega-hot macho ardor
Travis Green Mar 2022
I exploded with deep longing passion for you
Craving a magically enrapturing night with you
To feel your warm, ardent mouth on my firmly feminine body
You tease my sleek sinuous neck with your tongue
You lick it so sensationally
You make me sparkle with vividly thrilling sensations
I melt effortlessly in your super cool groove
I feel your steady, heavenly, and prepossessing kisses
On my sheer, silky, and glistening lips
I moan celestial, perpetual, and enchanting harmonies
I bask in your ******* rhythm
Lost in a night of greatly enamoring pleasures
Travis Green Aug 2023
He carries me off to his magical wonderland
Where he captures my imagination
Takes my breath away
With his dazzling elegance
His glorious enchantment

Sweeter-than-honey lips
A manly beard
That makes my head turn
Such a stellar mouthwatering kryptonite
With yummy biceps and pecs

I yearn for his firm hands
On my huge *******
Bewitch my voluptuous figure
Tackle me like a robust challenger
Make me feel the red-hot fervor
Of his spectacular immersiveness

Command me with his intense stares
Give me a sugar rush
Rock my world
Make me shimmer like a syrupy heaven
My dapperly styled splash

I love how he sensationally
Feels every inch of me
Search through my submerged mind
Electrify the entireness of my ebony frame
Render me speechless

****** me with his soft, tender words
Hum succulent songs across my supple skin
Eat me up like juicy fruit
Feel me all over
Control my heart and soul
At the mercy of his carnal passion
His earthly pleasures
Travis Green May 2022
Weekends like this
I wish to be near
To his desirable powerhouse body
My fingers delving
His delicious slick chest
His sleek, smooth shoulders
His attractive metallic arms

Swivel the tip of my tongue
On his thick solid neck
Make a perpetual musical connection
With our lush loving lips locked together
He is my wondrously enchanting city
Of illuminating dreams

I fall into his refreshingness
Revering the way
His sturdy royal flesh
Smell so rich and saucy to me

I want to be in his unutterable upbeat universe
Stranded in his sweet summer sexiness
Serenading sensationally
To the beguiling beat
Of his ardent top-shelf machoness
Norbert Tasev Sep 2021
His rolled-out gold money is collected by adult chitens of vulnerable, snoozing Being! Gerontocracy no longer matters much if pampering, material well-being is the universal goal of everything! Celebrity deeds circulating like a balloon for up to three days first start to let go, then burst out sensationally hungry! Oblivion strikes a hollow depth in our beating, perforated hearts anyway! Because every collision is another solid blunder on the Ladder of the Spirit!
And if we don't grow walnut casing ourselves, we can soon suffer a series of injuries and new abyss wounds! What kind of expelled pits do you have to stumble across before every exploiter can reach shore?! - As the face of a match flame, many of them are lurking for prey concerts, and may be the happiest in their top-rated plans, once the calculated deception and deceptive gambling have been proven! The real will can only be revealed from seduced, smaller shreds of chatter!
Who is listening to the Future in telephone silence? If one does not take care of oneself, Fate can stumble back! Kandi's summon-blue people are lurking at all times and they are wondering: who can benefit more?! If you still keep the Loyalty love with a pure heart, when can you know that it will betray you with ease? With your teeth clenched, you may or may not cry, and your selfish rights, shrouded in Protestant silence, will chuckle - but there is no one and where! "On the drunken backs of sluggish nights, the Guards dawn on red algae twilight!" A worn handkerchief bursts like a barge stuck in an alley bed of streets! Immovable stones grind the Truth from themselves
Travis Green Mar 2023
I wanna take magical man-sized meat
***** deep in my sinfully delicious pit
Make him bewitched and trippy
Make him sweat ****** heart-stopping hotness
Make him drip saliva and smile

Check out his luminescent chestnut eyes
How they peruse my smooth, voluptuous beauty
How they caress and undress my homosexualness
He sends me in transports of joy
He allures every part of me

I carry him in my core
I enjoy the notorious ginormous glory
Of his astonishing adroitness
He stands so ******* manly
Spreads his long marvelous legs

He flexes his masterful mind-blowing muscles
Clasps my fantastically staggering milk bags
I water at the mouth while he murders my throat
He turns me on the more
I **** on his king kong *******

I can’t keep my hands off his laudable unconquerable body
He is my prepossessing treasure chest
To set my eyes on and delve into
I love how his powerful puffed-out pecs shine
How his flawless hard-bodied abs draw me deeper
Into his dreamy defined delectableness

I rub his raw rigid rear end
Let my fingers tantalize his tight, crash-hot slot
Hit the spot to his heart
Make his fingers cling to my tender, tingling blinkers
Take control of his irreproachable robust lusciousness

Feed off his top-notch faultless sauciness
Taste him for days on end
Feel his dramatic masculine force
Take in his macho scent
Let his heavy, aggressive sausage
Run against the roof of my mouth

****** it with my tongue
Make his head spin
Make him soar higher into euphoria
Cause his moans to compound
Listen to his ****** vocal expressions

Revel in the resounding sound effects
Make him intoxicated
Fire the imagination of his creation
Make his head tilt back
While ****** language seeps out of his mouth

He breathes hard
I give it to him so ******* good
Feel his wicked wet wood move down my throat
Swallow it whole, lick it slow and fast
Cause him to go crazy like a *******

Rule his gleaming gangsta grounds
Compose exclusively ****** poetry
All over his bold glowing wholeness
Spark his walls with my electric fingertips
Make his lean lissome legs shake

Put him in hyper-hot sizzling heat
Make his eyes roll backward
Be his delicious sweet muse
Let him confuse my mentality
While I enthuse his awesome almond astonishingness

Make him my prolific prodigious gift
To wrap my arm around
Etch my ardent artistic passion
Everywhere on his firm cherishable structure
Sink into the depths of his intellectual brilliance

Take him down like a brown brick building
Smoke his mind, body, and soul
Make him hard as ****
Hold him in dangerously spellbinding trances
While I entrance his nakedness

Call him my groovy juicy cruiser
Let my spit slither all over his mesmerizing manbush
Absorb and explore his philosophical thoughts
Picture the freakiest flaming fantasies
Of his action-packed, jaw-dropping masculineness in my system

He is my loveliest and sweetest inspiration
My extravagant canvas of tremendous enchantment
His straightness scintillates so sensationally in my space
I give him an utter ungovernable head rush
Make him gush his **** boy juice in my glossy hot box
Travis Green Oct 2022
I wanna hammer my gayness
Into the headspace of your straightness
Put the make on your sensationally tasty engagingness
Be all over your boldly smoking thugness
Couple with your smooth sun-filled coolness
Spend the night with your fiery shining delight

Make out with your powerfully enticing invitingness
Feel up your robustness and ruggedness
Fool around with your deeply defined
And astounding spiciness
Let you impress your majesticness
Upon my heart and soul

Break through my inner beauty
Stir up my pure playful world
Titillate the inmost blazing hot spaces
Of my best and most amorous nation
Incomparable and beardalicious deliciousness
You are my renowned spanking-new kryptonite

I wanna set it off with your hotness
Spark off impossible and hypnotic magic
Start a fire that won’t die out
Bring the most vivid and ecstatic dreams into being
Build radically capital castles in Spain
Rain down your profoundly refined game

Bond your fond, warm heart with mine
Take beyond baking hot Mars
And make me stone-cold ******
Make me insanely blissed out
In your stretched-out swagged out land
Of fantastically enrapturing enchantment
Travis Green Aug 2022
Hunky chunky gun
Monstrously fun-loving *******
Starry charming big boss
All-consuming blissful deliciousness
Absolute and smooth hoodness
Ecstatic and untamed pulchritude
Warm and joyful allure
Passionate and poetic lover boy

I want to ******* your turgid virility
Taste your steamy savage masculinity
Sliding on my tongue
Feel my playful, sensuous mouth
Melded to your impeccableness
So hooked on your inviting enticingness
How your bite your blossoming bottle pink lips

Roll your enlivening chocolate brown wine eyes
With your unconquered rugged beard
Statuesquely smashing chest
Enamoring tastylicious abs
Feeling your live striking python
Dancing in my mouth

Makes me yield to your hypnotic predominant sauce
Crawl my fingernails from the base to the tip
Spread sloppy gaudy saliva all over it
Make your innermost passions upsurge
To indescribably spellbinding Mars
Let me satiate your deepest yummy yearnings
Give it a thorough inspection

Delve into its perfection
Feel its heavenliness
Put it between my lush juggling jubblies
Embrace its sensationally swelling manhood
Let me be of service to your immersiveness
Wax your crash-hot magic piece

Listen to you groan, watch you flex
Your rock-solid, awe-striking frame
You finesse every sweaty stretch
Of my wanton wanting flesh
Transport me into the most
Monumentally tempting and magnetic trances

Stare down at me with lust-filled fantasies
Floating in your state of mind
Tall shredded rebel, melt me
Into your luscious legendary love
Press down on my head
As you expel frothy sticky sweetness on my cheeks
Travis Green Apr 2022
I have no shame in vowing how I feel about him
How I want to consume him with great passion
Taste the way he moves in my mouth, how the fire inside him
Melds with my tongue, causes me to moan his household name
Evanesce into his incredibleness, his swimmingly tempting sensualness Linger in the streams of his strategic flex

Let his hot sultry sweat slide down my chin
Cover my luxuriantly full and fascinating *******
Nibble on my fervid turgid tips, cause me to become bewildered
In his blissfulness, in the way he incomparably swaggers around me
With his bare, sleek, and exquisite flesh, sexually wet and wondrous
Makes my eyes roll backwards, makes my heart
Impossibly locked in his remarkably top-charted marvelocity

He is dangerously devouring, everything so inspiring to my mind
Body, and soul, to the way that I flow, when I am so close to him
I forget who I am, who I once was, who I need to be in his proximity
He is everything that echos sensationally in my vessel
My bright, golden, and exhilarating sunshine, ripe mellow lover
Rich, intense splashiness suffusing my throat, holding me spellbound
Astonishingly awe-stricken, so deeply smitten by his extraordinariness

Mashed, alive with vast magicalness, he makes so extra gay
More gayer than ever when I observe his engagingness
He regulates my world in the sexiest ways, gives me abundant pleasure
I crave to lay down with him and let his passion engulf me
Permeate my mind with his silky sweet feelings of thee
I have butterflies inside my stomach when he takes me in his arms
When he holds me sensually, our thighs and legs touching
His mouth gliding all over my lush, graceful neck, arms, and shoulders

Carry me away into his hot and dazzling mancave
Rub my fingers on his charmingly prominent veins
Sink into his fashionable, jazzy, and romantic nature
Unprecedented and passionately robust masculineness
Sparkling brick-wall hotness, pervaded with tastefulness
I long to massage his dominantly dashing depiction
Let the light of my love shimmer over his world

Let my fingertips dance with pleasure on his
Deep, thick, and silky beard, sheer golden joy in my soul
How I yearn to converse with his immersiveness
Lick the dreamy, delicious lines running through his hands
Kiss his fragrant fingernails, his captivating nose, his third eye
Feel him quiver with every impressive caress on his flesh
Coalesce our kingdoms together, let love prevail, and sail
The ardently overarching and flawless seas
I ache to savor him in the most profound extremes that cause me
To consistently dream about his blazing hazel amazingness
Travis Green Nov 2022
I want you to be my disarming Prince Charming
My freshly treasured muscleman
Packed with smashing, splashy magic
Topped with high-quality hot sauce
All-natural surpassing mantasicness
Angelic velvet heavy-hitter

You are an artistically delicious
And lovingly made treat
That bewitches my senses
With your dangerously spanking fieriness
Such a powerful, spellbinding kryptonite
That makes me wanna take a tantalizing trip
To your romantically revealing
And thrilling mantuary

Kiss every moist gorgeous area
Of your incomparably noteworthy perfectness
Let your impossibly unquantifiable machoness
Conquer my inhibitions
Regulate the sensationally slamming maze
Of my sweet, luscious gayness

Let me worship your hardness
Swim in your hypnotic symphonic sea
Of starry showstopping marvelousness
Let you freeze, and please me
Let you read and seize me
Kiss and tease me, give me all of your impressively
Impeccable and high-level sexiness
Travis Green Jul 2021
When I had consumed
The last shot of ***** *****
I slipped into a night
Of naughty thoughts
Thinking of visiting my crush
And sharing lasting kisses
To elevate the magic
To show him how invested
I was in sexing him completely
I imagined biting his bottom lips
Tasting the oozing blood
As he moaned sensationally
I commanded his handsomeness
I was an uncontainable beast
Ready to release explosive heat upon him
Travis Green Sep 2023
I yearn to experience
His steaming hot dreaminess
Like whiskey and coke
Like a hot cocoa concoction
My sensual mainstream love
My unmatched Casanova

He shimmers like a sphere
Of stunning sunshine
Like monumental spring-green trees
His electric eyes entice me
His assertive energy is everything

I have a firm fondness
For his ****** fuzz
His freshness and delectableness is
My guilty pleasure
His machoness is music to my ears

Traverse on an interior world expedition
To feel such a paralyzing infatuation
With sensationally enchanting manliness
He has me in an immeasurable ecstasy
As I gaze at the magnificence
Of his seamless supremeness
Like a cinema-quality TV screen

He is so enthralling to watch
So satisfying to dive
Into his inviting delightsomeness
I have an intense affection
For his treasured dimension
His superior exterior
His virile hair

So strung out on his abundance
Of succulent hunkiness
My vibrant, prized possession
I have crazy gay fantasies
About his appealingly attractive mantasticness

Have ferocious, high-voltage ******* with each other
Feel his swizzle stick slide deep
In my passion pit
Leave me speechless
**** the **** out of me
Fire up the heat
****** his hung fun rod
Deeper in my slick slit
Grip my voluptuous hips
Smack my seductive backside
Rule me, ****** me

Make me breathe rapidly
Make me moan ecstatically
Rock my homosexual world
Make me concede to him
Render me slathered
In his rich amount of sweet, tasty ****
Travis Green Jun 2023
His luscious scrumptious seductiveness
Appeals to me in the most resounding way
His fashionable flashy swagger
Makes me wanna bask
In his unfathomably splashy mantasticness

Caress his delectable treasured flesh
Taste the sensationally sizzling sweetness
Of his mad lit exquisiteness
My stylish, superb rarity
My fragrant, tasty-looking Samson

I revel in his **** velvet freshness
His unbeatable regal beauty
Cherish his perfect immersive universe
So sweet and lickalicious
Like homemade caramel whipped cream
Like cinnamon apple moonshine cake

His honeycomb yellow cheeks get to me
His biteable lips shine
Like a chocolate chewy marshmallow
His dark chocolate eyes
Take me away to a magically divine paradise

His thick, irresistible beard is so dope and noteworthy
My million-dollar macho hottie
A **** confectionery dessert
I yearn to be in the warmth of his wondrousness
Take in his rich, creamy dreaminess

Savor every perimeter of his perfection
Tall, elegant, and adorned in glory
He puts me in a trance
With his indestructible robustness
He infatuates me with brazen radiant greatness

He is my soul food to consume
My magical elixir that surges in my inner world
My photogenic prodigious Romeo
All the clean resplendent king I need
To be with me for months on end
Travis Green Oct 2023
I can feel the scorching chemistry
Between him and me
Locked in his enthralling love
Feeling his mad hot manliness
Surge through my veins

Incredibly in love
With his ruggedly appealing exquisiteness
He draws me nearer to him
To cling to him
Feel his sophisticated ****** hair
Gawp at his jaw-droppingly mesmerizing eyes

Kiss his deliciously tasty lips
Inhale his macho hotness
Move my body to the musical beat
Of his spectacular mantasticness
Keep me hooked on his pulchritudinous grooviness
Like ***** ballads, like fresh verses

Bask in his sinewy splashiness
So enthusiastically ecstatic
Blitzed on passion
Craving his intoxicating handsomeness
Take me in his sculpted arms
Sail through his sea of adoration
Venerate his sensationally stimulating sexiness

— The End —