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sayali Jun 2018
Through the
Peepholes of
Your eyes,
I can see
Your soul,
And I can't
Wait to love


-Sayali Parkar
sayali Dec 2018
My father's name means
'one who doesn't mourn'.

But  I  have seen him
Grieving for  his
Grim childhood, broken
Home, fading away of
His own father after
Prolonged sickness, his
widowed mother of
Twenty years and his
Four year old self.

Maybe sometimes your
Name isn't something
You are, but something
You should be.

-Sayali Parkar
Sayali Patil Jun 2016
This note is to you.
The you with swollen eyes,
the you with mascara dripped tears,
the you who has had a bad day,
the you who hasn't slept peacefully for nights,
the you who has lost hope.

I have read about Frida Kahlo and Helen Keller.
I have read the stories of these fierce women.
I don't know them, I've never met them.
But I've known you and met you,
And you are my hero.

Strong and unapologetic.
At the same time, elegant and true.

Don't you let anyone or anything
****** that title away from you.

Sayali Patil Jun 2016
There are some days, the dullest kind.
When the sun doesn't shine on you.

The sun rays,
they don't enter your soul or your room.
And the sky appears all dark and gloom.

Those are the kind of days, darling.
When you have to smile.
All your broken pieces, you must align.
And create your own sunshine.

sayali Jun 2018
I belong to
The gusty
Winds, that
Sweet nothings
To me,
                  I belong to
                  The red of
                  My roses
                  And the
                  Aroma they
I belong to
The soil, and
The way it
Nurtures and
Even accepts
The dead,
                    I belong to
                    The rain, which
                    Quenches the
                    Thirst of the
                     Parched soil,
I belong to
Him, who
Loves my
Soul, despite
Of the scars
Which sullied
It, and can kiss
Those scars
Back to whole.

// Belong

-Sayali Parkar
sayali Jul 2018
Sing me a song,
Of light that was
Always mine,

Sing me a song,
Of the little
Moments that weave
My life,

Sing me a song,
Of the burning
Embers of desires
Within me,

Sing me a song,
Of time, which
Will take forever
To end.

-Sayali Parkar
Sayali Patil Jun 2016
I wish you are wondering about me right now.
Because I sure as hell am.
You might be thinking I'm with someone else,
doing something cooler.
But instead, here I am making two cups of coffee.
I sit across the table drinking mine,
staring at the other, hoping someone would finish it.
I want that someone to be you.

I know there might be a million questions you want to ask me.
Yes, i hate physics.
No, I don't smoke like you used to.

I have a million questions for you too.
Do you love poetry as much as I do?
Are you a feminist like me?
Do you listen to Taylor Swift as much as I do?

There is a knot forming in my throat as I write this to you, but I gulp it down.
It feels like my heart has dropped down in my stomach.
I feel like running away from everything but I promise I won't.

I would be a mess if i don't meet you.
What a beautiful melody it would be if our heart strings intertwined.
How the light in your eyes will fill me with warmth and blush of your cheeks will colour my life.

Don't judge me yet,
Don't think we're not meant to be,
Because all I want to do is spend my life answering the questions that the wrinkles on your forehead ask.
And silencing your trembling lips.
And writing sonnets to the rhythm of your breath.  

And when we meet.
Our hearts will fit like a jigsaw puzzle,
And I'll be with you till the last piece of the puzzle fits in.

sayali Jun 2018
Let me fill
In your embrace,

Let your heart
Hum its beats
to me,

Let me hear
The sweetest

Let my chaos

-Sayali Parkar
sayali Jun 2018
          Letting go
Is the only
          Thing you
Can hold
          on to.

-Sayali Parkar
sayali Jun 2018
Your petals
won't be
curled in
for long,
they'll open,
you'll bloom.

-Sayali Parkar
sayali Aug 2018
Your love pattered,
On the earthen roofs
Of my heart, awakening
Everything within.

-Sayali Parkar
sayali Jun 2018
As long as
The wind
     The rain
      Wets the
      Parched soil,
The blades
Of grass,
Break the
      The roses
      The aromatic
Bees hover
Over the
       You love me
       By all your
I'll have
Stories to

// As long as

-Sayali Parkar

— The End —