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Alliesaurus Oct 2010
Sometimes, I can't decide:
how to feel, how to act, where to turn, if that red light really mattered.
That red light meant a lot of things to a lot of different people.
Whole foods, a whole lofestyle of bean sprouts and organic milk,
meant to inspire the mind, body, and soul. It only inspires my wallet to get up, shake it's head at me, and wander away for a better life, to spread it's whole grain soul in some other way, hoping for some more dough at another time.
To you, my mind was elsewhere. It always is. Hopping, skipping, jumping, screaming, sobbing, pleading for some rest but ignoring the obvious solution. Always is. The truth just sounds different.
To me, I didn't mean it, I promise. I never do. I rarely know what I want, when I want it, even though all I want to pretend to be is someone who knows the perfect ending to a day, perfect response to a statement, perfect way to elicit spontaneous vocabulary. That's it, really.
To that red light, it didn't know any better. It holds a rhythm, it's own rhythm, one that doesn't change regardless of the same sunset it sees every night, the people's cars who drive by (especially the Jewish ones), the running mothers and the hustling babies. It doesn't change for nobody, no how, no woman, no cry.
Fall 2010, freewrite.
Tryst May 2014
Such joy a day can bring to hearts of men,
The trees bedecked, in finest autumn hue;
A throng of merriment upon the heath,
The glistened lilac, wrought in morning dew.

The drummer boys, a-beating on their drums,
Old peddlers pushing carts, piled high with wares;
Beggars, worn and haggard, as their clothes,
And women, in their finest, catching stares.

The roaring cheers as horse parades go by,
Delivering up the bounty of the feast;
The VIPs a-riding in fine style,
Their open carriage, drawn behind the beast.

As one by one, they climb above the crowd,
Their speeches cheered, with jeers and playful boos;
Then swiftly swinging, onwards with their tour,
The crowds go jostling, chasing better views.

The butcher greets the VIPs with glee,
And demonstrates his mastery of meat;
With sharpened knives, a-gleaming in the sun,
His chopping rhythym keeps a steady beat.

As shadows lengthen, slowly crowds disperse,
With pondrous looks, a day to e'er remember;
And every year, its carnival once more,
Lest we forget, the fifth day of November.
Guy Fawkes and his fellow conspirators attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament.  They were sentenced to be hung, drawn and quartered.  In theory, this meant you were hung until dead, your body was dragged through the streets tied behind a horse, and then your body was hacked to pieces and scattered, so your soul could never rest.  Of course, there are always loopholes in the law.  They were instead, hung (momentarily), just enough to feel the noose tighten.  They were dragged (on a carriage) behind a horse, and thus were delivered in relatively good health to the quartering block.  Guy Fawkes was fortunate; so weak from torture, his neck broke during the hanging, killing him instantly.  His companions weren't so lucky.
The hands dove into my chest
and took hold
of my heart.
Gently cradling
the mutilation
letting the red
ooze and drip.
The frantic fingers
massaged with a
that came naturally
years of practice.
Now is the time
to replace
to refill.
To make my
rejuvenated root
to its own
sun stars moons Jan 2015
I think about how breathtakingly beautiful our world truly is
how many angles and raindrops have fallen among us
how the tallest of trees and smallest of pedals
sway together
colliding with the rhythym of our oceans
all of our oceans
all of our forests
all of our heartbeats
pulsing, colliding, swaying
I think about the rhythm of our planet and how lucky I am to rhyme
with all of it.
cleann98 Mar 2019
counting the  
of passing            
car seats.        
this has been sitting in my drafts kinda too long now and it took me a while looking at this to say that this is already a complete poem. i hope.

a little fitting right? sometimes the things we keep chasing all turn out as red lights in the end...
jeremy wyatt Jun 2012
Beating steady beating fast
ancient rhythym of Albion's Green
dweller in earth and lair and field
lying close in grey and green
Your tunnels are like winding veins
that thread this land and never rest
eternal footsteps mark your path
wrought deeply into Gaia's breast
Aztec Warrior Jan 2016

India Pale Ale nestled comfortably
in one hand,
Pilot G-2  .05 rested anxiously in the other.
The ale went down
like it was the end of the day-
smoothe, cold
and tasted like more.
The pen just looked at me,
daring me to let it
caress this page,
spread its inky passion
like the rainbow of colors
Jimi created with his guitar.
It reminds me of recent conversations
with Brian Greene
about strings, resonance
and vibration;
about the make up of the universe
and the meaning of symmetry.
Conversations about the harmonics
of Calabi-Yau shapes,
expecially as multi-dimensional
expressions of gravity,
time and space.
But I think
if you want to really understand
the elegance of the universe;
feel the fabric of the cosmos
and its loops of energy,
then you have to listen as
the stretching of Jimi's guitar strings
vibrate, bend and fold.
Jimi created rainbows
when he played.
And what are rainbows
but vibrating color in various shapes.
These colors, escaping his guitar
and melting into the vastness of space.
Some say Jimi was an alien.
He stayed awhile
but then slipped out again
into the 9th dimension.
But I think
he emerged from the resonance
in a Calabi-Yau hole of infinity
found in the notes of "9 to the Universe".
He then disappeared in the rhythym
of flaming color arising out from
"Voodoo Chile (Slight Return)".
Jimi would pick those strings
at Planck length speed
causing flames to leap
and go higher,
igniting the universe
with vibrations of blues
and riotous laughter.
Jimi knew how to fly
and amuse.
He knew how to laugh
and play jokes
on the universe!
He would make us smile,
keep time with our feet,
and 'kiss the sky'.
Finishing up the last of the Pale Ale,
putting down the Pilot pen,
I am ready to seek rainbows
and listen to the universe sing.

Aztec Warrior 1.28.16 (re-worked)
If you ever listened to Jimi Hendrix, you know what I mean
rhythym like that
makes the rain jealous
smile when you move
or its just not the same
rain makes my bones ache
and then i escape into sleep
i love you too... perhaps a bit too much
i just wanna wipe your tears
the way i wipe windows to stare out of them
on days like this when my own vision is foggy
Emanuel Apr 2015
Shoot Poetry
Come flow with me
Make nasty rhymes
In various Time
Neat with it
Or nasty on the grind
Like 2 Chainz
Without the mindless rhymes
Or be so sophistimacated
Like Plato or Socrates
Whatever, they're related
In terms of philosophy
What am I saying G?
I know not no never
Except for when I cease trying to be clever
And make rhymes like I am the go getter
Making up fantastic adventures like I am a snow setter
Or Canadian flow-better, nonsensical love letter
This poem is all those who know better
That poetry is a flavour of the loving center
In Canada we spell it centre
But no metter
I take my time and this rhymes dragging on like her wool sweater
*** poking out like ooh letter'
This cute little girly on the dance floor
Swiping shoe like woo-feathers
Dubstep two-step into hardstyle go-wither
Dance to rhythym of the eternal father
Going hard like go longer
This rhyme never ends
Never never.
So don't let me end it like I'm a n00b and this is Halo 2 or whatever
Making sense of my past in context that's better
This rhyme might end now but its now or never
And I choose the latter because I'm jazzy like Coltrane
I stole that line from someone but I don't remember
Nathan Wilson Nov 2015
We walk to the rhythym of the war drums.
Our blood pounds, hearts beating faster.
We offer sacrifices to death, our cruel master.
The souls of our enemies, the blood from their veins.
We deal out his judgement, rejoice in the pain.
We blaze a trail through the land, leaving naught in our wake.
The frail see us coming, their hearts quake.
Overcome by fear from the tales told of us.
Death's soldiers, his slaves, here we stand thus.
g clair Sep 2013
Just follow the bouncing ball! 1- 2- 3- 4- 1- 2-

Hey Mr. Moon (badunt dunt dunt)
shine a light on all of our blues (badunt dunt dunt)
we passed around the bottle of gueze (badunt dunt dunt)
while lookin' down at skuffied up shoes (badunt dunt dunt dunt dadee)

hey Mr. Moon-(badunt dunt dunt)
your gettin' on my hormonal rythym, my chemi hemi-spheri-cal schizm
reacting to your lunar deluge

so strike up the band (badunt dunt)
won't ya shine a light on all of us crazies
we love you 'cause your foolish and lazy
and you do it for attention and news(badunt dun dun, dumpedy dun)

::well your the orchestrated leader
of the criminally insane
and the bona fide heater
of the hearts on lovers lane
and what's it to ya anyway
just what all do ya gain
when ya push the tides around
and do a number on my brain::

Mr. Moon! (badunt dunt dunt)
I hope you come around real soon ( dadunt dunt dunt)
I'll try to write a song for the sun ( badunt dunt dunt)
who keeps a dark old rock in his fun ( badunt dunt dunt duntety)

Mr. Fool Moon ( Budunt dunt) un-
aware that you're a pain in my **** (badunt dunt)
keep the rhythym 'til we're over ****~(badunt dunt)
'cuz you know I like the light of your lump ( badunt dunt dunt bumpety oh)

Mr. Moon i love you,
Mr. Moon i love you,
Mr. Moon
i love you,
Mr. Moon.
broken rhythym
trying to explain my heart to her
splattered on the wall
shattered and splashed on all of my surroundings
shattered, splattered, all
but i am stuck resounding
the overcoming call
i wil love, i will love you,
for every day, for all,
i will not leave, i will not leave you,
not for a single
Let's walk
Spoken into a beam of light;
A lifted weight of eternal might.

Trancending toward expansion's core;
Awakened in whom we're carried for.

A uniting in breath at deep request;
As the rhythym of longing inside our chests,

Becomes a symphony of tympany pattering the sky,
Releasing intent in the dissention of I.

In the embrace of all, in Love, as one;
Truly then has prayer begun.
Its been a while... Since words could play rhythym to my mind
forgotten is a word remembered but left on a thought
So i could express the minds melody with vocabulary intelligence
But I havent changed the letters and vowels all lead to the same disaster
Just a keyboard scientist at work in his lab of chaos
Being the monster he zapped with too much knowledge and education
Rhymes dont make enough sense to say I TRIED
But beauty is a sentance away in the mind of a poet.......
And tears are streaming from the face of most....
Our words dictate the world most cant see or concieve....
To write is like a breath our words beat like a heart....
They cant be translated into anything but your understanding.....
but being understood is not why I write
This is my soul left somewhere with a pen or a spreadsheet....
I have nothing to hide..... Open book seems too cliche
But as you read the poems in my mind
I cant say you dont know the real person behind them......
Megan Sherman Feb 2017
She walks with rough and magic air
His words are rare, rare as care
Epiphanies dwell in there
His rhymes have rhythym, they strive, they dare
Begetting visions wild, rhapsodic
From tongue tender and melodic
Musings refined, methodic
Articulating life's magic
She sights him, stares, from the bar
Where has he been? Has he wandered far?
By what thing could he be marred?
She falls deep, she falls hard
A love as deep and wide as skies
Conveyed by the smile that's in his eyes
He has her, captured, mesmerized
As the molecules of passion are synthesized
How many times have Poets cried
Of Love like this, souls intertwined
Love, activity refined
Incessant, by no fence confined
Before she was waking to go blind
But now she sees; sees kindred kind
Out of the gutter he lifts her mind
Mutual treasures they do find
Still she walks with rough and magic air
To the beat of his words, rare as care
All joy and all love soars in there
You can sense it in his enchanting stare
switch Oct 2017
fickle minded hearts with angel halos above their heads / mouths dripping with the taste of cherry soda, vanilla and smoke / words are knives that slice through your head / and i warn you /

do not fall in love with a writer.

dead poet boys, art obsessed hoes with handstrokes syncing in the rhythym of a ****** battle / girls who became queens and all your we-could've-beens / these are the people who writes your name in white paper sheets / like infants with their toys.

do not fall in love with a writer.

they will paint you as a god / as a saviour / as a holy man / apricot kisses making you feel lighter / black ink impulse to remind you / that you are their lover /

for ****'s sake / do not fall in love with a writer.

they will make you the most beautiful human being that ever existed / until you can't stomach their vision anymore / you will get tired of them / they will get tired of worshipping you /

do not fall in love with a writer.

they let you see stars with your eyelids close / you're all over them because you are the cow and they are the moon / spilled milk, warm, slick and razor etches heart sick /  let me tell you /

do not fall in love with a writer.

just let them trace your outline for their plot because god you're hot / but you can't help yourself /

i said, do not fall in love with a writer.

you read their prose and you impose / break their trust / your love crumbles to dust / they made you feel alive / made you human / and you hate humanity / they made you love in forms of metric veins in your blood / god you should've believed me /

do not fall in love with a writer.

they will become obsess with the version they have dressed / mistakes erased like the cold november wind passed by a frozen lake /  meanwhile you fall in love with their quirks / they plan to be perfect–

do not fall in love with a writer!

and maybe they are perfect and you are their defect or vice versa / trembling fingers flick the beat of your aching heart / oh you feel torn to be apart /  let your molten gold and honey blood seep into the carpet / let them lick your feet / do not leave /

but your soul has departed /

i told you so / do not fall in love with a writer —

          do not fall in love with me.
I could never say with any definite blending bark of the tree so tall as its leaves came and went weighted by the initials carved in the bottom the tree was a walking museum of a flash of light in some eyes cast into shadow by the ends of the souls natted dread the rasta clicks in the rhythym beat from the metals laying land with the seed of origins and the orchard or orzine.
Cateye stand by weve 12 months we rise by and ive been getting around with out the knowledge of experience ****** into the bouncing in my step. Its bot correct its just a by-product in transet to its next place of electrolytic typset indifference in the salt on our tables
You said you could be strong but the song burnt the fingerprints and gave waste to the disbelievers the surmised belief based on the last guys who wrote for a purpose
To just shed the light by the prowess built into everything
Inside the code of creation the key shaped by the tumbler it holds the sailing of present to future
Gimme song when im low in the lowlands leading to the opening of the deserted place of the sparrow where the songbird whisical and musical and a makeshift place to rest in the spirits own place of birth in the river of times brook
I just dont want to die alone or insane
Please be a day where im able to just shed it in somber dissolution only held in hearts and heat heathens and the reasons not to even ask why you are drifting by in its own ploy in the world where
A decoy is employed by the mister of the vessel in portrait like a general posed in the annals of legacy left by the mapper whom sat the sky by the suns angled drive.....
Skins on the outside and the souls stays on in and when will i be able to just be ok posted up by the innovations and glimpse the effects have made the music never pretending never pretending
CNDY Jul 2018
You lure me in with a sweet melody.
You sing to me a tune of sweet nothings.
Your rhythm,  so deep, so passionate, makes me let down all my reservations.
I get lost in your music.
I'm singing along to your hypnotic chorus.
How can I not?

But wait, what was that?
New tempo. New melody. New rhythym.
I don't like this new song you're singing.
It has too many broken chords.

But even so,
I'm still singing along to the memory of the first song you sang.
I am trapped in it's hypnotic melody.
I'm stuck hoping one day you'll remember it too and sing with me.
Till then, I shall sing.
sneaking away
our paths meet again
with every moment,
wondering when ,
the dance that consumes
the clothes  we shed
neath stars and  moon
we ******* rattle beds

cut jump up start living
every body get down
dark rythym the moon sits high
ive been bitten
everybody get down dark rythym

memories that flicker off
the scent she gives
like liquor shots
the little lids
of peppermint schnapps
so ******* hot
when she screams
don't ever stop

cut jump up start living
every body
get down
dark rhythym
the moon sits high
ive been bitten
everybody get down dark rythym

alternate original verse..........

memories go by flicker in the candle light
day rises into night
cant fight what I feel inside
blood starts to boil
my vision shakes
how much more lives will I take

— The End —